- Runs-on:GNU/Linux
- Software-development:bug-tracking-system
- Software-development:compiler
- Software-development:database-application-development
- Software-development:debugging
- Software-development:game-development
- Software-development:model-checker
- Software-development:program-build-automation
- Software-development:program-editor
- Software-development:programming-language
- Software-development:programming-language-conversion
- Software-development:shell
- Software-development:small-specific-development-task
- Software-development:specification-tool
- Software-development:version-control
- Software-development:static-analysis
- Software-development:testing-qa
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21 October 2022
1 OPYING file for VirtualBox versions 7.0 and later versions that include this
2 file 3 4 Preliminary notes: 5 6 1) The majority of the code in the VirtualBox base package is licensed under 7 the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL). VirtualBox contains many 8 components developed by Oracle and various third parties. The license for 9 each component is located in the licensing documentation and/or in the 10 component's source code. 11 12 2) As an exception to the reciprocal license obligations of the GPL listed 13 below, you may use any VirtualBox header file that is marked by Oracle as 14 licensed under both the GPL and the Common Development and Distribution 15 License version 1.0 (CDDL) to invoke the unmodified VirtualBox libraries. In 16 other words, calling such a multi-licensed interface by dynamically linking 17 to the unmodified VirtualBox libraries is considered a normal use of 18 VirtualBox and does not turn the calling code into a derived work of 19 VirtualBox. In particular, this applies to code that wants to extend 20 VirtualBox by way of the Extension Pack mechanism declared in the ExtPack.h 21 header file. 22 23 3) Whoever creates or distributes a derived work based on VirtualBox is not 24 obligated to grant the above exceptions for such a version. The GPL permits 25 you to release a modified version without the above exception; in addition, 26 Oracle hereby also allows you to release a modified version which carries 27 forward these exceptions. 28
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