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file-manager (61)

'3dFB' is a 3D file manager and browser. 2D file managers work nicely, but with 3D, you can display much more information. The aim of this project is to make a viable, workable, 3D file manager that is not a hog on resources and can actually be usable.
4Pane is a highly configurable GNU/Linux filemanager. It has dual twin-panes, each of which has a directory tree-view pane and a detailed-list pane for files. Advanced features include multiple undo and redo of most operations (including deletions), archive management including 'virtual browsing' inside archives, multiple renameand duplication of files, a terminal emulator and user-defined tools
Detects network and SSH server availability, mounts registered accesses and maintains them mounted accross network changes and interruptions.
CLEX is a file manager with a full-screen user interface written in C with the curses library. It displays directory contents (including file status details) and provides features like command history, filename insertion, or name completion in order to help the user to construct commands to be executed by the shell (there are no built-in commands). CLEX is easily configurable and all its features are explained in the on-line help.
'cdargs' adds a bookmark feature and a simple filebrowser to the builtin shell command `cd'. This lets you jump to various places throughout the filesystem with just a few keystrokes. It is intended for heavy shell users.
Common Desktop Environment
The Common Desktop Environment was created by a collaboration of Sun, HP, IBM, DEC, SCO, Fujitsu and Hitachi. Used on a selection of commercial UNIXs, it is now available as free software for the first time.
' DupeFinder' locates, moves, renames, and deletes duplicate files in a directory structure. It's good both for users who haven't kept their hard drives very well organized and need to do some cleaning to free space, and for users who like to keep lots of backup copies of important data "just in case" something bad should happen.
'Endeavour' is a file browser/file manager with an image browser, a recycled objects system, and an archiver front end. It features all the common UNIX file operations for all types of disk objects found the UNIX realm. It also supports disk drive mounting, a fully customizable window appearance, a MIME Types system, and interapplication drag & drop support for KDE and GNOME compatability (although KDE and GNOME are not required).
Fast Secure File System
FSFS is a secure, distributed, scalable, user-space file system that exports existing directories securely over the network, letting users store and retrieve encrypted data in a transparent way. FSFS is written as a pair of user space daemons that act as clients and servers. Servers export an existing file system (of virtually any kind) to clients over the network.
FileManager is a secure (SSL), multi-user, Web-based program for file, directory, and remote command management. It displays full directory information; allows file viewing, deleting, renaming, uploading, downloading, etc.; assists in directory navigation; and can execute any command for which the user account has privilege. It has a built-in text editor for quick editing and file updates and is cross-browser compatible.

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