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Please note that this category is organized according to several differnet sub-categories. Many entries will appear within multiple subcategories.  
Please note that this category is organized according to several differnet sub-categories. Many entries will appear within multiple subcategories.  

Revision as of 15:03, 12 April 2011

Please note that this category is organized according to several differnet sub-categories. Many entries will appear within multiple subcategories.

For a list of all in a single table, please see the table at the bottom of this page.


Bosco is a rewrite of the popular Bugzilla defect tracking software in PHP. It is database-independent, and aims to be easy to maintain and modify. It also has an API to allow external applications to work with its data.
'Bug-A-Boo' is a bug reporting and tracking system that runs on any Web server that supports CGI. It can handle any number of projects, users, and bug classifications, and is really flexible in their setup. It features fast fulltext search, query storage, themes, and bug watches. It uses the tdbengine as a database backend.
Bugdar is a bug tracking system that is meant to replace other solutions that are slow and cumbersome. It features a completely comprehensive permissions and usergroups system that allows for extremely flexible control over what users can access. To ensure that your server never lags, portions of Bugdar's data is cached to both reduce load and increase speed. If you want to change any aspect of Bugdar's appearance, all you have to do is edit the semantic XHTML templates or one of the CSS definitions that control the entirety of Bugdar. One of the unique features in Bugdar is the "automations" system. This allows administrators to define a macro that will change any field in a bug and then add a comment with the click of a button. This makes marking a bug closed, fixed, and leaving a comment when a bug is done very easy. Other features include: custom fields, email notifications, Atom syndication, historical logging, "favorite" bugs, voting, and internationalization support.
Bugtrack is a Web-based bug tracking system written in Perl. It supports multiple users and projects with multiple components and versions, provides e-mail notification, and should work with any DBI compliant database. The program was designed to be more prtable and have a simpler interface than programs like bugzilla or jitterbug. It should also have an easy setup, since there are only 6 required files.
'calltree' is a static call tree generator for C programs. It parses a collection of input files and builds a graph that represents the static call structure of the files.
'Carp::Clan' reports errors from the perspective of the caller of a "clan" of modules, similar to "Carp.pm" itself. But instead of giving it a number of levels to skip on the calling stack, you give it a pattern to characterize the package names of the "clan" of modules which will never be blamed for any error. So these modules stick together like a "clan"; any error will be blamed on the "outsider" script or modules not belonging to the "clan".
Double Choco Latte
Double Choco Latte is a GNU Enterprise package that provides basic project management capabilities, time tracking on tasks, call tracking, email notifications, online documents, statistical reports and a report engine. DCL assists in project management by providing work orders and call center tickets. It can be used for tracking project history and other statistics. This web-based system is one component of the GNU Enterprise (GNUe) collection of business-related software tools.
'EnterTrack' is a web-based artifact tracking and management system. It provides large organizations with complete tracking of artifacts (artifacts can be problems, bugs, requests, projects, etc.), group collaboration for artifact management, and status reports for high-level performance metrics.
Eventum is a user-friendly and flexible issue tracking system that can be used by a support department to track incoming technical support requests, or by a software development team to quickly organize tasks and bugs.
Originally developed for the Psi project, Flyspray is an easy to use bug tracking system for those who don't require all the complexities of something like Bugzilla. It supports multiple users, file attachments, and Jabber notifications.

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4tH is a Forth compiler with a little difference. Instead of the standard Forth engine it features a conventional compiler. 4tH is a very small compiler that can create bytecode, C-embeddable bytecode, standalone executables, but also works fine as a scripting language. It supports about 95% of the ANS Forth CORE wordset and features conditional compilation, pipes, files, assertions, forward declarations, enumerations, structures, suspended execution, recursion, include files, etc. It comes with an RPN calculator, line editor, preprocessor, compiler, decompiler, C-source generator, a virtual machine, and a multitasking environment.
ACOVEA (Analysis of Compiler Optimizations via an Evolutionary Algorithm) implements a genetic algorithm to find the "best" options for compiling programs with the GCC C and C++ compilers. "Best" is defined as those options that produce the fastest executable program from a given source code. Acovea can also be extended to test other programming languages and non-GCC compilers.
An IDE for the Arduino microcontroller. Arduino is a free software electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. This IDE allows for program writing, code verfication, compiling, and uploading to the Arduino development board. Libraries and example code will also be installed.
BASM is a user friendly and easy to use assembler for The Basic Computer, capable of creating the object, list and hex file and giving detailed error reports. It's more of academic use for students who wish to understand how does The Basic Computer actually work.
bas55 is an editor and interpreter for the Minimal BASIC programming language, as defined by the ECMA-55 standard.
bigFORTH is a native code Forth for x86 processors. It is 32 bit and complies fully with ANS Forth. Tools include a multitasker; source-able decompiler; source level debugger (even using optimized macros) with single step and trace, and as many breakpoints as you want; post mortem dump and return stack trace; and a Pentium-MMX-assembler/disassembler. MINOS is a portable GUI library, written in object oriented Forth, and includes the GUI development editor Theseus. It is on a separate release schedule from bigFORTH; 0.9.8 beta of MINOS was released 2002-06-23.
Bigloo is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. It relies on an optimizing compiler from Scheme to C. Bigloo enables connections between Scheme code and C code. It proposes many extensions to Scheme such as a regular parser compiler, an lalr parser compiler, pattern matching, an object layer, etc.
Binutils includes tools capable of creating and managing binary program files, including handling object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. This is a GNU package.
Bisonc++ is a parser generator like bison, but it generates C++ code Bisonc++ is a general-purpose parser generator that converts a grammar description for an LALR(1) context-free grammar into a C++ class to parse that grammar. Once you are proficient with bisonc++, you may use it to develop a wide range of language parsers, from those used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages. Bisonc++ is highly comparable to the program bison++, written by Alain Coetmeur: all properly-written bison++ grammars ought to be convertible to bisonc++ grammars after very little or no change. Anyone familiar with bison++ or its precursor, bison, should be able to use bisonc++ with little trouble. You need to be fluent in using the C++ programming in order to use bisonc++. Bisonc++ expands the concepts initially implemented in bison and bison++, offering a cleaner setup of the generated parser class. The parser class is derived from a base-class, mainly containing the parser's token- and type-definitions as well as several member func- tions which should not be modified by the programmer. To create the program from its sources, either descend into the bisonc++ directory, or unpack a created archive, cd into its top-level directory and follow the instructions provided in the INSTALL file found there. Alternatively, binary ready-to-install versions of the Bisonc++ parser generator are available in verious GNU/Linux distributions, in particular Debian. See, e.g., https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=bisonc%2B%2B&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all Gitlab's web-pages for Bisonc++ are here: https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/bisoncpp/
Boehm garbage collector
A conservative garbage collector which can be used as a garbage collecting replacement for C malloc or C++ new and as a malloc leak detector.

