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I'm Corwin Brust. I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I've been a GNU and free-software fan since I day I heard of the formation of the Free Software Foundation, a day I remember well despite being in primary school.

I'm the development lead for dungeon-mode, a project to create an RPG engine and RPG editing features for Emacs. We'd love your participation!

I'm a organizer with EmacsConf[1], and a Savannah[2] Hacker. I create the "official" precompiled Windows binaries releases of Emacs which GNU distributes via FTP. I also help out with bugs or the occasional feature ERC and a few other "odds and ends" things, such such as chat, forum, and list moderation. I'm corwin on Libera.Chat[3] IRC.

Catch you on the fun-way!


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