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finger (4)

A modern computing facility consists of one user per host, and many hosts per site. To find out about logged on users at another site you must query each host to find out about an individual user. With GNU Finger, a single host is designated the finger "server" host and collects information about who is logged on to other hosts at that site. A user then needs to query only the server host, instead of each host at that site. GNU Finger follows the finger "protocol" (rules for communication) in responding to simple requests, since this protocol is simple. But it can also implement another protocol that lets two finger programs exchange information in a predetermined way; this allows faster and wider bandwidth communication.
Firewall is a set of scripts (firewall, fwup and fwdown) that implement one or more ipchains firewalls that support various forms of network address and port translation. All you have to do is read the heavily documented policy file and edit it to reflect your network topology and filtering policy.
PageKite is a system for connecting your localhost servers to the public Internet, giving them names and making them globally accessible. It works on most common operating systems and it doesn't matter what kind of Internet connection you have. The PageKite back-end configures DNS for your server and establishes communication with our global pool of front-end relays. These relays have public IP addresses and are visible on the global Internet, which makes it possible for them to accept incoming requests on your server's behalf. These requests get forwarded (proxied) over the tunnel to your server, and any replies travel back the same way.
Zorp is a new generation proxy firewall suite and as such its core architecture is built around today's security demands: it uses application level proxies, it is modular and component based, it uses a script language to describe policy decisions, it makes it possible to monitor encrypted traffic, it let's you override client actions, it let's you protect your servers with its built in IDS capabilities... The list is endless. It gives you all the power you need to implement your local security policy.

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