Perl module for writing XML documents
XML::Writer is a helper module for Perl programs that write an XML document. The module handles all escaping for attribute values and character data and constructs different types of markup, such as tags, comments, and processing instructions.
By default, the module performs several well-formedness checks to catch errors during output. This behaviour can be extremely useful during development and debugging, but it can be turned off for production-grade code.
The module can operate either in regular mode in or Namespace processing mode. In Namespace mode, the module will generate Namespace Declarations itself, and will perform additional checks on the output.
Additional support is available for a simplified data mode with no mixed content: newlines are automatically inserted around elements and elements can optionally be indented based as their nesting level.
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Debian: gregor herrmann <gregoa@debian.org>
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7 June 2014
License: other
other Redistribution and use in source and compiled forms, with or without modification, are permitted under any circumstances.
No warranty.
Leaders and contributors
Contact(s) | Role |
Joseph Walton | contact |
Resources and communication
Audience | Resource type | URI |
Perl (Ref) | https://metacpan.org/release/XML-Writer | |
Debian (Ref) (R) | https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libxml-writer-perl |
Software prerequisites
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