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Database load balancing class for PHP applications who need to deal with various MySQL servers. The class will properly detect write queries and will try the next available server(s) until running out of connections. Multi server connection handling in progress in order to allow running transactions in many servers at the same time.
BasApp is a software for friendly creation of web applications, based on your own database structure. Once BasApp is installed in a webserver, the developer can do all the job with a web browser, same as final user.
Cloudgizer is a tool for building web applications as Apache modules in C language enhanced with simple markup, with emphasis on performance, small-footprint, and more productive and safer programming in C. It combines the ease of scripting with the power of C, improving the resource utilization for cloud applications. The programmer writes simple markup language mixed with C code, which is then translated entirely into C code and compiled natively as Apache module. The resulting application is fast and takes less memory, as there are no interpreters or virtual machines. Features include easy markups to use MariaDB database, HTML input parameters, cookies, simpler outputting of web pages, files storage and manipulation, encryption, encoding, program execution, web calls, safer and easier string manipulation etc. - the list is too long to place in one sentence. Overall Cloudgizer does a lot of stuff for you that you'd otherwise need to do yourself. A memory garbage collection system and memory overwrite/underwrite detection comes in handy for program stability. The same goes for string and memory handling markups to help write applications that won't crash. Also included is an application packaging system and an automated application installer. This makes rollout of products and release cycle more manageable. Cloudgizer source files have extension .v. Cloudgizer pre-compiler (cld program) will turn your .v files into .c files, ready for compilation as pure C programs. Then, your program will be compiled and linked with Apache web server on RH/Centos systems. It links with Apache as an Apache module in a "prefork" configuration. It does the work of communicating with Apache, and it makes it easier to write high-performance/small-footprint web programs in C. Cloudgizer is not designed to be thread-safe as it works in a "prefork" configuration of Apache. You can also build command-line programs. The same program can serve as both command-line utility and a web program linked with Apache. Cloudgizer works with RedHat/Centos 7 operating system, Apache web server and mariaDB database.
Crypton is a software framework for remote storage, where the remote server has no knowledge of what is being stored. The content is encrypted client-side before it reaches the server. The framework is designed to be easy for application developers to use, without needing experience in encryption.
DynORM is an open source project which develop a new ORM (object-relational mapping) that can work with relational data (tables and its records) which structure (set of fields, its type, set of constraints etc) can be changed in run-time. “Dyn” for that reasons stands for “dynamic”). DynORM is written on C# and available with its source code (and the demo program that comes with it too). DynORM is a very young and small ORM system, but it has the following advantages: it allows change structure of tables it work with at run-time easily; it allows work with databases without any configuration files; it can work with different RDBMS engines (since it's very young project at the moment it can work with MSSQL and PostgreSQL. Support of other RDBMS will be added in few nearest relases); although it doesn't need any configuration file which describes structure of tables it works with, it's possible to retrieve structure of data and data itself and serialize/deserialize it to/from xml; just because DynORM can serialize/deserialize structure of tables and its records and because DynORM supports several RDBMS it can be used to easily deploy datastructure among servers with different database engines. Serialized structure of tables described in CLR datatypes. Mapping to appropriate datatypes used in every particular RDBMS done by DynORM.
GNUe Application Server
GNU Enterprise is developing tools to build portable database applications, and a complete ERP system building on these tools. The GNUe Application Server (AppServer) is the core of the n-tier variant of the GNU Enterprise system. To the front end (be it GNUe Forms, GNUe Reports or any other tool), it provides user-definable business objects with arbitrary fields and methods. While transforming access to those fields and methods into database communication and calling of scripts, it cares about stability, security, speed, and consistency.
GNUe Common Library
GNUe Common Library is the basis for the GNUe tools, such as Forms, Reports, Application Server, and Designer. It implements a database-abstraction layer that provides support for most major databases. A builtin XML-to-Object parser and Object-to-XML marshaller are used by Forms, Reports, and Designer to save and read Forms/Report definitions to and from an XML file. It also defines and implements an RPC abstraction layer that will allow server processes to define their public methods once and have them available XML-RPC and Pyro clients.
GNUe Forms
GNUe Forms is a generator for data aware user interfaces with support for different platforms and data sources. From an XML file containing both the layout definition and the program logic required, GNUe Forms generates native interactive data entry screens for a number of user interface frameworks, including GNOME, KDE, and a curses based text interface. GNUe Forms can interact with all data sources supported by GNUe Common, which includes GNUe AppServer, SQLite, MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, MaxDB, or plain CSV files.
GNUe Navigator
GNUe Navigator is a menuing system for GNUe Forms and Reports.
GNUe Reports
GNUe Reports is a platform and output-independent reporting system. It reads an XML-based report definition and generates arbitrary XML output that can further be translated into any format for which there is an adapter. GNUe Reports currently has outputs for Text, HTML, Label Stock, and CSV -- with PDF, Postscript, and Gnumeric/Excel formats in the works. Reports can output directly to a file, as an email attachment, to a printer, or to a HylaFax server.

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will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
AdLint is a source code static analyzer. It can point out insecure or nonportable code fragments, and can measure various quality metrics of the source code. It (currently) can analyze source code compliant with ANSI C89 / ISO C90 and partly ISO C99.
The Assembly Language Debugger (ALD) differs from GDB in that it is specifically designed to debug programs at the assembly level. It is often difficult and frustrating for assembly programmers to use GDB to debug their work. ALD aims to provide everything an assembly programmer needs to debug their code.
antiparser is a fuzz testing and fault injection API. Fuzz testing has application as a security research methodology and for software quality assurance purposes. The purpose of antiparser is to provide an API that can be used to model network protocols and file formats by their composite data types. Once a model has been created, the antiparser has various methods for creating random sets of data that deviates in ways that will ideally trigger software bugs or security vulnerabilities.
BASH Debugger
BASH Debugger provides a patched BASH that enables better debugging support as well as improved error reporting. It also contains the most comprehensive source code debugger for BASH that has been written. It can be used as a springboard for other experimental features (such as adding hashtables), since development is maintained openly and developers are encouraged to participate.
The Benchmark::Timer class allows you to time portions of code conveniently, as well as benchmark code by allowing timings of repeated trials. It is perfect for when you need more precise information about the running time of portions of your code than the Benchmark module will give you, but don't want to go all out and profile your code.
The goal of bug-buddy is to make reporting bugs very simple and easy for the user, while making the reports themselves more useful and informative for the developer. Features include the ability to obtain a stack trace from a core file or crashed application and to determine versions of packages installed on your system. The program can be started both from gmc and from the crash dialog. It supports GNOME, KDE, Debian, and Ximian bug tracking systems.
This is a candidate for deletion: It is marked as decommissioned. Drw (talk) 08:59, 18 July 2018 (EDT) The BugPort system is a Web-based system to manage tasks and defects throughout the software development process. It is written with the PHP language, using its object-oriented capabilities, and is in use by INCOGEN for internal management of software development and QA.
Automates the compile/test cycle required by most software projects to validate code changes. It builds and tests the tree each time a change is committed, providing status updates through a Web page or other protocols.
Minimal unit testing framework for the C programming language.

