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Game generally inspired by the Metroid series.

Hexoshi is a libre game generally inspired by the Metroid series. It is a work in progress, but once completed, it will be onpon4’s biggest game yet, with a maze-like world spanning hundreds of individual rooms. The intention is to make this one of the greatest libre free-roaming games to date.



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Verified on

15 January 2019

Leaders and contributors

Luke Bunday Artist
Tomasz Kramkowski English to Polish translator
mdn English to French translator
raffitz English to Portuguese translator
Julie Marchant Lead developer
Jorge Maldonado Ventura English to Spanish translator

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
Mailing Listhttps://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/hexoshi-discuss/
VCS Repository Webviewhttps://git.savannah.nongnu.org/cgit/hexoshi.git/
Savannah (Ref)https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/hexoshi/

Software prerequisites

Required to usePython 2 (2.7 or later) or 3 (3.1 or later)
Required to usePygame 1.9.1 or later


"Lead developer" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

"Artist" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

"English to Spanish translator" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

"English to Polish translator" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

"English to Portuguese translator" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

"English to French translator" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

"Savannah (Ref)" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

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