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The Tensei-Data software system can be used to merge, standardize and simplify data integration, data migration, data transformation and interface management processes. These processes can be manually executed or automatically by specified routines or triggers that are monitored. The system is based on modern technologies like Akka, Scala and the Play Framework. Therefore, the application is scalable, flexible and highly performant. The integrated Data Description Language (DFASDL) allows the dynamic mapping of almost any source and target system and is called within the application as dynamic connectors. For the modification of data, the Tensei-Data application offers diverse transformers which can be combined and modified.
Tensei-Data Frontend
The graphical user interface for a Tensei (転成) system. It provides a web based user interface and additional features like cronjobs and triggers.


The main website for Tensei-Data is located at:


You can find the source archives and debian packages on the releases page:

If you just want to launch a quick demo version which includes all needed components we recommend you to try out the available vagrant box ( Just create an empty folder, open a terminal and run the following commands inside the folder:


After the application has started goto http://localhost:9000 in your browser.

You need to have vagrant and virtualbox installed for this to work.

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System architecture and provisioning

The Tensei-Data system is build upon three components:

1. Tensei-Server 2. Tensei-Frontend 3. At least one Tensei-Agent

To be able to run Tensei-Data you have to start at least one of each components.

For development purposes it is feasible to simply start each one from the sbt prompt via the run task.

Provisioning / Deployment

To be able to provision the system components a packaging configuration for the sbt native packager plugin is included. The recommended way is to create debian packages via the debian:packageBin sbt task. Resulting debian packages can be installed on a debian or ubuntu system. Before the package is build the test suite will be executed.


We recommend to use the gdebi tool on ubuntu because it will automatically fetch required dependencies.

The packages include system startup scripts that will launch them upon system boot.

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