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Atomic knowledge, all you wish, with a single data model -- record, manage and share -- fast, free and open.

Today: You can take notes with it. Rearrange them easily, up and down in a list, or up/down in the hierarchy. Link them to each other. Navigate across links with simple keypresses. Make deeply nested lists. Link lists to lists. Compose long paragraphs and attach them. Or do more complicated things if desired, by creating relationship types and using those. Import txt or export txt or html.

It's better than the alternatives for some people, because the navigation takes fewer keystrokes, you don't have to read a manual (it's all on the screen, or so I like to think), you can have the same thing in as many places as you want, it is Free (some alternatives are, others are not), and it has immense future potential for becoming a better-structured, much more powerful and flexible wikipedia-like tool, if we work together.

Vision: The idea is to have the most efficient personal knowledge organizer (now available in a usable text-based interface), then support mobile access, easy internal automation, and effective sharing and collaboration. Then, to combine efforts and learn as we go until we integrate humankind's knowledge over time. The key differentiators are that it is to be Free, and based on an object model (easily created on the fly as a side-effect of using the system), rather than on massive amounts of words. The knowledge is the same, even if the words can change.

One can think of that as "using building blocks of knowledge, starting at an atomic level (i.e. numbers, relationships...), free and efficient." Or, taking the best experiences of online organizer tools and wikis, but more structured, efficient, Free, open, and collaborative; and allowing full individual or organizational control.



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