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Düsseldorf Advanced Material Simulation Kit

DAMASK is a unified multi-physics crystal plasticity simulation package. The solution of continuum mechanical boundary value problems requires a constitutive response that connects deformation and stress at each material point. This problem is solved in DAMASK on the basis of crystal plasticity using a variety of constitutive models and homogenization approaches. However, treating mechanics in isolation is no longer sufficient to study emergent advanced high-strength materials. In these materials, deformation happens interrelated with displacive phase transformation, significant heating, and potential damage evolution. Therefore, DAMASK is capable of handling multi-physics problems. Following a modular approach, additional field equations are solved in a fully coupled way using a staggered approach.



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Leaders and contributors

Martin Diehl developer

Resources and communication

Software prerequisites

Required to buildCMake
Required to useHDF5
Required to usePETSc


"developer" is not in the list (Maintainer, Contributor, Developer, Sponsor, Unknown) of allowed values for the "Role" property.

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