Category talk:Collection
Suggestion for a "service interoperability" category
I would like to see a category with sections for individual services, such as PayPal and GroupMe (both of which officially require proprietary software), so that people who have a specific reason to interact with these services can find free software to do so, and so people looking to develop free clients for these services can easily find prior work to aid in development. For example, a GroupMe section would have a link to and a PayPal section would have a link to and perhaps also. Each section could also include links to API documentation (Only free documentation? Is it okay to use nonfree documentation to develop a free program?) and also maybe some incidental information about ways to avoid the nonfree software currently (e.g. if it's possible to use a phone instead of nonfree JavaScript, as is the case for GroupMe). --Jacobk (talk) 14:09, 11 November 2022 (EST)
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