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configuration reader and writer powered by Augeas

Config::Model::Backend::Augeas provides a way to load or store configuration data through Config::Augeas. This way, the structure and commments of the original configuration file are preserved.

With Config::Model::Backend::Augeas, Config::Model now provides a way to load and save data through RedHat's Augeas library.

Config::Model and Augeas are both configuration editing tool. Both parse configuration files in their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native config files.

Both Augeas and Config::Model rely on a tree to represent configuration data.

On one side, Augeas is able to load and write data while respecting the structure and comments of the original configuration file. But Augeas purpose is not to validate the semantic content of the configuration file.

On the other side, Config::Model is able to validate the semantic content of the configuration file, but it will discard all comments and will write back configuration data using a canonical order. Thus the comments and structure of the original configuration file is not preserved.

You can now have the best of both worlds by using the Augeas library to load and write data from Config::Model configuration tree. You can now instruct Config::Model to use Augeas backend in the autoread and autowrite feature. See Config::Model::Autoread for details.

Unfortunately, you must ensure that the tree representation specified in Config::Model and Augeas lens are quite close together: - Config::Model element names and Augeas lens names must be identical - Both structures must be very close. Each Config::Model node must have a corresponsing lens.

See Config::Model::Backend::Augeas documentation to use Augeas with your configuration model.

For more details on Config::Model see:

For more details on Augeas, see:





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20 March 2013


License: LGPL-2+

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of version 2 of the GNU Lesser Public License can be found in


Leaders and contributors

Dominique Dumont ( contact

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
Debian (Ref) (R)
Perl (Ref)

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"contact" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

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"Debian (Ref) (R)" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

Date 2013-03-20
Source Debian import
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