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Gobby is a collaborative editor based on libobby, a library which provides synced document buffers. It supports multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat. It uses GTK+ 2.6 as its windowing toolkit and thus integrates nicely into the GNOME desktop environment. It provides users with real time collaberation. Each user has its own colour (changeable) to be identified by others. There are IRC-like Chat for communicating with your partners, syntax highlighting for most programming languages, session password protection, multiple documents in one session and the drag'n'drop of documents is a beginners guide to free software, privacy, data ownership and durable tech. Learn how to: safely browse the Internet; keep your conversations private; protect your data; unlock your computer's full potential; stay mobile and free; own your cloud; avoid filter bubbles, surveillance & censorship.
Gravit Sandbox
Gravit is a gravity sandbox made with python and pygame. It is composed of a launcher and a simulator.
The Gregorio project offers tools for the typesetting of Gregorian chant. These tools include:
  • gabc: a brief notation for representing Gregorian chant
  • GregorioTeX: a TeX style for typesetting scores
  • GregorioXML: an XML representation of a Gregorian chant score
Grep Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Grep is a tool for finding text inside files. Text is found by matching a pattern provided by the user in one or many files. The pattern may be provided as a basic or extended regular expression, or as fixed strings. By default, the matching text is simply printed to the screen, however the output can be greatly customized to include, for example, line numbers. GNU grep offers many extensions over the standard utility, including, for example, recursive directory searching.
grocy privately tracks your purchases, automates and optimizes your shopping list, helps you waste less, and helps you create and maintain recipes. Apart from a meal planning, grocy helps you manage your household equipment, your household chores, your tasks, and your batteries. You can connect to your grocy server through several tools.
Groff Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Based on a device-independent version of `troff,' `groff' (GNU Troff) is a document processor which reads plain text and formatting commands, produces formatted output from them, and then outputs it to another device. The package is essential for viewing online manual pages. Output can be produced in a number of formats including plain ASCII and PostScript. All the standard macro packages are supported.
A diff front end program using gtk+, primarily used as a front end to the 'diff' command to compare files. It has diff3 and merge features.
Gummi is a lightweight LaTeX editor written in Python/GTK+.
Guncat acts like unix's cat command, but handles (partially) encrypted sections of processed files. Sections of guncat's input files which are surrounded by -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- and
END PGP MESSAGE----- markers are decrypted before being

concatenated to the standard output stream.

Guncat's output (i.e., the standard output stream) may subsequently be processed by other programs, like grep or less. Guncat supports reading a decryption passphrase either from stdin or from gpg-agent.

Guncat stands for (Gpg UNencrypting CAT) and was designed to facilitate searching through (partially) PGP encrypted files, as

