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gofoss.net is a beginners guide to free software, privacy, data ownership and durable tech. Learn how to: safely browse the Internet; keep your conversations private; protect your data; unlock your computer's full potential; stay mobile and free; own your cloud; avoid filter bubbles, surveillance & censorship.

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- Business:addressbooks
- Business:calendar
- Chat:instant-messaging
- Education:adult
- Education:online
- Education:programming
- Hobbies:home-automation
- Internet-application:mobile-phone
- Internet-application:privacy
- Internet-application:security
- Internet-application:server
- Internet-application:web-browser
- Internet-application:wiki
- Live-communications:chat
- Live-communications:microblogging
- Runs-on:GNU/Linux
- Runs-on:Windows
- Runs-on:BSD
- Runs-on:OS X
- Runs-on:Android
- Runs-on:GNU/Hurd
- Runs-on:iOS
- Security:encryption
- Security:firewall
- Security:internet
- System-administration:backup
- Text-creation:documentation-tool
- Use:education
- Use:email
- Use:security
- Use:storage
- Use:video
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Verified by
Georg Jerska
Verified on
19 January 2022
Leaders and contributors
Contact(s) | Role |
Georg Jerska (Gofoss) | Website owner |
Resources and communication
Audience | Resource type | URI |
FOSS enthusiasts | Homepage | https://gofoss.net |
Software prerequisites
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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.