Recover status icon
Issue assigned to: User:Adfeno.
Is top priority issue? true.
For Free_Software_Directory:Issues#GitHub-style issues should receive a colored info icon.
- Open issues should have a green icon: 🛈
- Closed issues should have a green icon: 🛈
Old manual solution
My old solution was: <span style="font-weight: normal; color:{{#ifeq: {{{category_requirement_2}}}|Open issues|green|red}}" title="{{#ifeq: {{{category_requirement_2}}}|Open issues|Open|Closed}} issue">🛈</span> but it doesn't work any more because category_requirement_2 has been removed from {{FSD tracker|[[Category:Issue/Backlog Admin Group/Client-side/Tracker]] [[Category:Issue/Closed]]}}.
Automatic solution
Ideally, we should detect Category:Issue/Open or Category:Issue/Closed automatically and apply the color based on the result.
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