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From fastrgv, a combination of Portal and Sokoban, AdaGate is a great example of OpenGL programming using the Ada language. While exploring a remote south-seas island you make a startling historical discovery. But before you can report your findings, an operational stargate transports you into a curious sequence of dungeons. Your escape will require the logical rearrangement of Zero Point Modules (ZPMs), that can roll in only two directions. Escape each level and find your way back to a beautiful lake on the surface. Uses fully modern OpenGL methods in Ada using textures, shaders and uniforms that achieves version 3.3 core profile contexts in a way that is sufficiently mainstream that it easily compiles and runs on Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OS-X systems. This project serves as a testbed for learning the complexities of modern OpenGL and GLSL. Please read "sourceCode.txt", then download the 7Z file at https://sourceforge.net/projects/adagate/ for all source and runtime files. Simply unzip in your ./Downloads/ directory and run. No installation required.
Allegro is multi-platform game programming library for C/C++ developers distributed freely, that provides many functions for graphics, sounds, player input (keyboard, mouse and joystick) and timers. It also provides fixed and floating point mathematical functions, 3d functions, file management functions, compressed datafile and a GUI. It can also be used for other types of multimedia programming.
Alpy provides a Python binding to the C Allegro game programming library. This binding is mostly focused with providing a basic "raw" interface to the library, trying to preserve most of the Python API similar to the C version to ease the transition to C programmers.
Whether you are a fan of science fiction, a space–science enthusiast, hobbyist, photographer, gamer or a patron of grass–roots libre arts and technology, you are sure to find the first successful images from the surface of Mars highly captivating. These mind blowing images were taken by NASA's Viking landers during the highly ambitious, billion–dollar mission first launched in 1975. However, many images were nearly lost to history due to magnetic tape deterioration and archaic proprietary technology. With NASA's blessing, our team developed the technology to recover many of these images. This research tool was part of the design phase of our parent project, Avaneya — our upcoming libre cerebral science fiction game for the GNU operating system set on Mars, described in the words of Richard Stallman as an exciting, pioneering project. Originally an internal research tool, overwhelming public interest compelled us to release the technology on this DVD for all. Now everyone can relive the original breathtaking experience that captured the world's attention and marked the first successful moment in history that humanity saw Mars — not as a distant, impersonal, celestial body, beheld through a telescope for centuries, but as a tangible and alien world well within its reach.
BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, parallel ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image-processing and signal-processing tools.
Castle Game Engine
Castle Game Engine is a cross-platform 3D and 2D game engine for Object Pascal (FPC and Lazarus). - It supports many formats for game assets, including X3D, VRML, Collada, Spine JSON, MD3 and others. - Many graphic effects are possible, including bump mapping, shadows, shaders, mirrors, screen effects. - Animation, collision detection, 3D sound and more features are available. - An extensible system of 3D objects can be used, with out-of-the-box levels, items, intelligent creatures and more. - The engine is portable -- for desktop, mobile, web plugin. The engine is also used to develop view3dscene - a full-featured X3D / VRML browser and a viewer for many other 3D and 2D game formats.
Cinetraverse is the cross-platform engine to play and solve verses in Cinetraverse format. A Verse is a point-and-click-and-read puzzle that consists of the screens with looped videos called Places, arranged in concentric circles. The player's goal is to reach the center of a Verse, the Place that is hidden there. At the beginning, all Places are hidden, except for one at the outermost circle where the player starts. In order to reach the next circle, all Places at the current one must be found. The player finds Places by moving to them through Portals. To unlock a Portal, the player must choose the right combination of Things to complete the Phrases. Portals and Things are scattered across Places, each Thing is taken once but can be used many times. A demo verse is included as an example to create and share new verses using media- and .json-files, without recompiling the engine: simply copy the verse's dir into 'verses' dir and choose it from the main menu. Localization support for text and voice is built-in.
ClanLib is a medium level development kit. At its lowest level, it provides a platform independent way of dealing with display, sound, input, networking, files, threading, etc. Beyond that ClanLib builds a generic game development framework, giving you easy handling of resources, network object replication, graphical user interfaces (GUI) with theme support, game scripting and more. It lets game developers avoid lowlevel trivials like setting up a directdraw window, sound mixing, reading image files, etc. All those things are simplified into object oriented classes and function calls. ClanLib uses a resource system to keep track of images, fonts, samples and music. It supports Targa, PCX, JPEG, PNG and BMP for images; wave files for sample; and Ogg Vorbis and MikMod for music. The resource system separates physical data formats from your code, and makes it easy to make themes and other plugins for your game. All classes in clanlib focus on making simple interfaces that are customizeable and expandable. This keeps your game code clean and simple, but still lets you to do advanced work. ClanLib is object oriented, which lets you operate at both high and low levels, minimizing redundant code but still letting you do things not supported by clanlib's high level APIs.
A 2D game engine that is easy to use and student focused
DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms. DOSBox has already been ported to many different platforms, such as Windows, BeOS, GNU/Linux, MacOS X... DOSBox also emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics, a SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card for excellent sound compatibility with older games... You can "re-live" the good old days with the help of DOSBox, it can run plenty of the old classics that don't run on your new computer!

