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will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
In short, Aletheia is software for getting science published and into the hands of everyone, for free. It's a decentralised and distributed database used as a publishing platform for scientific research. So, Aletheia is software. But software without people is nothing. To comprehensively answer the question what is Aletheia, Aletheia is software surrounded by a community of people who want to change the world through open access to scientific knowledge. For a more in depth explanation, Aletheia is an Ethereum Blockchain application utilising IPFS for decentralised storage that anyone can upload documents to, download documents from, that also handles the academic peer review process. The application runs on individual PCs, all forming part of the IPFS database. This gives us an open source platform that cannot be bought out by the large publishers (and any derivitive works must also be open source) that should also be hard to take down due to the database being spread across the globe in multiple legal jurisdictions. Aletheia is designed to be a resilient platform run transparently by the community, not some black box corporation or editorial board, meaning all users can see the decisions Aletheia is making and have a stake in that decision making process if they so desire. By this nature, Aletheia is decentralised, it has no key person risk. Should the core group who invented Aletheia dissapear Aletheia won't cease to exist, it will continue to be run by the community. The community moderates content through various mechanisms (peer review, reputation scores etc.,) to ensure quality of content.
Whether you are a fan of science fiction, a space–science enthusiast, hobbyist, photographer, gamer or a patron of grass–roots libre arts and technology, you are sure to find the first successful images from the surface of Mars highly captivating. These mind blowing images were taken by NASA's Viking landers during the highly ambitious, billion–dollar mission first launched in 1975. However, many images were nearly lost to history due to magnetic tape deterioration and archaic proprietary technology. With NASA's blessing, our team developed the technology to recover many of these images. This research tool was part of the design phase of our parent project, Avaneya — our upcoming libre cerebral science fiction game for the GNU operating system set on Mars, described in the words of Richard Stallman as an exciting, pioneering project. Originally an internal research tool, overwhelming public interest compelled us to release the technology on this DVD for all. Now everyone can relive the original breathtaking experience that captured the world's attention and marked the first successful moment in history that humanity saw Mars — not as a distant, impersonal, celestial body, beheld through a telescope for centuries, but as a tangible and alien world well within its reach.
DataMelt (DMelt) is an environment for numeric computation, statistical analysis, data mining, and graphical data visualization on the Java platform. This Java multiplatform program is integrated with a number of scripting languages: Jython (Python), Groovy, JRuby, BeanShell. DMelt can be used to plot functions and data in 2D and 3D, perform statistical tests, data mining, numeric computations, function minimization, linear algebra, solving systems of linear and differential equations. Linear, non-linear and symbolic regression are also available. Neural networks and various data-manipulation methods are integrated using powerful Java API. Elements of symbolic computations using Octave/Matlab scripting are supported.
A simple a command line note-taking software that supports multi-device sync and a web interface. It is popular for building a personal knowledge base for its simplicity.
RECAP is a browser extension that improves the experience of using PACER, the electronic public access system for the U.S. Federal District and Bankruptcy Courts. It also helps you contribute records to a public archive hosted by the Internet Archive and it shows you when free documents are available on the archive.
JabRef is a graphical Java application for editing BibTeX (.bib) databases. JabRef lets you organize your entries into overlapping logical groups, and with a single click limit your view to a single group or an intersection or union of several groups. You can customize the entry information shown in the main window, and sort by any of the standard BibTeX fields. JabRef can autogenerate BibTeX keys for your entries. JabRef also lets you easily link to PDF or web sources for your reference entries. JabRef can import from and export to several formats, and you can customize export filters. JabRef can be run as a command line application to convert from any import format to any export format.
Koha is the first free software library automation package. In use worldwide, its development is steered by a growing community of users collaborating to achieve their technology goals. Koha’s feature set continues to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its user base. Full-featured ILS. In use worldwide in libraries of all sizes, Koha is a true enterprise-class ILS with comprehensive functionality including basic or advanced options. Koha includes modules for circulation, cataloging, acquisitions, serials, reserves, patron management, branch relationships, and more. Full text searching Koha uses an RDBMS coupled with an external search engine to provide powerful searching that is truly scalable Library Standards Compliant. Koha is built using library standards and protocols that ensure interoperability between Koha and other systems and technologies, while supporting existing workflows and tools. Web-based Interfaces. Koha’s OPAC, circ, management and self-checkout interfaces are all based on standards-compliant World Wide Web technologies–XHTML, CSS and Javascript–making Koha a truly platform-independent solution. No Vendor Lock-in. It is an important part of the free software promise that there is no vendor lock-in: libraries are free to install and use Koha themselves if the have the in-house expertise or to purchase support or development services from the best available sources. Libraries should be free to change support company and export their data at any time, make sure your support company allows this.
Libcsdbg is a C++ exception stack tracer. When an exception is thrown, caught and handled, libcsdbg offers the tools to create and process the exception stack trace, the path the exception has propagated up the call stack, unwinding it, up to the section were it was handled. The traces are detailed with demangled function signatures and additional addr2line info (the source code file and line that each function was called). Libcsdbg will perform flawlessly with single and multi-threaded (or multi-process) programs, with any dynamically linked shared object (DSO - Dynamic Shared Object) and with any statically linked library. Additionally, libcsdbg helps the developer/tester create sophisticated stack traces of any thread, at any given moment during a process execution, as a snapshot of the runtime call graph. This is very useful in cases of fatal errors, reception of terminating signals or process abortion/termination (such as segmentation faults). libcsdbg can use all the well-known objective code file formats (a.out, elf, coff, ecoff, etc.) and can easily be used as the base for your own instrumentation code. libcsdbg transparently loads the symbol tables of the chosen dynamic libraries and of the executable, demangles function symbols to complete signatures, and binds function names to runtime addresses (even for the DSO symbols).
Free software to assist in cataloguing challenging items in museum libraries (for example).

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