Free Software Directory:Buggy entries

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"Extension of", and "Inbuilt extension of" fields

Branding issues


Change "Firefox" to "IceCat" in entries if they are listed here.

 Extension of
I Am A RobotFirefox


Change "Thunderbird" to "Icedove" in entries if they are listed here.

Breaks policy for inclusion


We don't list Android (or Replicant) apps. -- Also, nearly all Firefox 57+ (and IceCat 60+ released soon) WebExtensions run on Firefox for Android 57+ (and IceCatMobile 60+ released soon) add-ons.

Remove "IceCatMobile" in entries if they are listed here.

Common typos

Iridium Browser

Change "Iridium" to "Iridium Browser" in entries if they are listed here.

 Extension of
ARChon Runtime for ChromeChromium

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