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The Dezyne language has formal semantics expressed in mCRL2 developed at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). Dezyne requires that every model is finite, deterministic and free of deadlocks, livelocks, and contract violations. This achieved by means of the language itself as well as by builtin verification through model checking. This allows the construction of complex systems by assembling independently verified components.
Hybrid Logics Model Checker
This is a C implementation of model checking algorithms for hybrid logics MCLite and MCFull. The model checker requires a Kripke structure for HL expressed as an XML file and a formula. It checks in which worlds, if any, of the provided model the formula holds.
Virtual Machine Software creation entity


ACDK is a development framework with a similar target of Microsoft's .NET or Sun's ONE platform, but instead of using Basic/C# or Java as programming language, it bases C++ as core implementation language. ACDK implements the standard library packages, including acdk::lang, acdk::lang::reflect, acdk::util, acdk::io, acdk::text (including regexpr), acdk::net, acdk::sql, acdk::xml and more, as well as technologies like flexible Allocator/Garbage Collection, Threading and Unicode. With the extensions of ACDK C++ objects are available for reflection, serialization, aspect oriented class attributes and [D]ynamic [M]ethod [I]nvocation. This DMI act as an universal object oriented call interface to connect C++ with scripting languages (Java, Perl, Tcl, Python, Lisp, Visual Basic, VBScript) and standard component technologies (CORBA, COM+).
The Aap program executes recipes. It is a kind of super-make program. In a recipe you describe how to perform a certain task. Like a Makefile it contains dependencies and build commands. Additionally, many powerful features are included, so that you can use a recipe to:
  • Build a program by just specifying the program name and the source files
  • Maintain a web site (the A-A-P site is generated and uploaded with a recipe)
  • Download the latest version of files
  • Distribute files to several servers at once
  • Obtain a module from CVS
  • Commit changes to CVS; add and remove files automatically
  • Generate and filter files
  • Build several variants and on multiple platforms with little effort
The A-A-P GUI IDE is a framework in which separate tools can work together. Like any other Integrated Development Environment it supports:
  • Creating a project
  • Building and executing a program
  • Browsing files
  • Debugging a program while displaying source code
  • Framework Agide is not a monolitic application. Separate tools can be plugged in. Thus you are not forced to use one editor. Each tool implements part of the plugin interface. This interface makes it possible for a tool to communicate with other tools, without the need to know how the other tools work. For example, an editor can set a breakpoint in a file, without knowing what kind of debugger is being used. And the debugger can show the PC position in a source file, without knowing what editor is being used.
Alexis Makes (amake)
AMake is a make tool which uses powerful pattern transformation enabling a single makefile to automatically handle the compilation of any level of directory hierachy and have the possibility to add files in a project without having to modify even a character of the makefile thus saving a lot of time.
Anise helps you to implement a common mechanism for executing all automated tasks for all your software projects. The usage scenario is a developer (or a team) working on many different projects with different frameworks and different tools. Anise can streamline such a chaos of tools. Typical tasks you would add to an anise-aware project can be: - generating documentation - creating packages - handling version information, e.g. print it in the manual - creating a homepage automatically built from the available version information, the packages, the documentation and so on - deploying this homepage to a web server - unit testing - ... or whatever your project needs Anise provides a Python based infrastructure, while you will need to implement some parts in order to adapt the behavior to your project's needs. Anise contains some ready-to-use implementations for some tasks (like building binaries via qmake, debian and some other packages, svn interaction, doxygen, ...), so you can directly use it without non-trivial additional coding to do all kinds of stuff, including generating documentations, packages and a homepage. However, chances are good that you will have to help out with some own implementations. Your part as a project developer is to create a *project description* file, which contains all project metadata and custom implementations of some tasks, and add this file to your project.
Ant is a Java based build tool, similar to make, but with better support for the cross platform issues involved with developing Java applications. Instead of a model where the tool is extended with shell based commands, it is extended using Java classes. Instead of writing shell commands, the configuration files are XML based calling out a target tree where various tasks get executed. Each task is run by an object which implements a particular Task interface.
From README: asdf is a CLI tool that can manage multiple language runtime versions on a per-project basis. It is like gvm, nvm, rbenv & pyenv (and more) all in one! Simply install your language's plugin! Ballad of asdf Once upon a time there was a programming language There were many versions of it So people wrote a version manager for it To switch between versions for projects Different, old, new. Then there came more programming languages So there came more version managers And many commands for them I installed a lot of them I learnt a lot of commands Then I said, just one more version manager Which I will write instead So, there came another version manager asdf version manager - https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf A version manager so extendable for which anyone can create a plugin To support their favourite language No more installing more version managers Or learning more commands
AutoCodeGenerator is a tool which is able to generate other programs that insert, delete, or update database records for a number of different database programs. Programs can be generated in Python, bash, ksh, Java, C, or other languages; the package also generates code for various database servers via a plain text file.
'Autobuild' processes output from building software, primarily focused on packages using Autoconf and Automake, and generates HTML summaries. The output includes project name, version, build host types, build host name, and indication of success or failure. The output is indexed in many ways to simplify browsing.
Extensible package of m4 macros that produce portable shell scripts to automatically configure software source code packages. These scripts can adapt the packages to many kinds of UNIX-like systems with minimal manual user intervention. Autoconf requires GNU M4. You must install GNU M4 1.4.5 or later before configuring Autoconf, so that Autoconf's configure script can find it. The configuration scripts produced by Autoconf are self-contained, so their users do not need to have Autoconf or GNU M4 installed.

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APK Editor Studio
APK Editor Studio is an IDE-like software to explore and modify Android application packages (APK). It provides lots of modules for both simple editing and major reverse-engineering tasks.


  • Icon Editor
  • Title Editor
  • Image Editor
  • Code Editor
  • Android Explorer
  • Permission Editor
  • Manifest Editor
  • Resource Inspector
  • APK Signer
  • APK Optimizer
  • APK Installer
  • APK Cloner
An IDE for the Arduino microcontroller. Arduino is a free software electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. This IDE allows for program writing, code verfication, compiling, and uploading to the Arduino development board. Libraries and example code will also be installed.
'AsmEdit' is an editor and IDE written in assembler. It includes source highlighting and support for external helper programs for compiling and debugging. It contains word processing features such as paragraphing and spelling in a binary of less than 20,000 bytes.
Artistic Style is a fast and small reindenter and reformatter of C, C++ and Java source codes. Using a series of filters, astyle takes code written in one editor and automatically reindents and reformats the source code files to eliminate unneeded spaces and tabs and standardize the look of the code.
Antifeature: Tracking comment

