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Internet Relay Chat (Instant Messaging)

I'm often available as kindling on (channels: #fsf and #fswdb) during weekly Free Software Directory meetings.
If I am not there it means I am busy or I have migraine, so please leave a message using MemoServ.

Recommended IRC clients in alternative to the web chats: Riece.

Different IRC networks have different policies and technologies:

Libera.Chat IRC network
Free Software Foundation channel: #fsf
Free Software Database channel: #fswdb
Sponsored global network.
HackInt IRC network
Free Software Database channel: #fswdb
High-security IRCv3 EU network.
Supports Tor/Matrix/DN42/Jabber/XMPP.

ApacheAlertRed.png You will need to register a distinct account for each network.

ApacheAlertRed.png Account and IP bans are not shared between IRC networks.

#fsf IRC etiquette

When joining #fsf you accept both its rules and the netiquette.
During weekly meetings it might happen that one or more users go off-topic. This is fine as long as the performance of the ongoing tasks to assist the Directory are not hindered. However I must underline that some topics may cause discomfort to your fellow users:

  • Religion → ##religion;
  • Politics → ##politics;
  • Sexuality and physicality;
  • Aliens and secret government plots;
  • Pseudo-science and weird uncanny stuff;
  • Vaccines and drugs;
  • Sponsoring closed-source software project. please use the dedicated thematic channels (##XXXX) if you need to talk extensively about those. Discussions about Stallman should be held with respect in ##RMS, as doing so in the official channels makes them unproductive.
I recommend avoid sending emojis and series of quick, consecutive messages, as some clients implement filters on reception (your interlocutors may not see exactly what you see).

#fswdb IRC etiquette

When joining #fswdb on Libera.Chat you must respect both the netiquette and the rules in the welcome message of the IRC channel.
When joining #fswdb on HackInt you must only respect the rules in the welcome message of the IRC channel.

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The copyright and license notices on this page only apply to the text on this page. Any software or copyright-licenses or other similar notices described in this text has its own copyright notice and license, which can usually be found in the distribution or license text itself.