one software project administration tool for all environments
Anise helps you to implement a common mechanism for executing all automated tasks for all your software projects. The usage scenario is a developer (or a team) working on many different projects with different frameworks and different tools. Anise can streamline such a chaos of tools. Typical tasks you would add to an anise-aware project can be:
- generating documentation - creating packages - handling version information, e.g. print it in the manual - creating a homepage automatically built from the available
version information, the packages, the documentation and so on
- deploying this homepage to a web server - unit testing - ... or whatever your project needs
Anise provides a Python based infrastructure, while you will need to implement some parts in order to adapt the behavior to your project's needs. Anise contains some ready-to-use implementations for some tasks (like building binaries via qmake, debian and some other packages, svn interaction, doxygen, ...), so you can directly use it without non-trivial additional coding to do all kinds of stuff, including generating documentations, packages and a homepage. However, chances are good that you will have to help out with some own implementations.
Your part as a project developer is to create a *project description* file, which contains all project metadata and custom implementations of some tasks, and add this file to your project.
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Leaders and contributors
Contact(s) | Role |
Josef Hahn |
Resources and communication
Audience | Resource type | URI |
Ruby (Ref) | | |
Savannah (Ref) | |
Software prerequisites
Kind | Description |
Required to use | python |
{{{Prerequisite description}}} |
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