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Showing 50 pages using this property.
Any::Template::ProcessDir is a module to recursively processes a directory of templates, generating a set of result files in the same directory or in a parallel directory. Each file in the source directory may be template-processed, copied, or ignored depending on its pathname.  +
URI::Escape is great, but URI::Escape::XS is faster. Any::URI::Escape loads URI::Escape::XS and imports the two most common methods if XS is installed.  +
AnyData provides simple and uniform access to data from many sources -- perl arrays, local files, remote files retrievable via http or ftp -- and in many formats including flat files (CSV, Fixed Length, Tab Delimited, etc), standard format files (Web Logs, Passwd files, etc.), structured files (XML, HTML Tables) and binary files with parseable headers (mp3s, jpgs, pngs, etc).  +
AnyEdit plugin adds several new tools to the context menu of text-based Eclipse editors, to output consoles, to Eclipse main menu and editor toolbar. AnyEdit contributes also Import/Export working sets wizards. AnyEdit can: * show the whitespace (tabs vs. spaces) in editors and may use custom project settings for tab <-> spaces auto-convert-on- save feature. * perform tabs <-> spaces convert on multiple files or entire directories and supports also file exclusion filter for tabs <-> spaces action. * automatically remove trailing whitespaces and/or perform tabs <-> spaces conversion on a "save" action in all text-based Eclipse editors. It can automatically create a new line at the end of the file if the last line was not terminated by new line. Also adds additional actions to menus and toolbars: * "Save All", "Open File" and "Show whitespace in editor" buttons to the global Eclipse toolbar. * "Open File", "Open Type" and "Save to file..." actions to supported output consoles and "Save to file..." toolbar button to the Console view. * four new context menu actions to "Compare With" and "Replace With" menus in both editors and files.  +
AnyEvent is not an event model itself, it only interfaces to whatever event model the main program happens to use, in a pragmatic way. For event models, the statement "there can only be one" is a bitter reality: In general, only one event loop can be active at the same time in a process. This module cannot change this, but it can hide the differences between them. The goal of AnyEvent is to offer module authors the ability to do event programming (waiting for I/O or timer events) without subscribing to a religion, a way of living, and most importantly: without forcing your module users into the same thing by forcing them to use the same event model you use.  +
AnyEvent::DBD::Pg can be used inside AnyEvent application to access PostgreSQL database in non-blocking mode.  +
The AnyEvent::HTTPD module provides a simple HTTPD for serving simple web application interfaces. It's completelly event based and independend from any event loop by using the AnyEvent module.  +
AnyEvent::XMPP is an implementation of XMPP in Perl, formerly know under the name Net::XMPP2, it allows you to easily write Clients and Components. In comparsion to Net::XMPP it offers a event based API and is independent of an event loop with AnyEvent. The following XEPs are implemented: * XEP-0004 - Data Forms * XEP-0030 - Service Discovery * XEP-0054 - vcard-temp (XMPP vCards) * XEP-0066 - Out of Band Data * XEP-0077 - In-Band Registration * XEP-0078 - Non-SASL Authentication * XEP-0082 - XMPP Date and Time Profiles * XEP-0086 - Error Condition Mappings * XEP-0091 - Delayed Delivery (legacy) * XEP-0092 - Software Version * XEP-0114 - Jabber Component Protocol * XEP-0153 - vCard-Based Avatars * XEP-0199 - XMPP Ping * XEP-0203 - Delayed Delivery (new)  +
AnyEvent::CacheDNS provides a very simple DNS resolver that caches its results and can improve the connection times to remote hosts. It's possible to register this class as AnyEvent's main DNS resolver by passing the tag :register in the use statement. This module is very basic and has no policies for clearing or invalidating the DNS cache.  +
AnyEvent::DBI is an AnyEvent extension, you need to make sure that you use and run a supported event loop. This module implements asynchronous DBI access by forking or executing separate "DBI-Server" processes and sending them requests. It means that you can run DBI requests in parallel to other tasks. The overhead for very simple statements ("select 0") is somewhere around 100% to 120% (dual/single core CPU) compared to an explicit prepare_cached/execute/fetchrow_arrayref/finish combination.  +
AnyEvent::Gearman is a module set of client/worker modules for Gearman for AnyEvent applications. It provides some shortcuts for AnyEvent::Gearman::Client and AnyEvent::Gearman::Worker. Please read these modules' documentation for more details.  +
AnyEvent::HTTP is an simple non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client implementation, which uses AnyEvent under the hood for asynchronous I/O. It supports GET, POST and other request methods, cookies and more. It is well suited to most HTTP tasks, while retaining fine-grained control over request and response headers to cater to more complex requirements.  +
AnyEvent::HTTP::ScopedClient is based on the Node.js Scoped-http- client. This module provides a simple wrapper around the AnyEvent::HTTP for using a easy event based HTTP client in Perl.  +
AnyEvent::I3 provides integration of the i3 IPC protocol into the AnyEvent framework. Use it to have an easy way of communicating with i3 using event-based (or blocking, if you like) programming.  +
AnyEvent::IRC is a Perl module that can be conceptualized as a toolbox for handling Internet Relay Chat (IRC) connections and communications. It won't do everything for you, and you still need to have a basic understanding of the internal protocol.  +
AnyEvent::Memcached provides a memcached client for Perl and AnyEvent.  +
AnyEvent::Redis is a non-blocking (event-driven) Redis client based on the AnyEvent event loop framework. Redis is a key-value database in a similar vein to memcache but the dataset is non-volatile. Redis additionally provides native support for atomically manipulating and querying data structures such as lists and sets.  +
