Edit Entry: ABI compliance checker

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This form contains 9 tabs. Please include the license (the (2nd) tab) and the basic information on this tab. You may optionally add additional information via the other tabs. Once you've made your edits, you can save via the Save page button, which appears on the last (9th) tab.

Name*: Official title of the software. Choosing the name for which the program is most commonly known is preferred. This can be different and/or longer than the page name if necessary.
Short description*: Short description (~12 words) visible under the title of the software and in other parts of the FSD. Should begin with a capital but not end with a period.
Full description*: Please write a short summary of what the package does or is used for. Wiki markup can be used. It shouldn't include licensing information or supported operating systems – categories will do that instead. We recommend writing your own original description. Also, remember that some there are a number of expressions that we recommend avoiding.
Homepage URL*: Direct URL of the page representing the free software submitted (HTTPS is better). Redirects with ads, paywalls and direct downloads are strictly forbidden. Visible in its entirety under the title of the software.
Ver. download: Direct download URL of this specific version of the free software package or alternatively an URL which immediately leads to the listing of different formats of the package (with or without visible checksums). The destination must not show deceptive ads and the software download must be its main content.

∗ = required

License and version: SPDX license identifier. Must correspond to the license of the specific version of the free software published here. The full license should be written inside the COPYING file inside the repository. Press any key to quickly select entries that start with that character.

License copyright: Copyright (with year of validity) of the software. Should be at the top of the COPYING file.

License verified by:

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License note: You should put a direct link to the project's COPYING file, even if it is contained in a VCS. Other authoritative pages with the license are allowed. This directory allows only free software.

License and version: SPDX license identifier. Must correspond to the license of the specific version of the free software published here. The full license should be written inside the COPYING file inside the repository. Press any key to quickly select entries that start with that character.

License copyright: Copyright (with year of validity) of the software. Should be at the top of the COPYING file.

License verified by:

License verified date:

License note: You should put a direct link to the project's COPYING file, even if it is contained in a VCS. Other authoritative pages with the license are allowed. This directory allows only free software.

License and version: SPDX license identifier. Must correspond to the license of the specific version of the free software published here. The full license should be written inside the COPYING file inside the repository. Press any key to quickly select entries that start with that character.

License copyright: Copyright (with year of validity) of the software. Should be at the top of the COPYING file.

License verified by:

License verified date:

License note: You should put a direct link to the project's COPYING file, even if it is contained in a VCS. Other authoritative pages with the license are allowed. This directory allows only free software.

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Programming-language: The language the source code of the program is written in.
UI Toolkit: The user interface toolkit used by the program.
Version-control: Only check this for software interacting with version control systems, not just software being developed using a particular version control system.

A project is GNU only if it is listed at gnu.org/software. The project's GNU package identifier is the lowercase name listed on that page.

GNU package identifier:

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It is recommended to add as many details of your software as possible for better popularity and faster indexing by public search engines:

Screenshot 1: Desktop screenshots. <b>File upload is available only to privileged users</b>: ask an admin to upload a screenshot for you after the submission. Upload file
Screenshot 2: Upload file
Screenshot 3: Upload file
Is High Priority Project: Please read 'High Priority Free Software Projects by the Free Software Foundation'.<br/><b>Ignore if not sure</b>.
VCS clone shell command: Command to download the source code of the whole free software. It should include <code>git clone</code>, <code>svn co</code> or anything relevant to the VCS used; if several repositories are used, separate the commands with ; (semicolon).
Dev languages: Comma and space separated list. Lists all the programming and scripting languages that make up the source code of the free software. Do not include markup languages (MarkDown, HTML, ...) and styling languages (like CSS).
Doc notes: Suggestions and useful resources for the end-user. Wiki markup can be used. Always optional.
Is decommissioned or obsolete:
Replaced by package: URL of the page or name of package (as "&lbrack;&lbrack;PKGNAME]]") which replaces current package.
Donate: Direct URL of the donation page to support the development of this free software. Redirects with ads, paywalls and downloads are strictly forbidden.
Microblog URL: Direct URL of the donation page to support the development of this free software. Redirects with ads, paywalls and adult content are strictly forbidden.
IRC general: Discussion channel. Should be in the form of an <code>irc://</code> link, for use with IRC clients. If there is only one channel, write it here. The “real” Libera.Chat address is <code>irc.libera.chat</code>, all others are redirects.
IRC help: Support channel. Should be in the form of an <code>irc://</code> link, for use with IRC clients. Do not put the same channel as IRC general. The “real” Libera.Chat address is <code>irc.libera.chat</code>, all others are redirects.
IRC development: Development channel. Should be in the form of an <code>irc://</code> link, for use with IRC clients. Do not put the same channel as IRC general. The “real” Libera.Chat address is <code>irc.libera.chat</code>, all others are redirects.
Related projects: Write closely related projects here, separated by comma and space. Names are case-sensitive, except for the first letter. You may add non-existing FSD entries.
Keywords: Keywords for Search Engine Optimization. No more than 12 significative keywords. Separate keywords by comma and space. Choose wisely.
Version identifier: Arbitrary version number. Sensible messages (except beta, alpha and release candidates) must be avoided.
Version date: Release date of this version. Use the interactive dialog to find a specific day. Leave blank if unsure.
Ver. status: If unsure, set to “stable” or see more details in the participation guide.
Version comment: Peculiarities that only concern this specific version of the software.
Last review by: FSD username. Change this to your FSD account name in case you have made substantial edits or have updated the version.
Last review date: Change this date in case you have made substantial edits or have updated the version.
Submitted by: FSD username. Do not touch this unless you are creating a new entry. If you are updating an entry whose Submitted by entry is empty, keep it empty.
Submitted date: Do not touch this unless you are creating a new entry. If you are updating an entry whose Submitted date entry is empty, keep it empty.
User level: Learning curve of this free software.
This is an extension/add-on/plugin to: Name of a single FSD entry.
This is an inbuilt extension/add-on/plugin to: Name of a single FSD entry.
Component programs: List of FSD entries. High level dependencies. Ideal for scripts.
Paid support: Direct URL to contact the paid support. The price must be clearly visible on the destination page. Redirects with ads, paywalls and adult content are strictly forbidden.
Accepts cryptocurrency donations:
Checksum: Checksum of this free software release. Please use "sum" from the GNU coreutils. Used during security checks.
OpenPGP signature URL: Direct URL of the PGP signature. It can be used to verify the VCS commits. Redirects with ads, paywalls and adult content are strictly forbidden.
OpenPGP public key URL: Direct URL of the PGP public key. It can be used to contact the lead developer. Redirects with ads, paywalls and adult content are strictly forbidden.
Test entry: Mark this page as a test entry. It is intended for use by inexperienced users but it is not a sandbox. Deactivate when the page is ready for official publication.

If a program has been featured somewhere, such as the FSF Supporter, then you may fill out the following:

Public media: Featured date:

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If a program has been imported from a distribution or packaging system:

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Source link:

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Never leave it empty. Unless you are creating a new page, the summary must contain an explicative list of changes. It will be stored permanently in the public history of the page.

A minor edit is a version that the editor believes requires no review and could never be the subject of a dispute. An edit marked as minor appears on the right of a lower case, bolded "m" character (m) in the history. If unsure leave unchecked. Check this only if superficial differences exist between the current and previous version: typo corrections, formatting and presentational changes, rearranging of text without modifying content, …
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The pages become completely visible only after the approval of at least one FSD administrator.


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the page “GNU Free Documentation License”.

The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.