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Free until version

According to a personal e-mail that I received from the author, the newer versions (e.g., 0.9.9-rc12) are not released as GPL anymore and source code is not available. (I have a binary version via a campus agreement.) - Akhuettel

From checking the website (2023 February 11), it's a commercial / proprietary software. Not free/open source. Binaries are paid too. Probably should be removed from this fsf directory. - Vic5

Free software can be commercial. I added a note that is the last free version. The page is still useful for pointing towards SciDAVis. Mmcmahon (talk) 15:48, 16 February 2023 (EST)

Fixed duplicate entries

There were duplicate entries for QtiPlot:

QtiPlot was automatically imported as a Debian package. According to, it is libre until version

I fixed the issue by deleting the entry linking to the proprietary version.

I couldn't find an appropriate homepage so I just used the Debian tarball link. I also couldn't find a good link for the source code until Please edit the entry if you find these links. Panos Alevropoulos (talk) 05:42, 12 February 2023 (EST)

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