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programming-language-conversion (26)

The .NET platform (pronounced as "dot net") is a free and open-source, managed computer software framework for Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems
AGFL is a parser generator for natural languages. It can cope with ambiguity, which is a must for natural languages, has a lexicon system and is quite fast. If you don't know what to think of it, think "yacc" (or "bison") without shift-reduce conflicts.
bfloop is an interpreter for the BLooP and FLooP programming languages described in the book Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. BLooP is a language that has only bounded loops, in other words before you enter a loop you have to give a fixed upper limit on the number of times to run the body, and you can’t change the limit while in the loop. It is impossible for a BLooP program to run forever; it always quits with an output in some finite time, an upper limit for which is predictable in advance. Functions that BLooP can compute are called primitive recursive functions, and it turns out that not all functions are primitive recursive. The FLooP language is the same as BLooP with the addition of an unbounded loop (MU-LOOP). FLooP can calculate anything your computer can calculate, but you cannot say in general whether a FLooP program will eventually terminate.
Binutils includes tools capable of creating and managing binary program files, including handling object files, libraries, profile data, and assembly source code. This is a GNU package.
BitPacket is a Python module to represent bit field structures in an easy object-oriented way. BitPacket provides three classes: BitField, BitStructure and BitVariableStructure which represent simple bit fields, and fixed and variable structures of bit fields respectively. BitStructure and BitVariableStructure are BitField themselves and all of them can be used together in order to build packets. That is, we can add any BitField subclass into a BitStructure or BitVariableStructure.
C to C++ converter
This packages is a set of Python scripts that perform each stage of code conversion from C to C++. First, header files are converted into classes and declarations become members. Then, references to variables and functions are transformed into references to attributes and methods of classes. Additional tools provided include a generator/updater of header files, and a trans-directory mover with update of include statements.
Composing and deciphering C (or C++) declarations or casts, aka ‘‘gibberish.’’
Cloudgizer is a tool for building web applications as Apache modules in C language enhanced with simple markup, with emphasis on performance, small-footprint, and more productive and safer programming in C. It combines the ease of scripting with the power of C, improving the resource utilization for cloud applications. The programmer writes simple markup language mixed with C code, which is then translated entirely into C code and compiled natively as Apache module. The resulting application is fast and takes less memory, as there are no interpreters or virtual machines. Features include easy markups to use MariaDB database, HTML input parameters, cookies, simpler outputting of web pages, files storage and manipulation, encryption, encoding, program execution, web calls, safer and easier string manipulation etc. - the list is too long to place in one sentence. Overall Cloudgizer does a lot of stuff for you that you'd otherwise need to do yourself. A memory garbage collection system and memory overwrite/underwrite detection comes in handy for program stability. The same goes for string and memory handling markups to help write applications that won't crash. Also included is an application packaging system and an automated application installer. This makes rollout of products and release cycle more manageable. Cloudgizer source files have extension .v. Cloudgizer pre-compiler (cld program) will turn your .v files into .c files, ready for compilation as pure C programs. Then, your program will be compiled and linked with Apache web server on RH/Centos systems. It links with Apache as an Apache module in a "prefork" configuration. It does the work of communicating with Apache, and it makes it easier to write high-performance/small-footprint web programs in C. Cloudgizer is not designed to be thread-safe as it works in a "prefork" configuration of Apache. You can also build command-line programs. The same program can serve as both command-line utility and a web program linked with Apache. Cloudgizer works with RedHat/Centos 7 operating system, Apache web server and mariaDB database.
'code2html' converts source code to syntax highlighted HTML. It may be called from the command line or as a CGI script. It can also handle include commands in HTML files. Currently supports: Ada 95, C, C++, diff files, gpasm, HTML, Java, JavaScript, Lisp, Makefile, Pascal, Perl, Python, shell, SQL, AWK, M4, and Groff.
Dia2Code is a small utility to make code from a Dia Diagram, and eases the programmer's work by generating the structure of the classes in an Object Oriented language (like C++ and Java) from a graphical representation of them (a la Dia Diagram).

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