Semantic search

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Printout selection
Parameters [

The maximum number of results to return

The offset of the first result

Show values as links

Display the headers/property names

The label to give to the main page name

The text to display before the query results, if there are any

The text to display after the query results, if there are any

Text for continuing the search

The text to display if there are no query results

Additional annotated data are to be copied during the parsing of a subject

The separator between the properties of a result entry

The separator between the values for a property of a result

The name of a template with which to display the printouts
named args:

Name the arguments passed to the template

A value passed into each template call, if a template is used

An additional CSS class to set for the list

The name of a template to display before the query results, if there are any

The name of a template to display after the query results, if there are any

The separator between results
Sort options
Add sorting condition

Introducing SureInvoice, the powerful and effective software that enables your company to improve efficiency, reduce aging, and increase insight into operations. SureInvoice features several key areas of functionality including, time entry, automated invoice generation, and customer self-service. We like it so much it powers our own services business. Efficiency and profitability are tied very tightly when it comes to services, do more with less and the result is easy to see in your bottom line. SureInvoice connects your operations from end to end including the time entry of your personnel, one time expenses, recurring expenses, recurring payments, and sales commissions automatically. It can be a nightmare to track all that manually but SureInvoice gives you the tools and reports to do easily and accurately. At the heart of every business are hourly employees and often contractors that drive forward many important details in the overall bigger picture. Instead of guessing about the direct expense and associated revenue of those variable costs use SureInvoice to bring them together and maximize revenue by understanding which customers or projects are running on all cylinders and which are sputtering along. Activity Based Costing practices were kept in mind during the SureInvoice development and are rapidly growing its use throughout all kinds of service industries. Expenses that used to be lumped into general overhead can now be broken down and optimized by identifying the customers, people and projects that really make them up. Using SureInvoice you can gain precision insight in to what your cost and profit drivers are in a simple and automated way. Increase sales with the extensive commission features SureInvoice offers. There is no quicker simpler way to drive revenue than to tie sales compensation with performance. However, the headaches of accounting for those commissions often make it a less appealing option. SureInvoice automates the process for you and provides for simple and complex commissions structures based on net, gross with calculations for percentage, tier or flat rate.
TWiki is a web-based collaboration platform that lets you run a dynamic intranet site, a project development space, a document management system, a knowledge base, an issue tracking system and other groupware applications. TWiki looks and feels like a normal intranet or Web site. Users can change or create content from any Web browser without requiring special plugins. Features include automatic link generation, full text search, authorization based on groups, Web form handling, email notification of changes, file attachments to Web pages, revision control of pages and attachments, and more. The server-side TWiki Plugins API gives developers a simple way to build new groupware applications. Plugins and add-ons enhance the platform with action item tracking, charting charting, database access, two-way RSS news feeds, LDAP connectivity, spreadsheets, XSL transformations, XP tracking, HTML publishing, and more. More than sixty plugins are avaiable at
The Tensei-Data software system can be used to merge, standardize and simplify data integration, data migration, data transformation and interface management processes. These processes can be manually executed or automatically by specified routines or triggers that are monitored. The system is based on modern technologies like Akka, Scala and the Play Framework. Therefore, the application is scalable, flexible and highly performant. The integrated Data Description Language (DFASDL) allows the dynamic mapping of almost any source and target system and is called within the application as dynamic connectors. For the modification of data, the Tensei-Data application offers diverse transformers which can be combined and modified.
Tensei-Data Agent
An agent is the workhorse of the Tensei (転成) system. It uses an actor system to do the actual work of reading, parsing, transforming and writing the data. It communicates with the tensei-server which is responsible for starting and stopping and agent.


The main website for Tensei-Data is located at:


You can find the source archives and debian packages on the releases page:

If you just want to launch a quick demo version which includes all needed components we recommend you to try out the available vagrant box ( Just create an empty folder, open a terminal and run the following commands inside the folder:


After the application has started goto http://localhost:9000 in your browser.

You need to have vagrant and virtualbox installed for this to work.

Mailing lists

System architecture and provisioning

The Tensei-Data system is build upon three components:

1. Tensei-Server 2. Tensei-Frontend 3. At least one Tensei-Agent

To be able to run Tensei-Data you have to start at least one of each components.

For development purposes it is feasible to simply start each one from the sbt prompt via the run task.

Provisioning / Deployment

To be able to provision the system components a packaging configuration for the sbt native packager plugin is included. The recommended way is to create debian packages via the debian:packageBin sbt task. Resulting debian packages can be installed on a debian or ubuntu system. Before the package is build the test suite will be executed.


We recommend to use the gdebi tool on ubuntu because it will automatically fetch required dependencies.

The packages include system startup scripts that will launch them upon system boot.
A cross-platform calculation tool for translators and project managers.
Tryton is a three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform. It is the core base of a complete business solution providing modularity, scalability and security.
This is a candidate for deletion: 1. No files sources found cannot download. Reference:
'Vin' is a personal wine cellar management application. It lets you add/edit wines, rank them, and post comments regarding their characteristics. It also supports users, including guest users with limited (view only) privileges. The demo can be accessed by using "guest/guest" for the username/password.
vtiger CRM is a free software Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software mainly for the sales forces of small and medium businesses. vtiger CRM is built over proven, fast, and reliable LAMP (Linux kernel, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) technologies and free software projects such as SugarCRM (SPL 1.1.2), phpBB (GPL), and others.
WebKNotes is a Web-based knowledge/notes database that uses a plain dir/file (text, HTML, Wiki) hierarchy as a database for notes and subtopics. Features include uploading, searching, user authentication, editing of existing notes, various views, CSS themes, and mod_perl support.
wger (ˈvɛɡɐ) is free software that manages your exercises and personal workouts, weight and diet plans. It can also be used as a simple gym management utility, providing different administrative roles (trainer, manager, etc.). It offers a REST API as well, for easy integration with other projects and tools.
Interface plugin for connection Netsuite to wyatt communications base.
'xcave' is a wine cellar manager which allows you to browse wine stock, grouping bottles by country zones. It is currently available in French and in English, and is written with GTK+.
'Xinvest' is a tool to keep track of and to analyse your investments. It supports reports and various types of plots. You can manually maintain the values of your assets, or use the companion tools Xquote and QuoteFilter to feed them in autmatically.
The xlhtml/ppthtml are programs which will take a PowerPoint/Excel 97/95 file as input and convert it to html. The output is via standard out so it can be re-directed to files or piped to filters or used as a gateway to the internet.
Xournal is an application for notetaking, sketching, keeping a journal using a stylus. It is free software (GNU GPL) and runs on Linux (recent distributions) and other GTK+/Gnome platforms. It is similar to other alternatives such as Jarnal, Gournal, and NoteLab.
Xquote fetches stock quotes via web servers. It then feeds the data in to 'Xinvest.'

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the page “GNU Free Documentation License”.

The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.