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Database load balancing class for PHP applications who need to deal with various MySQL servers. The class will properly detect write queries and will try the next available server(s) until running out of connections. Multi server connection handling in progress in order to allow running transactions in many servers at the same time.
ADOdb is a database abstraction library for PHP. The PHP version currently supports an amazing number of databases, thanks to the wonderful ADOdb community: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, Informix, Oracle, MS SQL, Foxpro, Access, ADO, Sybase, FrontBase, DB2, SAP DB, SQLite, Netezza, LDAP, and generic ODBC, ODBTP. The Sybase, Informix, FrontBase and PostgreSQL, Netezza, LDAP, ODBTP drivers are community contributions. Some reasons why ADOdb is popular include:
  • Designed for speed. It is probably the fastest free software database abstraction library available for PHP. See benchmarks.
  • Provides extensive portability support such as date and type-handling and portable schema creation. See portable sql tips
  • Support many enterprise features such as database backed sessions (with session expiry notification), SQL code generation, pivot tables, SELECT LIMIT emulation for all databases, performance monitoring.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Extensive QA, every release is unit-tested on Access, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL, Oracle 9.
  • Mature, continuously developed since August 2000. Has a large community of users.
  • Powerful Active Record support. See docs.
  • Very reasonable licensing terms (BSD). This means that you can incorporate (and even compile) it into your software applications royalty-free without asking the author's permission, provided you include license.txt in your release.
ADOdb Lite
A small, fast replacement for ADODB that uses 1/6th of the memory and upto 300% faster while being compatible with ADODB using a subset of the most often used ADODB commands.. Supports Frontbase, MaxDB, MiniSql, MSSQL, MySql, Postgres, SqLite and Sybase.
ADOdb for Python
ADOdb is a database abstraction library. ADOdb was originally developed for PHP, and ported to Python. The Python version implements a subset of the PHP version. You might ask why Python needs a database abstraction library when Python provides the official DB API. Unfortunately the DB API does not encapsulate differences in the database implementations. For example, to select a limited number of rows, say 10 rows, you would have to use very different SQL for different databases:
  • MS SQL select top 10 from table
  • MySQL and PostgreSQL select * from table limit 10
  • Oracle select * from (select * from table) where rownum <= 10
  • These differences are handled by ADOdb (using SelectLimit), but not by the Python DB API. Other important database differences transparently handled by ADOdb include date-formating, associative arrays (records as dictionaries) and LOB-handling.
Academic Teaching Planner
Academic Teaching Planner is a free software useful to plan university courses and various types of tests. It is designed as a personal tool beside management software used by academic institutions, and allows to: 1. manage and archive the documentation of each single course (objectives, bibliography, dates, information texts, lessons, files of all kinds, etc.) as well as the results of the tests, even the intermediate ones that are not always stored in management systems used by academic institutions; 2. manage the list of students who are enrolled in each individual course, easily retrieving their data from the management system in use at the academic institution, and their tests; 3. compare the distribution of bibliographic resources in the various lessons, made by the professor, with a reference model obtained by their homogeneous distribution throughout the course, to verify, also with the aid of diagrams, that the supposed planning is substantially realistic, that is, can be completed on schedule without omitting topics or lessons in excess. Academic Teaching Planner is a cross-platform software that runs natively on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS. It manages data with Sqlite, a well-known and reliable database, while saving attachments (i.e. files of any kind associated with the various sections of the software) in an external folder, in a transparent way for the user. Their number and size are limited only by the space available on the computer in use. Academic Teaching Planner has been written with Lazarus ( and uses the Sqlite database through the Zeos components (
In short, Aletheia is software for getting science published and into the hands of everyone, for free. It's a decentralised and distributed database used as a publishing platform for scientific research. So, Aletheia is software. But software without people is nothing. To comprehensively answer the question what is Aletheia, Aletheia is software surrounded by a community of people who want to change the world through open access to scientific knowledge. For a more in depth explanation, Aletheia is an Ethereum Blockchain application utilising IPFS for decentralised storage that anyone can upload documents to, download documents from, that also handles the academic peer review process. The application runs on individual PCs, all forming part of the IPFS database. This gives us an open source platform that cannot be bought out by the large publishers (and any derivitive works must also be open source) that should also be hard to take down due to the database being spread across the globe in multiple legal jurisdictions. Aletheia is designed to be a resilient platform run transparently by the community, not some black box corporation or editorial board, meaning all users can see the decisions Aletheia is making and have a stake in that decision making process if they so desire. By this nature, Aletheia is decentralised, it has no key person risk. Should the core group who invented Aletheia dissapear Aletheia won't cease to exist, it will continue to be run by the community. The community moderates content through various mechanisms (peer review, reputation scores etc.,) to ensure quality of content.
Apache CouchDB
Apache CouchDB is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API. Among other features, it provides robust, incremental replication with bi-directional conflict detection and resolution, and is queryable and indexable using a table-oriented view engine with JavaScript acting as the default view definition language. CouchDB is written in Erlang, but can be easily accessed from any environment that provides means to make HTTP requests. There are a multitude of third-party client libraries that make this even easier for a variety of programming languages and environments.
'Ara' is a command-line utility for querying the Debian package database. It has a query syntax allowing you to search for boolean combinations of regular expressions. It includes a simple syntax and line-editing. A graphical interface, xara, is also provided.
AutoCodeGenerator is a tool which is able to generate other programs that insert, delete, or update database records for a number of different database programs. Programs can be generated in Python, bash, ksh, Java, C, or other languages; the package also generates code for various database servers via a plain text file.
BasApp is a software for friendly creation of web applications, based on your own database structure. Once BasApp is installed in a webserver, the developer can do all the job with a web browser, same as final user.

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