Search results
Create the page "Racing" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- |Keywords=stunt, rally, game, racing, simulation, sport2 KB (308 words) - 17:31, 5 November 2014
- |Short description=Racing game. |Full description=GNUKart is a clone of old racing games in rear-view. The purpose of this project is to propose a quick multi2 KB (321 words) - 14:43, 4 December 2020
- |Short description=ReCaged is a Free Software, Futuristic, Racing Game.2 KB (211 words) - 15:13, 22 December 2023
- |Short description=3D racing cars simulator game using OpenGL |Full description=TORCS, The Open Racing Car Simulator is a car racing simulation5 KB (821 words) - 01:57, 22 March 2018
- |Short description=A free 3D kart racing game. |Full description=SuperTuxKart, also known as STK, is a 3D kart racing game.4 KB (493 words) - 01:48, 3 September 2022
- |Short description=Racing simulation game |Full description='''VDrift is a racing simulation game'''.2 KB (286 words) - 18:10, 13 February 2018
- |Short description=A 3D rally racing game with good physics for drifting |Keywords=rally, racing, game, open world, 3D, car2 KB (370 words) - 12:49, 20 January 2017
- |Short description=Boat racing game |Full description=Bloboats is an arcade-like boat racing game in the hybrid spirit2 KB (258 words) - 06:45, 15 February 2018
- |Short description=multiplayer top view 2D racing game2 KB (217 words) - 03:47, 7 March 2018
- |Short description=2D car racing action game |Full description=Trophy is a single-player racing game which combines elements2 KB (265 words) - 19:00, 27 February 2018
- might work too. The Xbox 360 racing wheel is not supported, but2 KB (302 words) - 08:30, 28 February 2018
- |Short description=Futuristic racing game1 KB (212 words) - 09:43, 28 February 2018
- |Package note=A free 3D kart racing game.787 bytes (105 words) - 21:51, 13 November 2021
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