ALURE - AL Utilities REtooled

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Alure - al utilities retooled
AL Utilities REtooled (documentation)

ALURE is a utility library to help manage common tasks with OpenAL applications. This includes device enumeration and initialization, file loading, and streaming.

The purpose of this library is to provide pre-made functionality that would otherwise be repetitive or difficult to (re)code for various projects and platforms, such as loading a sound file into an OpenAL buffer and streaming an audio file through a buffer queue. Support for different formats is consistant across platforms, so no special checks are needed when loading files, and all formats are handled through the same API.

Currently ALURE includes a basic .wav and .aif file reader, and can leverage external libraries such as libSndFile (for extended wave formats and several others), VorbisFile (for Ogg Vorbis), and FLAC (for FLAC and Ogg FLAC), and others. External libraries can also be dynamically loaded at run-time, or individually disabled outright at compile time.

This package installs the ALURE documentation.




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Date 2013-03-20
Source Debian import
Source link


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