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Jack clients to transmit multichannel audio over a local IP network

Command line Jack clients to transmit full quality multichannel audio over a local IP network, with adaptive resampling.

Main features: - One-to-one (UDP) or one-to-many (multicast). - Sender and receiver(s) can each have their own sample rate and period size. - Up to 64 channels, 16 or 24 bit or float samples. - Receiver(s) can select any combination of channels. - Low latency, optional additional buffering. - High quality jitter- free resampling. - Graceful handling of xruns, skipped cycles, lost packets and freewheeling. - IP6 fully supported. - Requires zita-resampler, no other dependencies.


Date 2015-07-17
Source Debian
Source link http://packages.debian.org/sid/zita-njbridge


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