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Screen capture program

'xgrabsc' takes arbitrary rectangular images from an X server and writes them to standard output in a variety of formats. The default format is grey-scale non-encapsulated PostScript with image compression. Command line options allow reduction of colormaps, halftoning and dithering of color images, and direct mapping of color images to monochrome. The program is similar to xwd but has a graphical user interface, more ways of selecting which part of the screen to capture, & different types of output: Postscript, color Postscript, xwd, bitmap, pixmap, & puzzle.



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Verified by

Janet Casey

Verified on

15 November 2001

Leaders and contributors

Yves Arrouye Contributor
Hal R. Brand Contributor
Jim Frost Contributor
Bruce Schuchardt Maintainer
Johan Garpendal Contributor

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
Bug Tracking,Developer,SupportE-mailmailto:bruce@slc.com

Software prerequisites


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