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Broaden your selection: Category/Works-with

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images (206)

AKFAvatar is a fancy graphical user interface for applications, where an avatar appears on the screen and tells things to the user via a speech bubble. There can also be recorded audio files, so that the user even can hear what it is saying. It can be used for infotainment systems. With AKFAvatar you can easily write cross platform applications in Lua. Lua scripts don't even need to be compiled for the target platform. It has an interface for C programs. Furthermore there is a binding for Free Pascal.
APK Editor Studio
APK Editor Studio is an IDE-like software to explore and modify Android application packages (APK). It provides lots of modules for both simple editing and major reverse-engineering tasks.


  • Icon Editor
  • Title Editor
  • Image Editor
  • Code Editor
  • Android Explorer
  • Permission Editor
  • Manifest Editor
  • Resource Inspector
  • APK Signer
  • APK Optimizer
  • APK Installer
  • APK Cloner
will offer search and tools to reduce your data, keep it clean, fast and easy. in alpha development stage.
Actor platform
The Actor platform allows you to run a server for clients running the free software Actor messaging and group chat app on their computers and other devices. NB: Actor platform needs other modules in order to work, which is not covered by this entry.
Add custom search engine
Your custom search engine needs a name and search URL. Additionally fields include an icon, a suggestion URL, POST query parameters, the input encoding and a description. Icons can be selected from your local computer or specified as an URL pointing to an image. The extension UI is accessible via a button right next to the URL/search bar or the options in about:addons. Due to a technical limitation with Firefox WebExtensions, all data entered when creating your custom search engine is uploaded to
AMIDE: (Amide's a Medical Imaging Data Examiner) AMIDE is a tool for viewing and analyzing medical image data sets such as DICOM. It's capabilities include the simultaneous handling of multiple data sets imported from a variety of file formats, image fusion, 3D region of interest drawing and analysis, volume rendering, and rigid body alignments.
Aplakons allows you to build a sheets schema to organize activities to be followed by registered users. You can configure sets of sheets to customize each one’s activities to follow. You prepare a repository of sheets (as concrete activities), and after you order them in different arrays. The arrays can be assigned to users as activity plans. For example, a whole diet (array) based on cooking recipes (activities).
ArmorPaint provides easy texture painting by dragging & dropping 3D models and receiving instant visual feedback in the viewport while painting. As of 2021, ArmorPaint is still in development.


  • Node based
  • GPU accelerated
  • Ray tracing (in development)
  • Live link (in development)
  • Baking
  • Path traced viewport (in development)
  • Plugins
Whether you are a fan of science fiction, a space–science enthusiast, hobbyist, photographer, gamer or a patron of grass–roots libre arts and technology, you are sure to find the first successful images from the surface of Mars highly captivating. These mind blowing images were taken by NASA's Viking landers during the highly ambitious, billion–dollar mission first launched in 1975. However, many images were nearly lost to history due to magnetic tape deterioration and archaic proprietary technology. With NASA's blessing, our team developed the technology to recover many of these images. This research tool was part of the design phase of our parent project, Avaneya — our upcoming libre cerebral science fiction game for the GNU operating system set on Mars, described in the words of Richard Stallman as an exciting, pioneering project. Originally an internal research tool, overwhelming public interest compelled us to release the technology on this DVD for all. Now everyone can relive the original breathtaking experience that captured the world's attention and marked the first successful moment in history that humanity saw Mars — not as a distant, impersonal, celestial body, beheld through a telescope for centuries, but as a tangible and alien world well within its reach.
BRL-CAD includes an interactive geometry editor, parallel ray-tracing support for rendering and geometric analysis, path-tracing for realistic image synthesis, network distributed framebuffer support, image-processing and signal-processing tools.

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