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brain teaser game and trainer

gbrainy is a brain teaser game for GNOME designed for use in education.

It provides the following types of games:

  • Logic puzzles. Games designed to challenge your reasoning and thinking skills.
  • Mental calculation. Games based on arithmetical operations designed to prove your mental calculation skills.
  • Memory trainers. Games designed to challenge your short term memory.
  • Verbal analogies. Games that challenge your verbal aptitude



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Verified on

12 March 2020

Leaders and contributors

Jordi Mas i Hernandez Author & maintainer

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
ContactDeveloperJordi Mas <jmas at>
DeveloperBug Tracking
DeveloperVCS Repository Webview

Software prerequisites

Source requirementGTK
Source requirementCairo
Source requirementMono
Source requirementintltool
Source requirementMono.Addins
Source requirementlibrsvg


"Author & maintainer" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

"Contact" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

"FTP" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

"Debian" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

"Wikidata" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

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