Free Software Directory:Features/Sample projects

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This is one of the proposed features to this site.

The Premise

The idea is to give a space to share projects that people have worked on to show how given programs can be used, with examples. It can also provide screen shots, explanatory text, embedded audio/video, howtos, sample scripts, and ways to combine different free programs for a given project. Sharing downloadable project files for reuse and re-hacking would be highly encouraged.


  • Make the template for the layout of this media.
  • Allow for tutorial links to other websites, in addition to, or in place of local tutorials
  • In the future, make one or more of these entries before a package is featured on the main page.
  • Give an icon in browsing mode if one of these entries is available for this program?
  • On the main page, list some of the tutorials in the margin, or somewhere convenient?
  • Consider using an advanced permissions system in the future to get fuller community involvement.

Developing the feature

Right now, no one is working on this. If you are interested in helping, get in touch with sudoman or jgay by leaving a message on our talk pages, or on IRC (

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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.