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stock-market (23)

Advanced Stock Tracking System
Advanced Stock Tracking System (AST) is a Web-based application for keeping track of stocks. It features a portfolio with dividend tracking, a worksheet to keep track of prospects, a stock comparison utility, and a search engine for the stock market based heavily on technical analysis.
Beancounter enables stockmarket data analysis and performance evaluation. Its first mode is data gathering - both current data (e.g. closing prices, high, low, volume etc.) and historical price data can be retrieved efficiently using multiple securities per requests, and stored in an SQL database via the command line. Its second mode is data analysis, based on the previously stored data. This includes performance reports and a Value-at-Risk analysis. It supports stock markets in North America, Europe, and Asia, foreign exchange rates, US mutual funds, and US options.
Bisq is a free and open-source application that uses p2p to decentralize itself. Its purpose is to make a user be able to buy and sell cryptocurrencies and exchange them for fiat currency.
Chart is stock market charting program. It downloads and displays market daily data and current price quotes in various styles and with many standard technical analysis indicators and averages. Data is obtained from several sources, including Barchart and Yahoo Finance (which covers most major world exchanges). Alert levels, notes, and free-form trend lines can be added to charts. Chart is at "personal project" level, which means the features are those things which interest the author, but the aims are serious. Chart is written in GNU Guile and perl, and customizations and extensions can be added using Scheme code. The main interface is the Guile Gtk GUI. An Emacs interface is included too, for viewing price quotes within Emacs, including importing into the Simple Emacs Spreadsheet (and other uses).
DEWAWI is a web based and simple to use merchandise management system including customer relationship management. The software is designed to increase the productivity and effectiveness of the business processes at small and middle size businesses. Thanks to the web based software DEWAWI can be installed on any GNU/Linux, Apache server to make the system accessible worldwide. The user interface is designed with mobile first strategy to make it available for any type of devices accessible. The architecture of the DEWAWI is based on modules and it is easily expandable to new functions.
DMBCS Market Data API
While there are several open APIs available on the Internet for fetching stock market trading data, there are scant few which provide data of the markets themselves, in particular it is quite difficult to programmatically get an enumeration of all the components of a particular market from the Internet. The DMBCS Market Data service provides this facility, offering two end-points which enumerate all markets known to the system and all components of any given market. The service provides a RESTful API which is currently freely available without registration. More information can be found at Here we present the reference implementation of a client-side library for programmatically getting data from the service.
DMBCS Trader Desk
Lightning fast application for interactively exploring historical stock market prices.
Kraken is a virtual currency exchange, which also handles fiat (real) currency amounts. Subscribers to the service have an account with associated funds attached. The web site ( provides the user with an account overview (i.e. current balance), currency-pair exchange market status (history of prices and current order book), and the means to place entries on the order book; bids for a currency which can be immediately met with orders to sell the currency are automatically transacted, with the Kraken site taking a small and variable cut of the deal. Kraken also provide a stateless, web-based API by which all of the above actions can be undertaken programmatically. This is fully open, and described at the Kraken exchange web site. The DMBCS client-side C++ library implements all features of the API in a fully encapsulated C++ class, allowing users to implement algorithmic or robotic trading and dynamic exchange modelling.
Gammath SPOT
Gammath Stock Price-Opining Toolset (SPOT) is a comprehensive stock technical analysis software that is easy-to-use via its Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Command Line Interface (CLI). It takes watchlist as an input, collects necessary data from the Internet for the stocks on the watchlist, does technical analysis and algorithmically computes a stock analysis score [aka Gammath Score (gScore -- pronounced as "ga Score")] that is between -1 and +1 to indicate the degree to which the algorithm perceives the stock to be trading at a premium or at a discount. SPOT includes tools to compute estimated price projection, multipurpose estimation for Gammath Score and Price, compute useful probabilities, estimate support and resistance level, compute stock news headlines sentiment analysis, generate gscores history, backtest a trading strategy (for short-/long-term and medium-/high risk), screen stocks based on micro-Gammath Scores and run a SPOT trading simulator. SPOT also analyzes and estimates price projection for S&P500. [Gammath, SPOT and stylized g(m) are registered trade/service marks.]
GeniusTrader aims to be a full featured toolbox to create trading systems. Powerful systematic trading requires several things:
  • many indicators and corresponding signals
  • money management rules
    • deciding what is a reasonable amount of money to put on a single trade (to limit the risk associated to that trade)
    • combining different values within the portfolio (to limit the global risk)
  • flexibility to be able to test all
  • combinations with the above items
  • backtesting system with analysis of results
GeniusTrader already has support of most of this. GeniusTrader consists of a bunch of Perl modules associated to a few perl scripts.

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