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Broaden your selection: Category/Documentation-tool

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documentation-word-processing (14)

Whether you're looking for a job or trying to help a friend to find one, CVAssistant is the number one tool for you. It helps you by preparing resumes and cover letters and organizing your job application process. It: Stores all your skills and experiences. Creates resumes tailored for each job you apply. Creates cover letters summarized to match each job advertisement. Keeps a history of job applications so you are ready when you receive a phone call. Write resumes in your language. All languages are supported! It's a free and open source software which you can easily download to your computer and start using it out of the box. CV Assistant helps you create specialized resumes in Word .docx format fast and easy. The idea is to have a master resume with all skills and experiences in it. Then based on skills mentioned in the job advertisement, export a clean but well formatted word .docx file as a summarized resume with only relevant skills in it. This increases your chance of getting a job interview as most companies are using Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) or at best hiring managers which may be unaware of similarity between phrases like skilled in MS Word, familiar with Microsoft Word and Fully experienced with office suites. So job seekers need to create specialized resumes for each and every job position with the same wordings used in the advertisement. Add all your skills to CV Assistant, pick only relevant ones. It also creates cover letters! Again, write all possible sentences, and select those relevant ones per job post. CVAssistant helps you free of charge and this software remains for free!
Devhelp is an API documentation browser for GTK+ and GNOME. It works natively with GTK-Doc (the API reference system developed for GTK+ and used throughout GNOME for API documentation).
Docmenta is a Java Web-application for creating publications that need to be published for the Web and print. Supported output formats are PDF, HTML, Web-Help, EPUB (eBook) and DocBook. Main features are:
  • Distributed authoring
  • WYSIWYG editing
  • Link management
  • Approval workflow
  • Release-management
  • Translation support
  • Table of Contents and index generation
  • Image gallery
  • Listing support (line numbering, syntax highlighting)
  • Applicability filtering and more.
"" is a short script that, when given a URL for a Google Doc as input, will download that Google Doc in the current working directory in OpenDocument Format without running any of Google's nonfree JavaScript. Uploaded at the request of RMS.
HTML::GenToc lets you specify significant elements that will be hyperlinked to in a Table of Contents (ToC) for a given set of HTML documents. It does not require those documents to be strict HTML, which makes it suitable for using with templates, included files, and meta-languages such as WML or PHP.
Ibus Table Sasankadeva
Ibus-table that uses the Sasankadeva layout for typing Bengali or Sanskrit in Bengali script. Sasankadeva (Unicode) is semi-phonetic transliteration keyboard, i.e., a midway between the accuracy of grammatical typing and the ease of phonetic Indic typing. The ease has been ensured in many ways, including spelling statistics, character combinations and multiple options to be used as suits. Along with its own set of input keys, most popular input strings from widely used Avro Phonetic and itrans-Bangla are also supported. Apart from useful well-defined shortcuts that save time while typing, there are fixed phonetic-based layout for all usual character combinations in Indian Bengali, so that the user can practically type without looking at the screen if he chooses to. Also, suggestions come up to be selected from, if one is more comfortable with them. It aims at making an algorithm that provides space for both well-defined inputs with phonetic variations, has sets of methods that suits both professional and layman typing with one or two hands, that are easy to learn and easier to apply. The interface has been built in ibus-table environment. Official website:
MarkText is an editor for markdown.
==Description== The table of contents (a.k.a: TOC) generated by this program is designed to work with several markdown parsers such as the ones used by GitHub and GitLab. Rules for generating the TOC are determined by the selected markdown parser. md-toc aimes infact to be as conformant as possible in respect to each one of them. This was possible by studying the available documentations and by reverse engineering the source codes. GitHub and GitLab have introduced their version of the markdown TOC after md-toc and similar tools were created:
  • in March 2021 GitHub added an interactive TOC button at the top-left of readme files. This system works for markdown and others
  • GitLab added an extension called Table of contents to its Gitlab Flavored Mardown


  • works offline
  • edits file in place using a TOC marker or output to standard output
  • maximum heading level selection (1 to 6)
  • list indentation based on heading, which can optionally be disabled
  • outputs an ordered or unordered TOC list
  • creates anchor links to markdown headings by default or a plain list as alternative
  • checks if heading level is coherent: this avoid creating an erroneous TOC. This feature can be disabled if needed
  • skip any number lines before generating the TOC
  • can read content from standard input
  • handles multiple files at once
  • selection of newline string
  • check if there is difference between existing TOC in file and newly generated one
  • selection of list marker
  • supports GitHub, GitLab, Commonmark, Redcarpet and others
  • pre-commit md-toc hook
And more! See the feature comparison table
Today: You can take notes with it. Rearrange them easily, up and down in a list, or up/down in the hierarchy. Link them to each other. Navigate across links with simple keypresses. Make deeply nested lists. Link lists to lists. Compose long paragraphs and attach them. Or do more complicated things if desired, by creating relationship types and using those. Import txt or export txt or html. It's better than the alternatives for some people, because the navigation takes fewer keystrokes, you don't have to read a manual (it's all on the screen, or so I like to think), you can have the same thing in as many places as you want, it is Free (some alternatives are, others are not), and it has immense future potential for becoming a better-structured, much more powerful and flexible wikipedia-like tool, if we work together. Vision: The idea is to have the most efficient personal knowledge organizer (now available in a usable text-based interface), then support mobile access, easy internal automation, and effective sharing and collaboration. Then, to combine efforts and learn as we go until we integrate humankind's knowledge over time. The key differentiators are that it is to be Free, and based on an object model (easily created on the fly as a side-effect of using the system), rather than on massive amounts of words. The knowledge is the same, even if the words can change. One can think of that as "using building blocks of knowledge, starting at an atomic level (i.e. numbers, relationships...), free and efficient." Or, taking the best experiences of online organizer tools and wikis, but more structured, efficient, Free, open, and collaborative; and allowing full individual or organizational control.
'PipeMore' is a utility to be used as the last of a series of piped commands (like 'more'). It displays STDIN data in a scrolled window where it can be searched or saved, and thereby avoids filling your xterm with temporary output. It differs from 'less' in that you can get a NEW window where the data can stay open so you can refer to it later and usually copy/paste from it.

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