Atom will by default send “anonymous” usage data to Google Analytics (operating system, Atom version, screen resolution, …). To change this, go to Preferences, and "Core" settings. Change "Send Telemetry data to the Atom Team" to No (Do not send any telemetry data).
Atom is a text and source code editor based on Web technologies, specifically the Chromium project. Atom has a modular design that is integrated around a minimal core, which makes it very flexible and extensible. Atom is based on Electron (formerly known as Atom Shell), a framework that enables cross-platform desktop applications using Chromium and Node.js.
bas55 is an editor and interpreter for the Minimal BASIC programming language, as defined by the ECMA-55 standard.
Beremiz is an integrated development environment for machine automation. It is Free Software, conforming to IEC-61131 among other standards. It relies on open standards to be independent of the targeted device, and let you turn any processor into a PLC. Beremiz includes tools to create HMI, and to connect your PLC programs to existing supervisions, databases, or fieldbuses.
Bless is a fast and customizable hex editor written in GTK#. It efficiently handles very large files and supports multiple undo-redo actions. There are also plans for the addition of a Lua-based scripting language for binary file manipulation.
Bluefish is a powerful editor targeted towards programmers and webdevelopers, with many options to write websites, scripts and programming code. Bluefish supports many programming and markup languages.
Cobol-mode is an Emacs mode for editing COBOL code. It features syntax highlighting for most modern COBOL dialects, indentation, code skeletons, rulers and basic formatting functions. It works with both fixed and free source format code.

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4tH is a Forth compiler with a little difference. Instead of the standard Forth engine it features a conventional compiler. 4tH is a very small compiler that can create bytecode, C-embeddable bytecode, standalone executables, but also works fine as a scripting language. It supports about 95% of the ANS Forth CORE wordset and features conditional compilation, pipes, files, assertions, forward declarations, enumerations, structures, suspended execution, recursion, include files, etc. It comes with an RPN calculator, line editor, preprocessor, compiler, decompiler, C-source generator, a virtual machine, and a multitasking environment.
A Bingo
Rails A/B testing. One minute to install. One line to set up a new A/B test. One line to track conversion.
A+ is a powerful and efficient programming language. It has a rich set of functions and operators, a modern GUI with many widgets and automatic synchronization of widgets and variables, asynchronous execution of functions associated with variables and events, dynamic loading of user compiled subroutines, and many other features. Execution is by a rather efficient interpreter. It is mainly used in a computationally-intensive business environment, but many critical applications written in A+ have withstood the demands of real world developers over many years. It is written in an interpreted language, so applications tend to be portable.
ACDK is a development framework with a similar target of Microsoft's .NET or Sun's ONE platform, but instead of using Basic/C# or Java as programming language, it bases C++ as core implementation language. ACDK implements the standard library packages, including acdk::lang, acdk::lang::reflect, acdk::util, acdk::io, acdk::text (including regexpr), acdk::net, acdk::sql, acdk::xml and more, as well as technologies like flexible Allocator/Garbage Collection, Threading and Unicode. With the extensions of ACDK C++ objects are available for reflection, serialization, aspect oriented class attributes and [D]ynamic [M]ethod [I]nvocation. This DMI act as an universal object oriented call interface to connect C++ with scripting languages (Java, Perl, Tcl, Python, Lisp, Visual Basic, VBScript) and standard component technologies (CORBA, COM+).
ACL2 is a mathematical logic and a mechanical theorem prover to help you reason in the logic (which is a subset of applicative Common Lisp). The theorem prover is an ``industrial strength version of the Boyer-Moore theorem prover, Nqthm. Users can build models of all kinds of computing systems in ACL2, just as in Nqthm, even though the formal logic is Lisp. Once you've built an ACL2 model of a system, you can run it and use ACL2 to prove theorems about the model.
Access user Class
Access_user Class is an easy to use system for protecting pages and register users. They main features are: User-login, user registration, user update, remember login information, page protection, forgotten password recovery, mail based account activation and multi language message reporting and since the latest versions: maintain extra user profile information, access levels, a limited (safe) admin panel, manual account activation and an improved password check. The class is powered by MySQL and PHP sessions. Inside the package are examples for all primary methods.
Action Mailer
Action Mailer is a framework for designing email-service layers. These layers are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords, welcome wishes on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that requires a written notification to either a person or another system. Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email, such as allowing a weblog to accept new posts from an email (which could even have been sent from a phone).
Action Query
jQuery and ActiveRecord, sitting in a tree...
Active Resources
Active Resource attempts to provide a coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services. It follows the same philosophy as Active Record, in that one of its prime aims is to reduce the amount of code needed to map to these resources.
Acts as Audited
acts_as_audited is an Active Record plugin that logs all modifications to your models in an audits table. It uses a polymorphic association to store an audit record for any of the model objects that you wish to have audited. The audit log stores the model that the change was on, the ââ¬Åactionâ⬠(create, update, destroy), a serialzied hash of the changes, and optionally the user that performed the action.

