Free Software Directory:IRC bot
There is no mode to ban all bots. Ban exemption can be added with cmode +e. The #fsf ban list is currently empty, you can check it with /mode +b. See why Sopel is a good choice. --David Hedlund (talk) 14:19, 24 September 2021 (EDT)
The FSD administrator,
[Please specify the "signature" parameter. "signature=--~~~~" to produce a link to your admin profile.]
#fsf objectives
IRC Friday Meeting hourly reminders
Timings and messages
- Start meeting: The Free Software Directory meeting starts now.
- Second hour: We're are entering the second hour of the Free Software Directory meeting.
- Third hour: We're are entering the third hour of the Free Software Directory meeting.
- Stop meeting: The Free Software Directory meeting stops now.
Approved revisions
"I space out the approvals so the meeting has the illusion of being more active. :)" - Craig
(19:09:18) craigt: [APPROVED] <> [(removed duplicate "accepts crypto donations" entry)] (19:29:12) craigt: [APPROVED] <> [(removed duplicate "accepts crypto donations" entry)] (19:51:01) craigt: [APPROVED] <> [(removed duplicate "accepts crypto donations" entry)]
This can be done with a bot, example:
(19:09:18) fsfbot: [craigt APPROVED] <> [(removed duplicate "accepts crypto donations" entry)] (19:29:12) fsfbot: [craigt APPROVED] <> [(removed duplicate "accepts crypto donations" entry)] (19:51:01) fsfbot: [craigt APPROVED] <> [(removed duplicate "accepts crypto donations" entry)]
- "Constantly running seems a bit much, but having it running during the meeting would be welcome." - craig
- "Bash and python are equal to me for automation. Beautiful soup is probably the most full featured, but a chain of curl, awk, sed, and grep, can probably do it easily enough." - thomzane
Set up the bot
#fsf objectives
IRC Friday Meeting hourly reminders
Approved revisions
Eggdrop (replace with Sopel)
Set up the bot
##################################################################### Before you begin Register the nick fsfbot on before anyone else does it. # Make sure that the bot successfully registered in IRC: /nickserv info fsfbot ##################################################################### Background I could not find a eggdrop.conf file after `sudo apt install eggdrop` in Trisquel 8 even if the manual says that it should be distributed with it: man eggdrop: "Eggdrop needs a config file to run. For an example, have a look at eggdrop.conf which is distributed with Eggdrop." So instead I compiled eggdrop and generated the necessarily files including eggdrop.conf. The steps to use eggdrop provided in this document is intended as a complement to ##################################################################### Compiling Install package dependencies: tcl tcl-dev Download your desired version from, extract it, and place it where you want it to be, and cd into that directory. ./configure && make config && make # The default bot installation directory for `make install` is ~/eggdrop/ but you can customize it with `make install DEST=/home/name/botdir` make install ##################################################################### Configure the .conf file make install that we ran in the previous step said: "You MUST ensure that you edit/verify your configuration file. An example configuration file, eggdrop.conf, is distributed with Eggdrop." Visit the bot directory (~/eggdrop/ by default). ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Quick fix eggdrop_conf_file="fsfbot.conf"; eggdrop_nick="fsfbot"; eggdrop_real_name="FSFBot"; eggdrop_altnick="fsfbot2"; eggdrop_owner="David_Hedlund"; # Use the IRC nick will run the `/msg fsfbot hello` command eggdrop_port="6183"; eggdrop_server_1=""; eggdrop_server_1_password=""; cp -a eggdrop.conf $eggdrop_conf_file # Copy the default conf file (eggdrop.conf) to keep the original file to a new file. sed -i "s|^#set owner \"MrLame, MrsLame\"|set owner \"$eggdrop_owner\"|" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "$eggdrop_owner" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERRROR: set owner failed" sed -i "s|Lamestbot|$eggdrop_nick|g" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "$eggdrop_nick" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERROR: The nick failed to be replaced in multiple places" sed -i "s|LamestBot|$eggdrop_real_name|g" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "$eggdrop_real_name" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERROR: The real name was has not been replaced in multiple places" sed -i "s|global botnick|putserv \"privmsg nickserv :identify $eggdrop_server_1_password\"\n global botnick|" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "$eggdrop_server_1_password" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERROR: privmsg nickserv :identify failed" sed -i "s|^set altnick \"Llamab?t\"|set altnick \"$eggdrop_altnick\"|" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "$eggdrop_altnick" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERROR: set altnick failed" sed -i "s|^#listen 3333 all|listen $eggdrop_port all|" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "$eggdrop_port" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERROR: listen NUMBER failed" sed -i "s|^set servers {|set servers {\n $eggdrop_server_1|" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "$eggdrop_server_1" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERROR: set servers failed" # Delete examples sed -i '/' $eggdrop_conf_file sed -i '/' $eggdrop_conf_file sed -i '/2001:db8:618:5c0:263/d' $eggdrop_conf_file sed -i '/' $eggdrop_conf_file # When everything has been configured so you can terminate eggdrop from a DCC or Telnet, comment out the `die ` lines -- these are in fact the only lines that need to be changed to be able to run eggdrop, the rest is just configuration. sed -i "s|^die|#die|" $eggdrop_conf_file grep "^#die" $eggdrop_conf_file || echo "ERROR: Did not uncomment all die lines" echo "##################################################################### # Custom source " >> $eggdrop_conf_file echo "source scripts/fsf_channel.tcl" >> $eggdrop_conf_file ##################################################################### Starting Eggdrop First, put the fsf_channel.tcl script in ~/eggdrop/scripts/ ¤¤¤ If you would like to add other channel announcer in the future just do this (example with libreplanet): channel="libreplanet"; meeting_title="LibrePlanet"; cron_day="3"; eggdrop_conf_file="~/eggdrop/fsfbot.conf"; cd ~/eggdrop cd scripts cp -a fsf_channel.tcl "$channel"_channel.tcl sed -i " s|* * 5|* * $cron_day| s|#fsf|#$channel| s|fsf_channel|$channel"_channel"| s|Free Software Directory|$meeting_title| s||| " "$channel"_channel.tcl line="source scripts/libreplanet_channel.tcl" if ! grep -q "$line" $eggdrop_conf_file; then echo "$line" >> $eggdrop_conf_file && echo "$line" || echo "$line is in $eggdrop_conf_file"; fi ¤¤¤ # from `man eggdrop` for the -m option: "Create userfile. If you don't have a userfile, this will make Eggdrop create one and give owner status to the first person that introduces himself or herself to it. You'll need to do this when you first set up your bot." ./eggdrop -m fsfbot.conf [...] STARTING BOT IN USERFILE CREATION MODE. Telnet to the bot and enter 'NEW' as your nickname. OR go to IRC and type: /msg fsfbot hello This will make the bot recognize you as the the master. [...] * Log in to IRC (but not as fsfbot) with the same nick that you added to `set owner` in fsfbot.conf /msg fsfbot hello * It will say "(notice) As master you really need to set a password: with /MSG fsfbot pass <your-chosen-password>." Long passwords will be reduced to 15 characters, save the password from the output: `(notice) Password set to: '<your password>'.` /msg fsfbot pass <some new password> sudo apt-get install telnet # Use the port in the .conf file that you modified in `listen 3333 all`. Yo will be prompted to login: nick: <the nick you use used to `/msg fsfbot hello`> Password: <your password> telnet localhost 6183 # Join a channel. Adding chans in .conf file is deprecated .+chan #fsf .+chan #libreplanet # Evaluate the messages # .tcl fsf_channel__channel_message__start_meeting * * * * * # .tcl fsf_channel__channel_message__second_hour * * * * * # .tcl fsf_channel__channel_message__third_hour * * * * * # .tcl fsf_channel__channel_message__stop_meeting * * * * * # Initialize a cronjob to start when you for example reboot your server. ~/eggdrop/autobotchk fsfbot.conf -30 -noemail # "Use 'crontab -l' to view all your current crontab entries" crontab -l Final thoughts: Look into the fsfbot.conf file, there are so many options there. For example, you might want to use a DCC instead of Telnet, or configure some SSL options. The guy who helped me recommended these settings in the conf file but I was to overloaded to take notes of everything: set raw-log 1 set opchars "@&~" Useful links: ##################################################################### Useful commands make the bot send message: putserv "privmsg #fsf :whatever you want to say, goes here" # the proper say to shut down bot is with a command NOT kill <pid> .help die .die # to get a little report .status # Join a channel. Adding chans in .conf file is deprecated .+chan #whateverCHanNameHere # Diconnect from a channel .-chan #channelname # Send message in channel .say #somechannel text goes here # Switch channel .console #somechannel # same for when you want to unload a script. if you comment out a source line, or delete is, you need to .restart to effect the unload. # You need to restart if you modify the bind commands to .restart # to make bot read in changes... for new scripts, edited scripts, or edited eggdrop.conf. .rehash saves your bot leaving all the chans it is in, and having to rejoin .rehash # to list cron binds loaded in bot, right now .binds cron #### evaluate the commands in your script # List the procs .tcl info procs # Execute the procname .tcl <procname> .match *
#fsf objectives
IRC Friday Meeting hourly reminders
set fsf_channel__channel_name "#fsf" set fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message "If it is your first time joining us, please check out the participation guide:" bind cron - "0 12 * * 5" fsf_channel__channel_message__start_meeting bind cron - "0 13 * * 5" fsf_channel__channel_message__second_hour bind cron - "0 14 * * 5" fsf_channel__channel_message__third_hour bind cron - "0 15 * * 5" fsf_channel__channel_message__stop_meeting # Start meeting proc fsf_channel__channel_message__start_meeting {min hour day month weekday} { global fsf_channel__channel_name fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message putserv "privmsg $fsf_channel__channel_name :The Free Software Directory meeting starts now. $fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message" } # Second hour proc fsf_channel__channel_message__second_hour {min hour day month weekday} { global fsf_channel__channel_name fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message putserv "privmsg $fsf_channel__channel_name :We're are entering the second hour of the Free Software Directory meeting. $fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message" } # Third hour proc fsf_channel__channel_message__third_hour {min hour day month weekday} { global fsf_channel__channel_name fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message putserv "privmsg $fsf_channel__channel_name :We're are entering the third hour of the Free Software Directory meeting. $fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message" } # Stop meeting proc fsf_channel__channel_message__stop_meeting {min hour day month weekday} { global fsf_channel__channel_name fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message putserv "privmsg $fsf_channel__channel_name :The Free Software Directory meeting stops now. $fsf_channel__channel_message_repeat_message" }
Approved revisions
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