encountered in mailboxes, for example.
The Hspell project is a free Hebrew linguistic project. Its first aim is to create a free Hebrew spell-checker, and a fully functional and already useful release 0.2 is now available (see below). However the databases and algorithms developed by the Hspell program could also be used as a morphology engine (for example, for search engines), and in the future (with much more work) for advanced things like Hebrew speech synthesis (for the blind who use a free operating system, but also useful for the general population)
HTML::GenToc lets you specify significant elements that will be hyperlinked to in a Table of Contents (ToC) for a given set of HTML documents. It does not require those documents to be strict HTML, which makes it suitable for using with templates, included files, and meta-languages such as WML or PHP.
Hashed Text Utilities
This is a candidate for deletion: Links broken. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 12:50, 3 August 2018 (EDT) Hashed Text Utilities is a small set of programs reimplementing the classic comm, diff, uniq, and cksum programs. The advantage is that for comm and uniq files don't have to be sorted. diff can work with extremely huge files (with some limitations). cksum calculates a checksum of either the whole file or each line separately.
Header Browser
Header Browser helps you to create documentation from your C/C++ header files. It is similar to JavaDoc, Doc++, or KDoc, but it doesn't just create documentation pages; it allows you to really browse your APIs using a five columns view like NeXT's HeaderViewer. Documentation can be generated in several formats, including TexInfo for PostScript, DVI, PDF, manpages, printable HTML, etc.
Health Heckert gnu.tiny.png
GNU Health is a program designed for hospitals, offering the following functionalities:
  • Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
  • Hospital Information System (HIS)
  • Health Information System
It has a strong focus on family medicine and primary care, along with socio-economic circumstances. It uses the following disease and medical procedure standards: (ICD-10 / ICD-10-PCS). There are facilities to aid in choosing medicines; prescription writing; patient, hospital finacial, and lab administration tools; a database of 4,200 disease-related genes; epidemiological reporting; and much more. GNU Health is part of GNU Solidario, an NGO offering health and education to the underpriveledged through free software:
Help2man Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Help2man is a program that converts the output of standard --help and --version command-line arguments into a manual page automatically. It lets developers include a manual page in their distribution without having to maintain that document. Since Texinfo is the official documentation format of the GNU project, this also provides a way to generate a placeholder man page pointing to that resource while still providing some useful information.
HelpViewer is an online help viewer for GNUstep programs. It can render files in the XLP format, although this format has been deprecated and only several packages still use it.
Highlight is a universal source code to HTML, XHTML, RTF, TeX, or LaTeX converter. (X)HTML output is formatted by Cascading Style Sheets. It supports Bash, C, C++, C#, COBOL, Java, Perl, PHP, and 40 more programming and markup languages. It is also possible to easily enhance the parsing database.
Hitch allows developers to be properly credited when Pair Programming and using Git.
Html to Xhtml Convertor converts HTML pages into XHTML pages. It can process batches of files, convert line breaks, and deal with attribute minimization, quoting of attribute values, and more.
'htmlrecode' applies modifications to a HTML file. For example, you can completely change the character set you are using without making any of the characters unreadable.
Hype Community
Hype community is a forum like Wordpress theme but also contains reddit elements.
Hyperbole Heckert gnu.tiny.png
Hyperbole is a programmable information and hypertext system for GNU Emacs. It allows hypertext to be embedded within documents, mail messages and news articles. This permits mouse-based control of the displayed information. GNU Hyperbole may be installed by using the Emacs Package Manager.
Ibus Table Sasankadeva
Ibus-table that uses the Sasankadeva layout for typing Bengali or Sanskrit in Bengali script. Sasankadeva (Unicode) is semi-phonetic transliteration keyboard, i.e., a midway between the accuracy of grammatical typing and the ease of phonetic Indic typing. The ease has been ensured in many ways, including spelling statistics, character combinations and multiple options to be used as suits. Along with its own set of input keys, most popular input strings from widely used Avro Phonetic and itrans-Bangla are also supported. Apart from useful well-defined shortcuts that save time while typing, there are fixed phonetic-based layout for all usual character combinations in Indian Bengali, so that the user can practically type without looking at the screen if he chooses to. Also, suggestions come up to be selected from, if one is more comfortable with them. It aims at making an algorithm that provides space for both well-defined inputs with phonetic variations, has sets of methods that suits both professional and layman typing with one or two hands, that are easy to learn and easier to apply. The interface has been built in ibus-table environment. Official website:
Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.
IceCat/Theme Font and Size Changer
Theme Font & Size Changer lets you change the global font size and font family used for the user interface in Firefox. Design your browser with your favorite font.
Icedove is the rebranding of Mozilla Thunderbird by the Debian Project. Icedove supports different mail accounts (POP, IMAP, Gmail), has an integrated learning Spam filter, and offers easy organization of mails with tagging and virtual folders. Also, more features can be added by installing extensions. The goal of Icedove is to produce a cross platform standalone mail application using the XUL user interface language. Icedove has IRC support, and the calendar extension Mozilla Lightning is now installed by default.

Difference between Icedove and Thunderbird

Features not found in Icedove

  • No import from Google Reader
  • No integrated web browser
  • No multiple account support

