Talk:Cyberduck CLI
"Libre file transfer client for macOS and Windows. Command line interface (CLI) for Linux, macOS and Windows." means that technically the version for free systems does not have as many features as the versions for proprietary. But given the type of tool it is, you'd generally just want the command line version anyways. Need to determine what the boundaries are on the requirement for parity - not usually an issue we delve into too much.
Scheduled review process
As scheduled by administrators in the meeting of 3 months ago, this FSD entry must be subject to a new review/approval process.
If the issues detected in the meeting still persist and make the software non-free, we should consider the removal of the FSD entry during the upcoming meetings.
The FSD administrator,
--LorenzoAncora (talk) 05:42, 29 November 2020 (EST)
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