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online-journaling (37)

will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
'Addendat' is a blogging program that accepts updates from either a CGI interface or a shell interface. It stores additions as HTML, so you can edit both entries and design in any ordinary text editor. It is configured using a simple HTML-like config file format and supports multiple blogs, even on the same page. It does not require Java or JavaScript and can publicize additions on a central hub, so users can easily find recently-updated blogs. It supports comments and archiving, can post entries to LiveJournal, and features configurable comment spam countermeasures.
In short, Aletheia is software for getting science published and into the hands of everyone, for free. It's a decentralised and distributed database used as a publishing platform for scientific research. So, Aletheia is software. But software without people is nothing. To comprehensively answer the question what is Aletheia, Aletheia is software surrounded by a community of people who want to change the world through open access to scientific knowledge. For a more in depth explanation, Aletheia is an Ethereum Blockchain application utilising IPFS for decentralised storage that anyone can upload documents to, download documents from, that also handles the academic peer review process. The application runs on individual PCs, all forming part of the IPFS database. This gives us an open source platform that cannot be bought out by the large publishers (and any derivitive works must also be open source) that should also be hard to take down due to the database being spread across the globe in multiple legal jurisdictions. Aletheia is designed to be a resilient platform run transparently by the community, not some black box corporation or editorial board, meaning all users can see the decisions Aletheia is making and have a stake in that decision making process if they so desire. By this nature, Aletheia is decentralised, it has no key person risk. Should the core group who invented Aletheia dissapear Aletheia won't cease to exist, it will continue to be run by the community. The community moderates content through various mechanisms (peer review, reputation scores etc.,) to ensure quality of content.
Anontwi - is a tool for OAuth2 applications (such as: GNUSocial, Twitter...) that provides different layers of encryption and privacy methods.
'Blosxom' is a lightweight yet feature-packed Weblog application designed from the ground up with simplicity, usability, and interoperability in mind. It relies on the file system, folders, and files as its content database. Users can create, edit, rename, and delete entries on the command-line, via FTP, WebDAV, or anything else they might use to manipulate their files.
Bookblog is a program which runs under a web server (such as Apache) and allows individuals to write up their reviews for a book in a form which is easily accessible, and appears to other browsers as a web log to which they can add their comments.
Diaspora is a decentralized social network (composed by many servers which interact with each other, the servers are called pods).
FeedCreator is a PHP class that provides an easy way to create RSS feeds from within PHP. RSS 0.91, 1.0, and 2.0 are supported; users can decide which version to create at runtime. This package was formerly known as 'RSSCreator.'
Feedback Cat
Feedback Cat is a 100% free and open-source WordPress plugin to survey your users and customers. Set it up in 2 minutes.
Friendica is a communications platform for integrated social communications utilising decentralised communications and linkage to several indie social projects - as well as popular mainstream providers.

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