Features added to Icedove

  • Export to OPML
  • Import feeds from OPML
'Ide.php' is a Web-based editor for quick development of server side code. It has a rapid prototyping environment so you can test and save snippets of code with minimal overhead. You can use it to develop PHP, ASP, JSP, SSI, HTML, or CGI.
Imediff2 merges two (slightly different) files interactively with a user-friendly fullscreen interface in text mode. It shows the differences between the two files (in color if the terminal supports them), lets you scroll the file, and toggles changes between the old and new versions one by one. Unlike split screen based merge tools, it shows only one version at a time, making it more WYSIWYG.
Indexed PDF Creator
Indexed PDF Creator creates indexed PDF documents from text files. It was primarily written as a utility to convert old mainframe print formats to something that can easily be posted on the Web. It allows indexing, customizing page settings, font size, font face, and superimposing text over an image in the case of using pre-printed forms. It supports unlimited levels of indexing bookmarks in documents and system/user configuration files
Info to html
info_to_html does everything info2html does, and more. Added features include links to other info files, the ability to read compressed files, and a nicer layout.
Info files are text files with embedded link directives. They are usually read with emacs or a special purpose browser. 'info2html' looks for a specific info node in an info file and translates it to HTML syntax. Link directives are translated in URLs pointing back to the server. Some icons are provided for link directives and cross references. infocat is a little front-end that gives an index of the .info files available via the local info2html server.
Ink/Stitch aims to be a full-fledged, cross-platform embroidery digitizing platform based entirely on free, open-source software. Our goal is to be approachable for hobbyists while also providing the power needed by professional digitizers.
Inkscape is an SVG editor. Supported SVG features include basic shapes, paths, text, alpha blending, transforms, gradients, filters, node editing, PNG export, grouping, and more. It is meant to provide the free software community with a fully XML, SVG, and CSS2 compliant SVG drawing tool.
Intlfonts contains free X11 fonts in the BDF and TrueType formats. They notably cover a large number of characters from different writing systems: European, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Ethiopic and others. These fonts allow multilingual PostScript printing from Emacs. This is a GNU package.
This font, called 'Isabella' is based on the calligraphic hand used in the Isabella Breviary, made around 1497, in Holland, for Isabella of Castille, the first queen of united Spain. It has all of ASCII, Latin-1, Latin Extended A, about a third of Latin Extended B, Latin Extended Additional, plus punctuation, and should work for most languages that use the Roman alphabet. Modern characters (@, for example) were drawn as best possible. The primary design goal was to make such characters look like they were done with a calligraphic pen; the secondary goal was to look like the other characters of the font. The copyright sign, for example, is made by shrinking down the letter "c" and placing it inside a circle. It also has a Euro symbol. 'Isabella' is available in TrueType and PosctScript (author notes that the PostScript version acts oddly in on-screen use).
Interactive spell checker that suggests "near misses" to replace unrecognized words.
JDynamiTe is a tool which allows you to dynamically create documents in any format from "template" documents. Some typical usage domains of JDynamiTe are:
  • dynamic Web pages creation,
  • text document generation,
  • source code generation...
In fact, it can be useful in any case where pre-defined documents (templates) have to be dynamically populated with data. The main benefit of JDynamiTe is to allow a true separation between data (content), presentation (container) and content generation code (written in Java). JDynamiTe does not include a specific template language, and it is not a complete framework. It is a simple "brick" in your software architecture, a "glue" between your data model and your presentation model.
jEdit is an IDE written in Java. Some of its features include:
  • Built-in macro language; extensible plugin architecture. Hundreds of macros and plugins available.
  • Plugins can be downloaded and installed from within jEdit using the "plugin manager" feature.
  • Auto indent, and syntax highlighting for more than 200 languages.
  • Supports a large number of character encodings including UTF8 and Unicode.
  • Folding for selectively hiding regions of text.
  • Word wrap.
  • Highly configurable and customizable.
  • Every other feature, both basic and advanced, you would expect to find in a text editor.
JEdit Syntax Package
The jEdit Syntax Package is a stand-alone version of the text control from an older version of jEdit. It supports features such as syntax highlighting, bracket matching, rectangular editing, macro recording, and more. The jEdit Syntax Package is lightweight, and meant solely for embedding into Java user interfaces. It does not include some of the nicer features of jEdit, including plugins, and scripting.
Jade Editor
Jade is an Emacs-like text editor that implements most basic Emacs functionality, but is not intended as a straight clone. The Lisp dialect is intended to be compatible with Emacs Lisp, but the interface to the editor internals is not, due to differing philosophies behind the implementations. As a result, most Lisp code written for GNU Emacs will not work; basic GNU Emacs emulation interfaces may be added in the future. Commands are implemented in Lisp, which allows for comprehensive customisation and extension.
Jamdict is a command-line application as well as a Python 3 package for querying and managing Japanese dictionaries and resources (Jim Breen's JMdict, KanjiDic2, KRADFILE, JMnedict)
When given a source java file, program produces an HTML source with syntax highlighting.
This is a candidate for deletion: Cannot find download. Email to maintainer broken. Poppy-one (talk) 13:23, 6 August 2018 (EDT) JavaDICT is a server for the DICT protocol (RFC 2229), a TCP transaction-based query/response protocol that lets a client access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases. So far it is the only DICT server that lets you access dictionaries stored in a database (currently only PostgreSQL is supported).
Jaxml is a python module designed to automatically generate human readable documents.
JOE (Joe's Own Editor) is a small, terminal-based, lightweight, emacs-like editor originally written in 1991. Termcap/Terminfo support allows JOE to use any terminal or terminal emulator. Much of the look and feel of JOE is determined by its simple configuration file "joerc". This package is maintained again by its original author, after a period of absence in which another team continued development.
Joplin is a free, open source note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. The notes are searchable, can be copied, tagged and modified either from the applications directly or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format. Notes exported from Evernote via .enex files can be imported into Joplin, including the formatted content (which is converted to Markdown), resources (images, attachments, etc.) and complete metadata (geolocation, updated time, created time, etc.). Plain Markdown files can also be imported. The notes can be synchronised with various cloud services including Nextcloud, Dropbox, OneDrive, WebDAV or the file system (for example with a network directory). When synchronising the notes, notebooks, tags and other metadata are saved to plain text files which can be easily inspected, backed up and moved around. The application is available for Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS (the terminal app also works on FreeBSD). A Web Clipper, to save web pages and screenshots from your browser, is also available for Firefox and Chrome.
Jove is a compact, powerful, Emacs-style text-editor. It provides the common emacs keyboard bindings, together with a reasonable assortment of the most popular advanced features (e.g., interactive shell windows, compile-it, language specific modes) while weighing in with CPU, memory, and disk requirements comparable to vi.
jq accepts a stream of JSON and then transforms it (selecting, iterating, reducing, etc) through one or more filters and then pretty-prints the results. jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice and filter and map and transform structured data with the same ease that sed, Gawk, grep and friends let you play with text.
The Junicode font is designed to meet the needs of medieval scholars; however, it has a large enough character set to be useful to the general user. It comes in Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic faces. The Regular face has the fullest character set, and is richest in OpenType features.

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