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AGFL is a parser generator for natural languages. It can cope with ambiguity, which is a must for natural languages, has a lexicon system and is quite fast. If you don't know what to think of it, think "yacc" (or "bison") without shift-reduce conflicts.
bfloop is an interpreter for the BLooP and FLooP programming languages described in the book Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. BLooP is a language that has only bounded loops, in other words before you enter a loop you have to give a fixed upper limit on the number of times to run the body, and you can’t change the limit while in the loop. It is impossible for a BLooP program to run forever; it always quits with an output in some finite time, an upper limit for which is predictable in advance. Functions that BLooP can compute are called primitive recursive functions, and it turns out that not all functions are primitive recursive. The FLooP language is the same as BLooP with the addition of an unbounded loop (MU-LOOP). FLooP can calculate anything your computer can calculate, but you cannot say in general whether a FLooP program will eventually terminate.
Binutils includes tools capable of creating and managing binary program files, including handling object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. This is a GNU package.
BitPacket is a Python module to represent bit field structures in an easy object-oriented way. BitPacket provides three classes: BitField, BitStructure and BitVariableStructure which represent simple bit fields, and fixed and variable structures of bit fields respectively. BitStructure and BitVariableStructure are BitField themselves and all of them can be used together in order to build packets. That is, we can add any BitField subclass into a BitStructure or BitVariableStructure.
C to C++ converter
This packages is a set of Python scripts that perform each stage of code conversion from C to C++. First, header files are converted into classes and declarations become members. Then, references to variables and functions are transformed into references to attributes and methods of classes. Additional tools provided include a generator/updater of header files, and a trans-directory mover with update of include statements.
Composing and deciphering C (or C++) declarations or casts, aka ‘‘gibberish.’’
Cloudgizer is a tool for building web applications as Apache modules in C language enhanced with simple markup, with emphasis on performance, small-footprint, and more productive and safer programming in C. It combines the ease of scripting with the power of C, improving the resource utilization for cloud applications. The programmer writes simple markup language mixed with C code, which is then translated entirely into C code and compiled natively as Apache module. The resulting application is fast and takes less memory, as there are no interpreters or virtual machines. Features include easy markups to use MariaDB database, HTML input parameters, cookies, simpler outputting of web pages, files storage and manipulation, encryption, encoding, program execution, web calls, safer and easier string manipulation etc. - the list is too long to place in one sentence. Overall Cloudgizer does a lot of stuff for you that you'd otherwise need to do yourself. A memory garbage collection system and memory overwrite/underwrite detection comes in handy for program stability. The same goes for string and memory handling markups to help write applications that won't crash. Also included is an application packaging system and an automated application installer. This makes rollout of products and release cycle more manageable. Cloudgizer source files have extension .v. Cloudgizer pre-compiler (cld program) will turn your .v files into .c files, ready for compilation as pure C programs. Then, your program will be compiled and linked with Apache web server on RH/Centos systems. It links with Apache as an Apache module in a "prefork" configuration. It does the work of communicating with Apache, and it makes it easier to write high-performance/small-footprint web programs in C. Cloudgizer is not designed to be thread-safe as it works in a "prefork" configuration of Apache. You can also build command-line programs. The same program can serve as both command-line utility and a web program linked with Apache. Cloudgizer works with RedHat/Centos 7 operating system, Apache web server and mariaDB database.
'code2html' converts source code to syntax highlighted HTML. It may be called from the command line or as a CGI script. It can also handle include commands in HTML files. Currently supports: Ada 95, C, C++, diff files, gpasm, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Makefile, Pascal, Perl, Python, shell, SQL, AWK, M4, and Groff.
Dia2Code is a small utility to make code from a Dia Diagram, and eases the programmer's work by generating the structure of the classes in an Object Oriented language (like C++ and Java) from a graphical representation of them (a la Dia Diagram).
Reads a list of filenames and produces a report of all conflicts that would arise if the files were transferred to a MS-DOS or SYSV platform.

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3dldf Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
3DLDF Three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output. It is written in C++ using CWEB. It is intended, among other things, to provide a convenient way of including 3D graphics in TeX documents. This package includes an interactive program called `3dldf', which implements a language intended to resemble Donald Knuth's METAFONT language and John Hobby's MetaPost language, which is based on METAFONT.
8sync Heckert gnu.tiny.png,
8sync (pronounced eight-sync) is an asynchronous programming library for GNU Guile. It makes use of delimited continuations to avoid a mess of callbacks, resulting in clean, easy-to-read, non-blocking code.
A2ps Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Program started as a text to PostScript converter, with pretty printing and all the expected features of this kind of program, but it can now handle other file types (PostScript, Texinfo, DVI, web-authoring, PDF, etc.) provided you have the necessary tools. While highly configurable, everything was designed so that even a novice can do complicated PostScript manipulations. For instance, the program can delegate the processing of some files to other filters (such as groff, texi2dvi, dvips, gzip,etc.) which allows a uniform treatment (n-up, page selection, duples, etc.) of heterogeneous files It also includes support for a wide range of programming languages, encodings (ISO Latins, Cyrillic, etc.), medias, and Native Language Support (NLS).
abcsh, still in the planning stages, will be a shell for processing ABC music notation files. It could form the foundation of a larger system for music composition and orchestration using ABC music notation as a means of representing musical performance. The shell hopes to handle routine ABC transformation like part extraction, transposition, part merging etc. It will also be designed so that you can access the ABC notation file content from embedded scripting languages. It supports ABC music notation version 2.0.
will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
Ad HoC currently provides a minimal set of macros for performing tasks such as creating, comparing and updating files from a central repository with a local directory.
Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
Learn how to program shell scripts using bash, the command interpreter from the GNU project. Start from the basics and become and advanced programmer.
alived is simple daemon and client for sending keepalive messages. The server keeps a list of hostname to IP address, useful for when a remote DHCP client changes IP addresses.
App Manager
== Features ==

General features

  • Material design 3
  • Displays as much information as possible in the main page
  • Lists activities, broadcast receivers, services, providers, app ops, permissions, signatures, shared libraries, etc. of an application
  • Launch activities and services
  • Create shortcuts of activities
  • Intercept activities
  • Scan for trackers and libraries in apps and list (all or only) tracking classes (and their code dump)
  • View/save the manifest of an app
  • Display app usage, data usage (mobile and wifi), and app storage info (requires “Usage Access” permission)
  • Install/uninstall APK files (including APKS, APKM and XAPK with OBB files)
  • Share APK files
  • Back up/restore APK files
  • Batch operations
  • Single-click operations
  • Logcat viewer
  • Profiles (including presets for quick debloating)
  • Open an app in Aurora Store or in your favourite F-Droid client directly from App Manager
  • Sign APK files with custom signatures before installing
  • Backup encryption: OpenPGP via OpenKeychain, RSA (hybrid encryption with AES) and AES.

Root/ADB-only features

  • Revoke runtime (AKA dangerous) and development permissions
  • Change the mode of an app op
  • Display/kill/force-stop running apps or processes
  • Clear app data or app cache
  • View/change net policy
  • Control battery optimization

Root-only features

  • Block any activities, broadcast receivers, services, or providers of an app with native import/export as well as Watt and Blocker import support
  • View/edit/delete shared preferences of any app
  • Back up/restore apps with data, rules and extras (such as permissions, battery optimization, SSAID, etc.)
  • View system configurations including blacklisted or whitelisted apps, permissions, etc.
  • View/change SSAID.
Apsfilter is a magic print filter with automatic file type recognition. It features on-the-fly decompression and conversion, and works on both PostScript and non-PostScript (via Ghostscript) graphical printers. This package makes printing many file formats much easier. Among the supported formats are: gzip, bzip2, compress, freeze, pack, ASCII, BMP, data (PCL, etc.), DVI, FBM, FIG, FITS, GIF, Group 3 fax, HTML, IFF ILBM, JPEG, Kodak Photo CD, MGR, MIFF, PBM/PGM/PNM/PPM, PDF, PNG, PostScript, RLE, SGI, Sketch, Sun raster, Targa, TIFF, troff, WPG, X pixmap, XCF. Note that actual support depends on the installed filter programs.

