C library for querying RDF
Rasqal is a C library for RDF (Resource Description Framework) query syntaxes, query construction and query execution returning result bindings. It supports the query languages RDQL and SPARQL. 'Rasqual' provides APIs for creating a query and parsing query synta. It includes pluggable triple-store source and matching interfaces, an engine for executing the queries and an API for manipulating results as bindings. It uses the Raptor RDF parser to return triples from RDF content and can also work with the Redland RDF library's persistent triple stores.
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Leaders and contributors
Contact(s) | Role |
Dave Beckett | Maintainer |
Resources and communication
Audience | Resource type | URI |
Help | mailto:redland-announce@lists.librdf.org | |
Developer | mailto:redland-dev@lists.librdf.org | |
Developer | VCS Repository Webview | http://cvs.librdf.org/cvsweb/redland/librdf/ |
Software prerequisites
Kind | Description |
Weak prerequisite | bison |
Weak prerequisite | flex |
Weak prerequisite | automake |
Weak prerequisite | autoconf (all for building from CVS) |
Weak prerequisite | pcre |
Required to use | Raptor 1.3.0 or later |
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