Adblock Plus

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Adblock Plus (ABP)
Ad blocker

User notice: Tracking comment

Adblock Plus is ineffective for surveillance protection by default as it comes with Acceptable Ads enabled: These ads are not meant to be "ads that don't track you".

Blocks banners, pop-ups, tracking, malware. By default, nonintrusive ads aren't blocked in order to support websites.

The add-on is supported by over forty filter subscriptions in dozens of languages which automatically configure it for purposes ranging from removing online advertising to blocking all known malware domains. Adblock Plus also allows you to customize your filters with the assistance of a variety of useful features, including a context option for images, a block tab for Flash and Java objects, and a list of blockable items to remove scripts and stylesheets.

Starting with Adblock Plus 2.0 there is an option in Filter Preferences to allow some non-intrusive advertising. The goal is to support websites using non-intrusive ways to advertise and to encourage more websites to do the same.




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26 April 2013

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"Bugs with the software" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

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