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sports (12)

ArcheryClock is a countdown timer used for Archery matches. It covers multiple disciplines. The program shows: -How much time is left for the archer to shoot his arrows. -It shows on the screen which turn (A-B-C-D) is ongoing. -And a sound is generated to indicate start or end of shooting. Via a hardware interface, for example arduino, it is possible to connect via USB/serial: Traffic lights. -Buzzer. -Lights to indicate if it's the turn for Archer A, B, C or D. -digits of the timer -etc
Bygfoot Football Manager
Bygfoot Football Manager is a small and simple graphical football (a.k.a. soccer) manager game featuring many international leagues and cups. You manage a team from one such league: you form the team, buy and sell players, get promoted or relegated and of course try to be successful. You can customise Bygfoot by writing your own country definitions file or by creating your own team definitions files.
A complete system for measurement, management and statistics of sport short-time tests. Chronojump is used by trainers, teachers and students.
Cricket Scoreboard
Cricket scoreboard for GNU/Linux displays almost real-time scores of a cricket match. It stays in the corner of your screen while you do other work. It picks up its data from ( The scores are refreshed after 60 seconds; this can be forced by right-clicking on the window and selecting "Refresh!".
KLIMB (Keith's DeLuxe Interactive Map Builder) lets you to plan bike routes interactively on topographical maps of the San Francisco Bay Area. Clicking on nodes marking key intersections or on the links between the nodes builds a route; as the route is built, KLIMB tells you the total distance and climbing. At any time, you can get a distance and altitude profile of the route or a detailed description of the route. You can think of KLIMB as an interactive implementation of Bill Bushnell's excellent San Francisco Bay Area Altitude/Distance Biking Graph displayed on top of USGS topographic maps.
Kricket Scoreboard
KricketScoreboard keeps scores of cricket matches. It also lets you to analyze the innings, batsmen and bowlers. For each ball delivered, the scorekeeper must mark in about 4 places in a specially designed scorebook. Done manually, this can lead to errors and incorrect scores. With KricketScoreboard, recording a delivery is as it is as simple as pressing one button; plus, it records more information that can be recorded in a cricket score book.
'libtour' is a generic tournament processing library. The rules, participants, schedule, and results of a sporting tournament are defined in Scheme programming language and given to the library as input. Since 'libtour' only knows the structure of an event as it is roughly , it can therefore interpret any sporting tournament that conforms to the structure. A CLI application is provided as a reference client implementation. See for a Qt-based client.
'myleague' is a simple console tool for maintaining soccer league data. Scorer list, league table, match list, and round report are all included. The program needs neither spreadsheets nor a database.
Run for Runners
Run is a Java application for runners, written by a runner. Maintain and graph running or cycling data. Features include:
  • Mileage completed for each pair of shoes, together with how many days they have been in use
  • Select overall mileage for different routes and different types of run
  • View the heart rate work zones for a runner
  • Best pace overall. This can be viewed for specific route, specific types of run etc.
  • View graphs of the runner's heart rate, average pace or a combined graph
  • Display Pace graphs, for two or more runners, side by side
  • View a list of the selected run with average pace and heart rate work zone calculated by the application
  • View only runs that have an average pace below or above set limits
  • Set up individual runner defaults for viewing, specific, completed runs
SportsTracker is an application for recording sporting activities. It is not bound to a specific kind of sport, as categories can be created for all sport types that are endurance related, such as cycling or running. The main advantages are a good overview of the exercises and easy creation of statistics for specific time ranges and sport types. Users of heart rate monitors can organize the recorded data by attaching them to the exercise entries.

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