Loads whichever is the fastest JSON module installed and provides a uniform API regardless of which JSON implementation is used. The exceptions will also be the same whichever JSON module is used. The ranking of the JSON implementations is based on a benchmark.  +
anymeal is a cookbook database front-end. It can handle more than 100,000 recipes, and can search recipes for a given set of ingredients. It is designed to be lean and flexible.  +
anyPaper is a front-end for wallpapersetter. it let you: Preview of selected image. Six modes of setting wallpaper (fullscreen, normal, tiled, adjusted, scaled and custom scale). User can select the background color, image position, wallpapersetter and screen size. Preview of background before setting no-set option for only handling images (command line).  +
Apache ActiveMQ is a message broker built around Java Message Service (JMS) API : allow sending messages between two or more clients in a loosely coupled, reliable, and asynchronous way. This message broker supports : * JMS 1.1 and J2EE 1.4 with support for transient, persistent, transactional and XA messaging * Spring Framework, CXF and Axis integration * pluggable transport protocols such as in-VM, TCP, SSL, NIO, UDP, multicast, JGroups and JXTA * persistence using JDBC along with journaling * OpenWire (cross language wire protocol) and Stomp (Streaming Text Orientated Messaging Protocol) protocols This package contains a server installation of ActiveMQ.  +
A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files as "Makefiles". This package contains the scripts and the core tasks libraries.  +
The Avalon framework consists of interfaces that define relationships between commonly used application components, best- of-practice pattern enforcement, and several lightweight convenience implementations of the generic components.  +
Apache AxKit is an XML Application Server for Apache. It provides on-the-fly conversion from XML to any format, such as HTML, WAP or text using either W3C standard techniques, or flexible custom code. AxKit also uses a built-in Perl interpreter to provide some amazingly powerful techniques for XML transformation.  +
Apache AXIS is an implementation of the SOAP ("Simple Object Access Protocol") submission to W3C. From the draft W3C specification: SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses. This project is a follow-on to the Apache SOAP project.  +
The Byte Code Engineering Library is intended to give users a convenient possibility to analyze, create, and manipulate (binary) Java class files (those ending with .class). Classes are represented by objects which contain all the symbolic information of the given class: methods, fields and byte code instructions, in particular. Such objects can be read from an existing file, be transformed by a program (e.g. a class loader at run-time) and dumped to a file again. An even more interesting application is the creation of classes from scratch at run-time. The Byte Code Engineering Library (BCEL) may be also useful if you want to learn about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the format of Java .class files.  +
The codec package contains simple encoder and decoders for various formats such as Base64 and Hexadecimal. In addition to these widely used encoders and decoders, the codec package also maintains a collection of phonetic encoding utilities. This is a part of the Apache Commons Project.  +
The Java Collections Framework was a major addition in JDK 1.2. It added many powerful data structures that accelerate development of most significant Java applications. Since that time it has become the recognised standard for collection handling in Java. Commons Collections seek to build upon the JDK classes by providing new interfaces, implementations and utilities. There are many features, including: * Bag interface for collections that have a number of copies of each object * BidiMap interface for maps that can be looked up from value to key as well and key to value * MapIterator interface to provide simple and quick iteration over maps * Transforming decorators that alter each object as it is added to the collection * Composite collections that make multiple collections look like one * Ordered maps and sets that retain the order elements are added in, including an LRU based map * Reference map that allows keys and/or values to be garbage collected under close control * Many comparator implementations * Many iterator implementations * Adapter classes from array and enumerations to collections * Utilities to test or create typical set-theory properties of collections such as union, intersection, and closure  +
The Apache Commons Compress library defines an API for working with ar, cpio, Unix dump, tar, zip, gzip, XZ, Pack200, bzip2, 7z, arj and lzma files.  +
Commons Configuration provides a generic configuration interface which enables an application to read configuration data from a variety of sources: *Properties files *XML documents *Windows INI files *Property list files (.plist) *JNDI *JDBC Datasource *System properties *Applet parameters *Servlet parameters Additional sources of configuration parameters can be created by using custom configuration objects.  +
The DBCP package provides database connection pooling services. The following features are supported * DataSource and Driver interfaces to the pool. * Support for arbitrary sources of the underlying Connections. * Integration with arbitrary org.apache.commons.pool.ObjectPool implementations. * Support for Connection validation, expiration, etc. * Support for PreparedStatement pooling. * XML configuration. This is a part of the Apache Commons Project.  +
This is the native application for launching Java applications implementing certain interfaces from the libcommons-daemon-java package as daemons.  +
