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accessibility (51)

'Accessibility' means enabling people with disabilities to participate in substantial life activities that include work and the use of services, products, and information. GNOME Accessibility is the suite of software services and support in GNOME that provides accessibility interfaces to other applications and toolkits.
Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks. Accerciser has a simple plugin framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.
AllTray is software that allows users to dock any application into the system tray. You can dock (for example) Mozilla Thunderbird, Evolution, and even terminals. A highlight feature is that a click on the close button of an application will minimize it to the system tray. It works well with Gnome, KDE, XFCE 4, Fluxbox, and WindowMaker.
AT-SPI is a D-Bus based accessibility framework. It defines a D-Bus protocol for providing and accessing application accessibility information. The project includes a library for bridging the D-Bus protocol to the ATK API, allowing Gtk based applications to be made accessible. It also contains a client (AT) side library in C and a wrapper for Python.
BRLTTY is a daemon which provides access to the GNU/Linux console (text mode) for a blind person using a soft braille display. It drives the braille terminal and provides complete screen review functionality. The web site has a complete list of braille display models that are supported. Features include blinking cursor and capital letters, screen freezing for leisurely review, attribute displays and attribute underlining to locate highlighted text, hypertext links, intelligent cursor routing for easy cursor movement without moving your hands from the braille display, a cut and paste function, on-line help, and a modular design that lets you add drivers relatively easily.
CMUSphinx- PocketSphinx
Sphinx is a speaker-independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer. It is also a collection of free software tools and resources that allows researchers and developers to build speech recognition systems. The packages that the CMU Sphinx Group is releasing are a set of reasonably mature, world-class speech components that provide a basic level of technology to anyone interested in creating speech-using applications without the once-prohibitive initial investment cost in research and development; the same components are open to peer review by all researchers in the field, and are used for linguistic research as well. PocketSphinx is CMU's fastest speech recognition system. It uses Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with semi-continuous output probability density functions (PDF). Even though it is not as accurate as Sphinx-3 or Sphinx-4, it runs at real time, and therefore it is a good choice for live applications. You can find further documentation about PocketSphinx in the release documentation, or at the online documentation.
CMUSphinx- Training
Sphinx is a speaker-independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer. It is also a collection of free software tools and resources that allows researchers and developers to build speech recognition systems. The packages that the CMU Sphinx Group is releasing are a set of reasonably mature, world-class speech components that provide a basic level of technology to anyone interested in creating speech-using applications without the once-prohibitive initial investment cost in research and development; the same components are open to peer review by all researchers in the field, and are used for linguistic research as well. SphinxTrain is CMU Sphinx's training package. It trains models in Sphinx-3 format, which is also used by PocketSphinx. The Sphinx-2 format can also be converted to Sphinx-2 format under some conditions related to Sphinx-2's limitations. At this point, Sphinx-4 uses Sphinx-3 models.
CMUSphinx- base
Sphinx is a speaker-independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer. It is also a collection of free software tools and resources that allows researchers and developers to build speech recognition systems. The packages that the CMU Sphinx Group is releasing are a set of reasonably mature, world-class speech components that provide a basic level of technology to anyone interested in creating speech-using applications without the once-prohibitive initial investment cost in research and development; the same components are open to peer review by all researchers in the field, and are used for linguistic research as well.
Sphinx is a speaker-independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer. It is also a collection of free software tools and resources that allows researchers and developers to build speech recognition systems. The packages that the CMU Sphinx Group is releasing are a set of reasonably mature, world-class speech components that provide a basic level of technology to anyone interested in creating speech-using applications without the once-prohibitive initial investment cost in research and development; the same components are open to peer review by all researchers in the field, and are used for linguistic research as well. Sphinx-2 is a fast speech recognition system, the predecessor of PocketSphinx. It is not being actively developed at this time, but is still widely used in interactive applications. It uses Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with semi-continuous output probability density functions (PDF). Even though it is not as accurate as Sphinx-3 or Sphinx-4, it runs at real time, and therefore it is a good choice for live applications. You can find further documentation about Sphinx-2 in the release documentation, or at the online documentation.
Sphinx is a speaker-independent large vocabulary continuous speech recognizer. It is also a collection of free software tools and resources that allows researchers and developers to build speech recognition systems. The packages that the CMU Sphinx Group is releasing are a set of reasonably mature, world-class speech components that provide a basic level of technology to anyone interested in creating speech-using applications without the once-prohibitive initial investment cost in research and development; the same components are open to peer review by all researchers in the field, and are used for linguistic research as well. Sphinx-3 is CMU's state-of-the-art large vocabulary speech recognition system. It uses Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with continuous output probability density functions (PDF). It supports several modes of operation. The more accurate mode, known as the "flat decoder", is descended from the original Sphinx-3 release (still available for reference purposes at The faster mode, known as the "tree decoder", was developed separately. The two decoders were merged in Sphinx 3.5, though the flat decoder was not fully functional until Sphinx 3.7. Further documentation can be found in the release documentation, or at the online documentation.

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