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ldap (9)

Authorized Entities Directory (Æ-DIR) is a Privileged Identity and Access Management (IAM/PIM/PAM) based on OpenLDAP Objectives:
  • Strictly follow need to know and least privilege principles
  • Agile data maintenance by consequent delegation of manageable small areas
  • Provide meaningful audit trails for compliance checks
  • Secure defaults
'adtool' is a *nix command line utility for Active Directory administration. Its features include user and group creation, deletion, modification, password setting, directory query, and search capabilities.
CID (Closed In Directory) is a set of bash scripts for inserting and managing GNU/Linux computers in Active Directory domains. Modifications made to the system allow GNU/Linux to behave like a Windows computer within AD.
Dolibarr ERP CRM
Dolibarr is Free Software software to manage a company (sme, freelancer or large companies) or a foundation. It provides a lot of features to manage your customers, partners, suppliers, proposals, orders, invoices, products, stocks, point of sales, etc.
'ejabberd' is a multi-platform, scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant XMPP Jabber server. It supports advanced features such as multi-user chat, IRC transport, publish and subscribe services, Jabber user directory, a Web-based administration interface, an HTTP polling service, SSL and TLS support, LDAP and external authentication.
Ekiga (formely known as GnomeMeeting) is a SoftPhone, Video Conferencing and Instant Messenger application over the Internet. It supports HD sound quality and video up to DVD size and quality. It is interoperable with many other standard compliant software, hardware and service providers as it uses both the major telephony standards (SIP and H.323).
The FusionDirectory project aim to fill this gap by providing a nice web application that allow you not only to manage your classical openldap data like users, groups, services... but also offer an API allowing to write new plugins to extent the application to be more useful to you. Bundled with more than 50 plugins today ranging from users management to service management and systems management, everything managed trough you ldap server.
  • User, group, roles , sudo ...
  • French education support : Supann, Sinaps, PArtage de Renater
  • Systems
  • Network services : SMTP / DNS / DHCP / Samba
and much more ... FusionDirectory is user-friendly and includes a number of features and modes including:
  • A copy and paste system
  • Template mode for all objects stored with FusionDirectory
  • Snapshot mode
  • Dashboard (user, password, expiration of users, installation and deployment)
  • trigger to create action on other systems after saving, modifying, removing
Firewall is a set of scripts (firewall, fwup and fwdown) that implement one or more ipchains firewalls that support various forms of network address and port translation. All you have to do is read the heavily documented policy file and edit it to reflect your network topology and filtering policy.
The most comprehensive and integrated Free / Libre / Open Source enterprise software suite. WikiSuite™ is especially suited to knowledge-centric organizations and offers most (80%+) of the data and information management features all organizations need Key features of WikiSuite are OS & Network management, Email & Calendar, Commerce, Web & Intranet, Chat & Video Conference, Security, BPM & Analytics, Files & Sync. WikiSuite is an integrated and extensible solution.

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