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'aRts' is a framework for developing modular multimedia applications. The sound server, artsd, lets multiple applications cooperatively process and output sound and music. aRts provides its filter and synthesis capabilities to other applications using the multimedia communication protocol (MCOP). The package is also capable of modular realtime synthesis. It can create sounds & music (realtime midi synthesis) using small modules like oscillators for creating waveforms, various filters, mixers, faders, etc. As of Dec 02, 2004, development on this project has been discontinued.
A Virtual File System lets programs look inside archived or compressed files, or access remote files without recompiling the programs or changing the kernel. It currently supports floppies, tar and gzip files, zip, bzip2, ar and rar files, ftp sessions, http, webdav, rsh/rcp, ssh/scp. Quite a few other handlers are implemented with the Midnight Commander's external FS.
Aardvark Shellutils
The Aardvark Shell Utils collection includes the following three utilities:
  • Realpath, implementation of the 'realpath' function for returning the canonicalized absolute pathname of an input path. This generates an absolute pathname with all symlinks resolved and all '.' and '..' characters removed. Many commands do not work well with relative paths or paths containing symlinks. Realpath resolves these absolute paths.
  • Filebase, returns the base portion of a filename, that is the filename with its extension (e.g. .txt) removed. It returns everything preceeding the last period in the input string. The period itself is not returned.
  • Fileext, returns the extension portion of a filename (e.g. txt). It returns everything following the last period in the input string. The period itself is not returned.
Aasm is an advanced assembler designed to support several target architectures and output file formats using plugins. It has been designed to be easily extended and, should be considered as a good alternative to monolithic assembler development for each new target CPUs and binary file formats.
This package provides a functional, Ruby Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for casting, transforming and transposing objects. The project's README file provides the following explanation of the purpose of this library:


Casting complex objects from one type to another can be an uncomfortable process to express well. Objects that we use on a daily basis are not always in our control, and, even when they are, some don't lend themselves to simple construction. Remote service communication objects or complex data structures from libraries we use in our applications can result in large piles of casting code.

This circumstance often produces large swaths of procedural code, even if split up into separate function calls. This code can be not only difficult to understand, but difficult to test if an object requires a great deal of set up. Field or method assignments midway through can change and break the entire operation.

The goal of this project is to provide a method of defining easily digestible specifications for object translation that are also easily testable and changeable. The project focuses on writing specifications for transformations and not doing direct mutation in the recipes. The result is something that should seem somewhat functional, but also exceedingly separable.

Pairwise (aka "all-pairs") test combinations generator written in Python. Allows one to create a set of tests using "pairwise combinations" method, reducing a number of combinations of variables into a lesser set that covers most situations.
The AppTools project includes a set of packages that Enthought has found useful in creating a number of applications. They implement functionality that is commonly needed by many applications
  • enthought.appscripting: Framework for scripting applications.
  • enthought.help: Provides a plugin for displaying documents and examples and running demos in Envisage Workbench applications.
  • enthought.io: Provides an abstraction for files and folders in a file system.
  • enthought.naming: Manages naming contexts, supporting non-string data types and scoped preferences.
  • enthought.permissions: Supports limiting access to parts of an application unless the user is appropriately authorised (not full-blown security).
  • enthought.persistence: Supports pickling the state of a Python object to a dictionary, which can then be flexibly applied in restoring the state of the object.
  • enthought.preferences: Manages application preferences.
  • enthought.resource: Manages application resources such as images and sounds.
  • enthought.scripting: A framework for automatic recording of Python scripts.
  • enthought.sweet_pickle: Handles class-level versioning, to support loading of saved data that exist over several generations of internal class structures.
  • enthought.template: Supports creating templatizable object hierarchies.
  • enthought.type_manager: Manages type extensions, including factories to generate adapters, and hooks for methods and functions.
  • enthought.undo: Supports undoing and scripting application commands.
'arfg,' originally intended to generate Fortran code, is a simple pipelined meta-language. Its power comes from the tools it employs: GNU m4 for macro expansion, a diversion filter for accumulation and re-location of text blocks, and the embedded Perl interpreter eperl.
A wrapper for getopt(1) which provides the major features of argp_parse(3) to bash scripts. Scripts pipe their option descriptions (flat file or XML) to argp.sh to generate the code for getopt(1). Also, argp.sh automatically generates help (--help) or a man-page skeleton. Requires bash-3+. There is a c-version argp.c which calls argp_parse(3) directly if speed is an issue.
This release includes a new debugger, source code generator, disassembler, updated reference tool, library expansion and numerous other changes.
AsmIDE is a collection of program to support assembler development on GNU/Linux. It runs in a terminal and the library supports terminal programs.

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DiVinE is an extensible system for distributed formal verification of concurrent systems. DiVinE as such can be viewed from two very different points of view: as a tool for distributed state space analysis and LTL model-checking, and as a development and fast prototyping environment.
Dia Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Dia is a program for creating diagrams of all kinds. It can create many types of diagrams, including UML, network and flowchart diagrams. The engine is very flexible and dynamically loads diagram-types from disk. Dia can also print diagrams and export tham to a number pf formats including EPS, SVG and PNG.
Docmenta is a Java Web-application for creating publications that need to be published for the Web and print. Supported output formats are PDF, HTML, Web-Help, EPUB (eBook) and DocBook. Main features are:
  • Distributed authoring
  • WYSIWYG editing
  • Link management
  • Approval workflow
  • Release-management
  • Translation support
  • Table of Contents and index generation
  • Image gallery
  • Listing support (line numbering, syntax highlighting)
  • Applicability filtering and more.
Are you drowning in information, but starving for knowledge? Where do you keep your private remarks like ideas, personal plans, gift tips, how-tos, dreams, business vision, finance strategy, auto coaching notes? Loads of documents, sketches and remarks spread around the file system, cloud, web and Post-it notes? Are you affraid of your knowledge privacy? Are you able to find then once you create them? Do you know how are they mutually related when you read or write them? No? MindForger is open, free, well performing Markdown IDE which respects your privacy and enables security. MindForger is actually more than an editor or IDE - it's human mind inspired personal knowledge management tool.
mold is a faster drop-in replacement for existing Unix linkers. It is several times faster than the LLVM lld linker, the second-fastest open-source linker which I originally created a few years ago. mold is designed to increase developer productivity by reducing build time, especially in rapid debug-edit-rebuild cycles.
Namecheck is a tool for static checking of symbol names using configurable rules for C and C++ code. It is currently a gcc plugin.
OpenProofPower is a specification and proof tool based on an implementation of Higher Order Logic (HOL), following the LCF paradigm, in Standard ML. OpenProofPower provides support for specification and proof in Z using a semantic embedding of Z into HOL.
This is an implementation of ASN.1 types and codecs in Python programming language. It has been first written to support particular protocol (SNMP) but then generalized to be suitable for a wide range of protocols based on ASN.1 specification.
Copyright and licensing is difficult, especially when reusing software from different projects that are released under various different licenses. REUSE was started by the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) to provide a set of recommendations to make licensing your Free Software projects easier. Not only do these recommendations make it easier for you to declare the licenses under which your works are released, but they also make it easier for a computer to understand how your project is licensed. As a short summary, the recommendations are threefold:
  • Choose and provide licenses
  • Add copyright and licensing information to each file
  • Confirm REUSE compliance
You are recommended to read our tutorial for a step-by-step guide through these three steps. The FAQ covers basic questions about licensing, copyright, and more complex use cases. Advanced users and integrators will find the full specification helpful. This tool exists to facilitate the developer in complying with the above recommendations.
The Jaza Animator
Jaza is an `Animator' for the Z formal specification language. It is intended to help you:
  • evaluate Z expressions;
  • test Z schemas against example data values;
  • execute some Z specifications.

