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internet (92)

AMaViS-ng is a modular rewrite of amavisd and amavis-perl. It scans email for malicious code inside attachments and archive files, stopping delivery if malicious code is found. It supports integration of several third-party virus scanners and integrates nicely into several MTA setups. Unlike amavis-perl and amavisd, there is no need for build-time configuration
will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
Adblock Plus
User notice: Tracking comment

Adblock Plus is ineffective for surveillance protection by default as it comes with Acceptable Ads enabled: These ads are not meant to be "ads that don't track you".

Blocks banners, pop-ups, tracking, malware. By default, nonintrusive ads aren't blocked in order to support websites.

The add-on is supported by over forty filter subscriptions in dozens of languages which automatically configure it for purposes ranging from removing online advertising to blocking all known malware domains. Adblock Plus also allows you to customize your filters with the assistance of a variety of useful features, including a context option for images, a block tab for Flash and Java objects, and a list of blockable items to remove scripts and stylesheets.

Starting with Adblock Plus 2.0 there is an option in Filter Preferences to allow some non-intrusive advertising. The goal is to support websites using non-intrusive ways to advertise and to encourage more websites to do the same.
Supports A, AAAA, ANY, CNAME, MX, NAPTR, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, and TXT DNS queries.
'amavisd-new' is an interface between MTAs and content checkers, including virus scanners, and/or the Mail::SpamAssasin Perl module. It talks to the MTA via (E)SMTP or LMTP, or by using helper programs. No timing gaps exist in the design, which could cause a mail loss. It is normally positioned at or near a central mailer, not necessarily where the user's mailboxes and final delivery takes place.
Features Double end to end encryption Completely peer to peer using hidden services Cryptographic Identity Verification Excellent Network Security Voice Messages Live Voice Calls over tor (alpha feature) Text Messages Metadata stripped media messages Raw file sending of any size (100 GB+) coming soon... Both peers have to add each others onion addresses to be able to communicate Disappearing messages by default Encrypted file storage on Android Screen security
arkOS is a lightweight GNU/Linux-based operating system, initially targeted to run on a Raspberry Pi, intended to make self-hosting server software as easy as possible. It has different components that interact to achieve these ends, chief among them an integrated application called Genesis which graphically manages the server and its components. With Genesis, users can easily add/remove server software, manage websites, change system settings and more from a reliable visual interface that's easy to use. arkOS puts a focus on user's experience, requiring no command line experience to run well. In the future, users will also be able to host their email accounts, chat accounts, and social networking profiles from an arkOS server just as easily.
Authforce is an HTTP authentication brute forcer. Using various methods, it attempts brute force username and password pairs for a site. It has the ability to try common usernames and passwords, username derivations, and common username/password pairs. It is used both to test the security of your site and to highlight the insecurity of HTTP authentication due to the fact that users just don't pick good passwords.
The AuthzForce project provides an Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) framework compliant with the OASIS XACML standard v3.0, that mostly consists of an authorization policy engine and a RESTful authorization server. It was primarily developed to provide advanced access control for Web Services or APIs, but is generic enough to address all kinds of access control use cases. You can use AuthzForce in two ways depending on your needs: Java API: AuthzForce provides a XACML PDP (Policy Decision Point) engine as a Java library so that applications can instantiate and use an embedded XACML PDP easily with Java. This API is provided by AuthzForce Core. Web API: AuthZForce provides a multi-tenant HTTP/REST API to PDPs and PAPs (Policy Administration Points) that web clients can call to manage policies, request authorization decisions, etc. This API is provided by AuthzForce Server.
Black Widow is a CTF tool developed by Fabrizio Fubelli during the " 2019" event. It provides many ways and useful methods to exploit many kinds of vulnerabilities. This software will be constantly updated, to keep up to date with the latest existing technologies. Main functionalities: Sniffing; Regex to find and send flag automatically; Multiple requests (sequential and parallel); Multitasking (to solve faster the brute force); Cluster (if two or more computers are running Black Widow inside the same network, they can cluster their problems); Encryption/Decryption by using the popular types of cryptographic algorithms (ex. Base64, MD5, ...).

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