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Adds H.323 support for asterisk

'asterisk-oh323' adds H.323 support to the ASTERISK soft PBX by interfacing the OpenH323 library to ASTERISK through a loadable module. The package provides the channel driver as well as a wrapper in a shared library form. It can initiate and receive calls to and from H.323 endpoints, and has been successfully tested with the H.323 terminals (ohphone, openphone) on the OpenH323 site.



Verified by

Verified on


Verified by

Janet Casey

Verified on

20 February 2003

Leaders and contributors

Dimitris Economou Maintainer
Michael Manousos Maintainer

Resources and communication

AudienceResource typeURI
Debian (Ref)

Software prerequisites

Required to usePWLib
Required to useAsterisk
Required to buildAsterisk
Required to useOpenH323 library


"Debian (Ref)" is not in the list (General, Help, Bug Tracking, Support, Developer) of allowed values for the "Resource audience" property.

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