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Aegis is a transaction-based software management system. It provides a framework within which developers work on changes independently, and coordinates integrating those changes back into the master source code. The program supports geographically distributed development. Aegis supports distributed and multiple repositories, change sets, multiple lines of development, multiple simultaneous active branches, and branching to any depth. It enforces a development process which requires that change sets "work" (they must build successfuly and optionally include and pass tests) before being integrated into the project baseline. It also ensures that code reviews have been performed. The program also supports long transactions, which allows appropriately created changes to be treated as if they were projects and therefore to have changes made to them. This allows a hierarchy of changes within changes, to any depth. Each project is a separate repository, with separately configurable policies.
ArchZoom is a Web-based browser for the GNU Arch revision control system with minimal requirements and decent configurability. It provides easy-to-use navigation from managed archives to complete revision trees and features multiple views, like expanded changeset information with colored diffs inline.
archives2git is a shell script that recreates a poor-man’s Git history from the release archives of a project.
'authz-tools' is a set of tools to manipulate authz files (as used by mod_authz_svn). It currently contains two utilities:
authz-tool -- extracts and modifies information in a authz file from command line authz-admin -- a cgi when you have numerous repositories served with help of SVNParentPath directive (see mod_dav_svn module documentation)
Bazaar Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Bazaar (``bzr``) is a decentralized revision control system, designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. It supports both a distributed workflow as well as the classic centralized workflow. This package is part of the GNU project, and a project of Canonical.
'Blame' displays the last modification for each line in an RCS file. It is the RCS equivalent of CVS's "annotate" command. An annotated RCS file describes the revision and date in which each line was added to the file, and the author of each line.
* " Bonsai was a web-based CVS repository browser. Since core Mozilla development has moved from CVS to Mercurial, Bonsai was shut down in 2015 (see bug 1157907). " 'Bonsai' lets you perform queries on the contents of a CVS archive. You can get a list of checkins, and see what checkins have been made by a given person, on a given branch, or in given time. It also includes tools for sxamining checkin logs and comments, doing diffs between various versions of a file, and finding out who is responsible for changing a particular line of code ("cvsblame"). It is built to run against CVS using Perl, MySQL, and your favorite webserver to display checkin history, log information, diffs, and other assorted pieces of information in easy to parse HTML.
BzrPublish is a simple tool that makes it easy to create releases from a project under bzr control. Commands are provided for creating tarballs, publishing beta and official releases, and for publishing development logs and repositories over SSH.
CIA is a “version control informant” that relays commit notifications to IRC channels. The service running the CIA codebase is down since 2011, and the project no longer maintained. It provided real-time VCS commit notifications on various IRC networks. There were CIA hooks for subversion, git, bzr, etc, so a project just had to install such a hook into their repository and register on the CIA website.
CvsGraph is a utility to make a graphical representation of all revisions and branches of a file in a CVS/RCS repository.

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All Software Development Programs

0 A.D.
Real-time strategy game of ancient warfare
3D Pong
A vector-based ball-bouncing game for X-Window
3dldf Heckert gnu.small.png,
Three-dimensional drawing with MetaPost output.
3dpl GE
The 3D Programming Language
RDF database storage and query engine -- database daemon
Forth compiler with a conventional compiler instead of the standard Forth engine
8sync Heckert gnu.small.png,
Asynchronous programming for Guile.
Tools for mounting 9p filesystems on the Linux kernel
A Bingo
A/Bingo plugin for Rails.
Programming language (APL interpreter)
A2ps Heckert gnu.small.png
Any to PostScript filter.
Automates some streaming operations and provides feedback for volunteers
Java-like C++ framework with scripting and distributed components
Programming language for modelling computer systems and proving properties of those models
A library focused on automating the drawing of mechanical parts.
Application Database Load balancing class for MySQL
Minimalistic address book in your web browser
Authorized Entities Directory -- The agile IAM for DevOps
Archaic attempt at autonomous non-sandboxed distributed artificial life of assembler automaton type
An Android library which implements a simple and easy to use file chooser.
a parser generator for natural languages.
make word bubbles for avatars
A file searcher that provides instant results as you type
APK Editor Studio
Powerful yet easy-to-use APK editor
Framework for developing modular multimedia applications
AT Emulator
Emulate a communication device, like a modem
Air traffic control simulation (solo and multi-player)
Lets programs look at archived files without having to recompile them
A powerful, 100% libre video and audio downloader for GNU/Linux
Web framework for a CMS/portal/online group
The Aap program executes recipes. It is a kind of super-make program.
Aardvark Shellutils
Three utilities to make working with shell scripts easier
Advanced assembler.
Shell for processing ABC music notation
Free software for bookstores
Academic Teaching Planner
A free software to manage academic courses
Access user Class
Easy to use PHP class to protect pages and register new users
Acct Heckert gnu.small.png
System accounting utilities.
feature-rich application to mount and manage CD and DVD images
Achievo ATK
Web application development framework
organize all of your own world data
grep-like program specifically for large source trees
Acm Heckert gnu.small.png
Aerial combat simulation game.
Compiler optimization tool
Action Mailer
a framework for designing email-service layers.
Action Query
jQuery and ActiveRecord, sitting in a tree...
Active Resources
provides a coherent wrapper object-relational mapping for REST web services.
Actor platform
multiplatform text, photo and voice message server
Acts as Audited
an ActiveRecord extension that logs all changes to your models in an audits table.
Acts as fu
When you need a dash of ActiveRecord and nothing more.

... further results

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the page “GNU Free Documentation License”.

The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.