Free Software Directory:Antifeatures/Dev
Adding new software to antifeature categories
Software names with words to avoid
FSD entries
Software not yet packaged.
Linux-epoll - See liblinux-epoll-perl G4L - Correct libL3D - Correct Linux Bandwidth Arbitrator - Correct Vacation Email Responder - Correct Powertweak-Linux - Correct
We import package data here at the FSD, so we tag certain software when they fall under this antifeature.
Please do not contact authors of software with "linux" in the name when they refer to GNU/Linux! Most of them don't care about the issue, won't listen to what we say, and will only become more hostile.
To find packages that include the term "linux" in controversial settings use:
sudo apt-cache search --names-only linux | cut -f1 -d " " | grep linux | grep -v "\-gnu" | grep -v "linux\-cloud\-tools" | grep -v "linux\-generic" | grep -v "linux\-headers" | grep -v "linux\-image" | grep -v "linux\-lowlatency" | grep -v "linux\-lts" | grep -v "linux\-tools" | grep -v "selinux" | sort > linux-named.txt
Trisquel 7 help for this issue have been added to:
autorun4linuxcd - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) circuslinux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) circuslinux-data - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) dahdi-linux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-fr-html - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-fr-pdf - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-fr-ps - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-fr-text - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-hr - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-ja-html - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-ja-text - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-pl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) doc-linux-pl-html - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) efilinux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) ekeyd-egd-linux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) extlinux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) focalinux-html - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) focalinux-text - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) fonts-linuxlibertine - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) ganglia-modules-linux - Correct gcc-arm-linux-androideabi - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) gcc-i686-linux-android - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) golang-go-linux-386 - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) golang-go-linux-amd64 - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) golang-go-linux-arm - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) grub-linuxbios - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) lcd4linux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libcorelinuxc2a - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libcorelinux-dev - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libcorelinux-doc - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libcorelinux-examples - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libhbalinux2 - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libhbalinux-dev - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-distribution-packages-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-distribution-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-dvb-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-epoll-perl - Correct - See Epoll as term liblinux-inotify2-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-io-prio-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-kernelsort-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-lvm-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-prctl-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) liblinux-usermod-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libsocket-linux-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) libsys-statistics-linux-perl - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-base - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-crashdump - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxdcpp - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-doc - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxdoc-tools - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxdoc-tools-info - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxdoc-tools-latex - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxdoc-tools-text - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-hwe-generic-trusty - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-hwe-virtual-trusty - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-igd - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxinfo - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-libc-dev - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-libc-dev-arm64-cross - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-libc-dev-armel-cross - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-libc-dev-armhf-cross - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-libc-dev-powerpc-cross - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-libc-dev-ppc64el-cross - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxlogo - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-patch-xenomai - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-server - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-sound-base - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-source - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-source-3.13.0 - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-user-chroot - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-user-chroot-dbg - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-virtual - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-virtual-lts-utopic - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linux-virtual-lts-wily - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) linuxvnc - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) llk-linux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) lmms - Correct - Formerly Linux MultiMedia Studio mplinuxman - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) neutron-plugin-linuxbridge - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) neutron-plugin-linuxbridge-agent - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) pptp-linux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) qtcreator-plugin-remotelinux-dev - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-common - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-legacy - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-debian - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-debian-squeeze - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-debian-wheezy - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-ubuntu - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-ubuntu-oneiric - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-ubuntu-precise - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-ubuntu-quantal - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-ubuntu-raring - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-ubuntu-saucy - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) syslinux-themes-ubuntu-trusty - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) util-linux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) util-linux-locales - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) walinuxagent - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) walinuxagent-data-saver - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) wraplinux - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s) wraplinux-dbg - "linux" a word to avoid? - argument(s)
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