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compiler (108)

4tH is a Forth compiler with a little difference. Instead of the standard Forth engine it features a conventional compiler. 4tH is a very small compiler that can create bytecode, C-embeddable bytecode, standalone executables, but also works fine as a scripting language. It supports about 95% of the ANS Forth CORE wordset and features conditional compilation, pipes, files, assertions, forward declarations, enumerations, structures, suspended execution, recursion, include files, etc. It comes with an RPN calculator, line editor, preprocessor, compiler, decompiler, C-source generator, a virtual machine, and a multitasking environment.
ACOVEA (Analysis of Compiler Optimizations via an Evolutionary Algorithm) implements a genetic algorithm to find the "best" options for compiling programs with the GCC C and C++ compilers. "Best" is defined as those options that produce the fastest executable program from a given source code. Acovea can also be extended to test other programming languages and non-GCC compilers.
alisp is a lisp implementation written in C that implements more than three quarters of Common Lisp and growing. It is very friendly to the programmer, featuring a basic profiler and also a debugger with stepping, a feature that most free implementations lack.
An IDE for the Arduino microcontroller. Arduino is a free software electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for artists, designers, hobbyists, and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. This IDE allows for program writing, code verfication, compiling, and uploading to the Arduino development board. Libraries and example code will also be installed.
BASM is a user friendly and easy to use assembler for The Basic Computer, capable of creating the object, list and hex file and giving detailed error reports. It's more of academic use for students who wish to understand how does The Basic Computer actually work.
bas55 is an editor and interpreter for the Minimal BASIC programming language, as defined by the ECMA-55 standard.
bigFORTH is a native code Forth for x86 processors. It is 32 bit and complies fully with ANS Forth. Tools include a multitasker; source-able decompiler; source level debugger (even using optimized macros) with single step and trace, and as many breakpoints as you want; post mortem dump and return stack trace; and a Pentium-MMX-assembler/disassembler. MINOS is a portable GUI library, written in object oriented Forth, and includes the GUI development editor Theseus. It is on a separate release schedule from bigFORTH; 0.9.8 beta of MINOS was released 2002-06-23.
Bigloo is an implementation of the Scheme programming language. It relies on an optimizing compiler from Scheme to C. Bigloo enables connections between Scheme code and C code. It proposes many extensions to Scheme such as a regular parser compiler, an lalr parser compiler, pattern matching, an object layer, etc.
Binutils includes tools capable of creating and managing binary program files, including handling object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. This is a GNU package.
Bisonc++ is a parser generator like bison, but it generates C++ code Bisonc++ is a general-purpose parser generator that converts a grammar description for an LALR(1) context-free grammar into a C++ class to parse that grammar. Once you are proficient with bisonc++, you may use it to develop a wide range of language parsers, from those used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages. Bisonc++ is highly comparable to the program bison++, written by Alain Coetmeur: all properly-written bison++ grammars ought to be convertible to bisonc++ grammars after very little or no change. Anyone familiar with bison++ or its precursor, bison, should be able to use bisonc++ with little trouble. You need to be fluent in using the C++ programming in order to use bisonc++. Bisonc++ expands the concepts initially implemented in bison and bison++, offering a cleaner setup of the generated parser class. The parser class is derived from a base-class, mainly containing the parser's token- and type-definitions as well as several member func- tions which should not be modified by the programmer. To create the program from its sources, either descend into the bisonc++ directory, or unpack a created archive, cd into its top-level directory and follow the instructions provided in the INSTALL file found there. Alternatively, binary ready-to-install versions of the Bisonc++ parser generator are available in verious GNU/Linux distributions, in particular Debian. See, e.g., Gitlab's web-pages for Bisonc++ are here:

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