Executing external processes from Java is a well-known problem area. It is inherently platform dependent and requires the developer to know and test for platform specific behaviors, for example using cmd.exe on Windows or limited buffer sizes causing deadlocks. The JRE support for this is very limited, albeit better with the new Java SE 1.5 ProcessBuilder class. Reliably executing external processes can also require knowledge of the environment variables before or after the command is executed. In J2SE 1.1-1.4 there is no support for this, since the method, System.getenv(), for retrieving environment variables is deprecated. There are currently several different libraries that for their own purposes have implemented frameworks around Runtime.exec() to handle the various issues outlined above. The commons-exec package aims at coordinating and learning from these initiatives to create and maintain a simple, reusable and well-tested package.  +
The Commons FileUpload package makes it easy to add robust, high- performance, file upload capability to your servlets and web applications. FileUpload parses HTTP requests which conform to RFC 1867, "Form- based File Upload in HTML". That is, if an HTTP request is submitted using the POST method, and with a content type of "multipart/form-data", then FileUpload can parse that request, and make the results available in a manner easily used by the caller.  +
JEXL is a library intended to facilitate the implementation of dynamic and scripting features in applications and frameworks written in Java. JEXL implements an Expression Language based on some extensions to the JSTL Expression Language supporting most of the constructs seen in shell-script or ECMAScript.  +
This library provides the Java developer the ability to manipulate javabeans with the XPath syntax. It also supports Java collections, objects with dynamic properties (like Map, ServletContext, etc) and mechanism for adding support for additional models. One of the most important feature of the component is the unification of reference syntax between DOM and Java.  +
The Lang Component contains a set of Java classes that provide helper methods for standard Java classes, especially those found in the java.lang package in the Sun JDK. The following classes are included: * StringUtils - Helper for java.lang.String. * CharSetUtils - Methods for dealing with CharSets, which are sets of characters such as [a-z] and [abcdez]. * RandomStringUtils - Helper for creating randomised Strings. * NumberUtils - Helper for java.lang.Number and its subclasses. * NumberRange - A range of numbers with an upper and lower bound. * ObjectUtils - Helper for java.lang.Object. * SerializationUtils - Helper for serializing Objects. * SystemUtils - Utility class defining the Java system properties. * NestedException package - A sub- package for the creation of nested exceptions. * Enum package - A sub-package for the creation of enumerated types. * Builder package - A sub-package for the creation of equals, hashCode, compareTo and toString methods.  +
Provides a simple, component oriented interface together with wrappers for several existing java logging systems. The user can choose at runtime which system he want to use for logging.  +
Pool provides an Object-pooling API, with three major aspects: 1. A generic object pool interface that clients and implementors can use to provide easily interchangeable pooling implementations. 2. A toolkit for creating modular object pools. 3. Several general purpose pool implementations.  +
Commons VFS provides a single API for accessing various different file systems. It presents a uniform view of the files from various different sources, such as the files on local disk, on an HTTP server, or inside a Zip archive. This is a part of the Apache Commons Project.  +
The Commons Validator is a basic validation framework that lets you define validation rules for a JavaBean in an xml file. Validation rules can be defined in an xml file which keeps them abstracted from JavaBean you are validating.  +
This package contains the Maven metadata shared between all components of the Apache Commons project.  +
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. CouchDB is written in Erlang, but can be easily accessed from any environment that provides means to make HTTP requests. There are a multitude of third-party client libraries that make this even easier for a variety of programming languages and environments.  +
The Felix project is an implementation of the OSGi R4.2 core framework specification. OSGi framework is a module system and service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model. This subproject provide implementation of repository containing "bundles".  +
Apache Felix Gogo is a subproject of Apache Felix implementing the OSGi RFC 147, which describes a standard shell for OSGi-based environments. Command bundle of Gogo subproject implements a set of basic commands.  +
Apache Felix Gogo is a subproject of Apache Felix implementing the OSGi RFC 147, which describes a standard shell for OSGi-based environments. Runtime bundle of Gogo subproject implements the core command processing functionality.  +
Apache Felix Gogo is a subproject of Apache Felix implementing the OSGi RFC 147, which describes a standard shell for OSGi-based environments. Shell bundle of Gogo subproject provides a simple textual user interface to interact with the command processor.  +
Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. This plugin allow you to handle artifact OSGi metadata of your artifact (JAR, WAR). It manage a new type of packaging "bundle" in your POM. This plugin depends on Felix Bundle Repository and BND for low- level handling of metadata.  +
The goal of the Apache Felix OSGi Bundle Repository (OBR) is two- fold: 1. To simplify deploying and using available bundles with Felix. 2. To encourage independent bundle development so that communities of interest can grow.  +
The Felix project is an implementation of the OSGi R4.2 core framework specification. OSGi framework is a module system and service platform for the Java programming language that implements a complete and dynamic component model. This subproject defines a shell service for creating and executing arbitrary commands into Apache Felix.  +

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