Category/Mathematics/financial modeling

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financial modeling (6)

DataMelt (DMelt) is an environment for numeric computation, statistical analysis, data mining, and graphical data visualization on the Java platform. This Java multiplatform program is integrated with a number of scripting languages: Jython (Python), Groovy, JRuby, BeanShell. DMelt can be used to plot functions and data in 2D and 3D, perform statistical tests, data mining, numeric computations, function minimization, linear algebra, solving systems of linear and differential equations. Linear, non-linear and symbolic regression are also available. Neural networks and various data-manipulation methods are integrated using powerful Java API. Elements of symbolic computations using Octave/Matlab scripting are supported.
MathGene is a comprehensive JavaScript mathematics engine that delivers the ability to perform advanced numerical and symbolic mathematics processing of LaTeX expressions and send the output to pure HTML for rendering on a conventional web browser or via web server. MathGene has two modules: •mg_translate.js, which translates between LaTeX, HTML, and native MG format. •mg_calculate.js, which performs the calculations. mg_translate.js can be used without mg_calculate.js to perform mathematics rendering only. Both modules are required to perform calculations.
A web application to play, organize and share your music library.
These calculators are real-time multi-model option chain pricers with analytics and interactive controls. optionmatrix is the GTK+ graphical user interface version and optionmatrix_console is the Curses version. Both programs feature: greeks, decimal date to real-date translations, real-date to decimal date translations, real-time time bleeding, configurable option expiration date engines, calendars, strike control systems, tickers and over 171+ option models. optionmatrix also supports: spreads, bonds, term structures, cash flow editing, source code viewing and text exporting.
QChartist is a free charting software for making technical analysis on any data like Forex, Stocks. It is an open source technical analysis software. It provides a complete set of tools to perform technical analysis on charts and data. It helps to make forecasts mainly for markets but can also be used for weather or any quantifiable data. The program is flexible and its functionalities can be easily extended. You can draw geometrical shapes on your charts or plot programmable indicators from your data. It is also possible to filter or merge data. QChartist has useful features that you can only find in expensive professional softwares and it's free.
Shoali is server software designed to help people make money transactions (crowdlending) without peer intermediaries. It is built on Django framework. Features include:
  • Lending money to anyone you want and how you want, without intermediaries.
  • Borrowing money to anyone you want and how you want, without intermediaries.
  • Manage, in the virtual world, your money transparently.

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