- This program exists and is widely used in the GNU-Linux user community. If there are freedom issues with it, wouldn't it be better to have an entry in the FSD explaining what those are, rather than no information at all? I'm guessing FSD has policies on issues like this, but if it wouldn't break any of them, I would be willing to create a page if someone can point me to some links to an assessment of the freedom issues with VB. --Strypey (talk) 11:27, 3 May 2018 (EDT)
- Not sure if this issue still applies, but my understanding is that the BIOS and the toolchain to build the BIOS for VirtualBox is proprietary. The VirtualBox team was not interested in spending resources to fix it and the community did not fix it either. VirtualBox is not present in Debian or other distributions. If you are looking for an alternative, the FSF system administrators use Virt-manager extensively which has a similar yet different workflow. Mmcmahon (talk) 12:59, 27 October 2022 (EDT)
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