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Text editor for math lessons

This is a text editor for writing math lessons and providing tools for doing all the exercises from elementary school to junior high. The software is especially designed to fulfil the needs of disabled pupils, and pupils suffering from dyspraxia in particular. The program manages the child's documents like a notebook, organized with chapters, and separating lessons, exercises and evaluations, making it very easy to navigate through the documents.



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Verified on

22 March 2015



  According to GNU GPL v3, section 7 b) :

You should mention any contributor of the work as long as his/her contribution is meaningful in a covered work. If you convey a source code using a part of the source code of MathEOS, you should keep the original author in the resulting source code. If you propagate a covered work with the same objectives as the Program (help student to attend maths classes with an adapted software), you should mention «Ludovic Faubourg», «Frédéric Marinoni» as author of the idea of this software. In any case, if you propagate a covered work you have to mention François Billioud and Guillaume Varoquaux as author of the realisation of MathEOS software. The paternity of the authors have to appear in a legible, unobscured manner, showing clearly their link to the covered work in any document, web pages,... which describe the project or participate to the distribution of

the covered work.

Leaders and contributors

François Billioud Developer

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI

Software prerequisites

Required to useJava 7


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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.