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DataMelt false
DataMelt (DMelt) is an environment for numeric computation, statistical analysis, data mining, and graphical data visualization on the Java platform. This Java multiplatform program is integrated with a number of scripting languages: Jython (Python), Groovy, JRuby, BeanShell. DMelt can be used to plot functions and data in 2D and 3D, perform statistical tests, data mining, numeric computations, function minimization, linear algebra, solving systems of linear and differential equations. Linear, non-linear and symbolic regression are also available. Neural networks and various data-manipulation methods are integrated using powerful Java API. Elements of symbolic computations using Octave/Matlab scripting are supported.
DataStatix false
DataStatix is a free software for GNU/Linux and Windows useful to manage data of every kind (although it has been written to manage biomedical data), to create descriptive statistics and graphs and to export items easily to R environment or to other statistic softwares. In order to handle properly big amount of data and many concurrent users, DataStatix works with MySql database and it has been developed and tested with MySql community edition 5.5. Some features of the software are: users management (create, delete, modify password) within the software; different users levels of data access (administrator, default, read only); user defined templates (models) of data, to create new databases easily; importation and esportation of data in CSV format (used also by Calc and Excel); updating of existing data from a CSV file created with DataStatix; descriptive statistics from every data (some more kind of statistics to come); graphs from every data.
Datamash true
Datamash is a command-line program which performs basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. Datamash is designed to be portable and reliable, and aid researchers to easily automate analysis pipelines, without writing code or even short scripts.
Dezyne false
The Dezyne language has formal semantics expressed in mCRL2 developed at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TUE). Dezyne requires that every model is finite, deterministic and free of deadlocks, livelocks, and contract violations. This achieved by means of the language itself as well as by builtin verification through model checking. This allows the construction of complex systems by assembling independently verified components.
Dinrhiw2 false
Primary aim of the dinrhiw is to be linear algebra library and machine learning library. For this reason dinrhiw implements PCA and neural network codes. Currently, the neural network code only supports:
  • hamiltonian monte carlo sampling (HMC) and simple bayesian neural network
  • second order L-BFGS search
  • gradient descent (backpropagation)
As well as mathematical routines for arbitrary precision mathematics, hermite curve interpolation and many other things.
Dr-geo true
Dr. Geo, design & manipulate interactive geometric sketches with constraints. Dr. Geo aim is to be an open, easy to study, modify and extend interactive geometry software. It is distributed with its source code you can modify while using it. Ten years old kids use Dr. Geo to explore Euclidean geometric sketch, agile kids extend and program it with its embedded dynamic Smalltalk language and user interface.
Easyval false
'Easyval' is a basic implementation of interval arithmetic that uses hardware doubles as interval bounds. The first goal of this library is to respect the interval arithmetic containment criterium.
Emgr false
Empirical gramians can be computed for linear and nonlinear control systems for purposes of model order reduction, uncertainty quantification or system identification. Model reduction using empirical gramians can be applied to the state space, the parameter space of dynamical systems and control systems. The emgr framework is a compact open source toolbox for (empirical) gramian-based model reduction and compatible with OCTAVE and MATLAB.
Euler false
This the GTK port of Euler, a program for quicky and interactvely computing with real and complex numbers and matrices. It features advanced graphical capabilities and a simple programming language. It is often used for tasks such as inspecting and discussing functions of one real or complex variable, viewing surfaces in parameter representation, linear algebra and eigenvalue computation, testing numerical algorithms, solving differential equations numerically, computing polynomials, studying interval arithmetic, or examining and generating sound files.
FractGen false
FractGen is a simple Qt-based fractal generator program for Mandelbrot fractals. The image size is only limited by virtual memory. It is possible to zoom into images. Image parameters can be saved in XML files and loaded from XML files. Calculated images can be exported as PNG files. The intention of this program is to generate graphics to be post-processed by other image tools, e.g. in order to generate nice screen backgrounds or book covers.
FroZenLight false
FroZenLight connects simple line art and mathematics. The source of light can be positioned so that either symmetric reflection patterns or secret messages (Cryptography) are created. Dozens of example light patterns and some math exercises are provided.
FunkyPlot false
FunkyPlot is an interactive plotting tool for mathematical functions, designed for pupils and students.
GAP false
Warning: this entry need a more profound looking into all directories and sub-directories the project is very big it could take some time. GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computat ional Group Theory. GAP provides a programming language, a library of thousands of functions implementing algebraic algorithms written in the GAP language as well as large data libraries of algebraic objects. GAP is used in research and teaching for studying groups and their representations, rings, vector spaces, algebras, combinatorial structures, and more. The system, including source, is distributed freely. You can study and easily modify or extend it for your special use.
GNU SETL false
GNU SETL is a modest extension and implementation of SETL, the World's Most Wonderful Programming Language.
GNumExp false
'gNumExp' is a GUI frontend to NumExp, a math-oriented programming language. It provides a graphic console with integrated help system, and a powerful function plotter.
GTybalt false
gTybalt is an object-oriented program that allows symbolic calculations within C++. Solutions developed with gTybalt can be compiled with a C++ compiler and executed independently of gTybalt; this is particular important for computer-extensive problems. 'gTybalt' can interpret C++ and execute C++ scripts. Solutions can be developed quickly for small-scale problems, either interactively or through scripts, and once debugged, the solutions can be compiled and scaled up to large-scale problems. Mathematical formulae are visualized using TeX fonts and converted to LaTeX on a WYSIWYG basis.
Genius false
'Genius' is an arbitrary precision integer and multiple precision floating point calculator. It can deal with rational numbers and complex numbers. It has matrix support as well. It uses the gmp library so it is very fast for calculations of large numbers. It has a command line and a GNOME interface.
GiNaC false
GiNaC is an acronym for GiNaC Is Not A CAS, where CAS stands for Computer Algebra System. It lets the user create integrated systems that embed symbolic manipulations together with more established areas of computers sciences under one roof. It has been specifically developed to become a replacement engine for xloops. However, it is not restricted to high energy physics applications. Its design is revolutionary in that contrary to other CAS it does not try to provide extensive algebraic capabilities and a simple programming language but instead accepts a given language (C++) and extends it by a set of algebraic capabilities.
Giac false
Giac/Xcas is a free computer algebra system. It has a compatibility mode for maple, mupad and the TI89. It is available as a standalone program (graphic or text interfaces) or as a C++ library.
Glpk false
GLPK is a C library for solving large-scale linear programming (LP), mixed integer programming (MIP), and other related problems. It supports the GNU MathProg modeling language, a subset of the AMPL language, and features a translator for the language. In addition to the C library, a stand-alone LP/MIP solver is included in the package. This is a GNU package.
Gmp true
GMP is a library for arbitrary precision arithmetic, operating on signed integers, rational numbers and floating point numbers. The precision is only limited by the available memory. The library is highly optimized, with a design focus on execution speed. It is aimed at use in, for example, cryptography and computational algebra.
Gnuplot false
Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility. It was originally created to allow scientists and students to visualize mathematical functions and data interactively, but has grown to support many non-interactive uses such as web scripting. It is also used as a plotting engine by third-party applications like GNU Octave. Gnuplot has been supported and under active development since 1986.
Gravit Sandbox false
Gravit is a gravity sandbox made with python and pygame. It is composed of a launcher and a simulator.
Gretl true
Gretl, an acronym for Gnu Regression Econometrics and Time-series Library, is a package for performing statistical computations for econometrics. It consists of both a command-line client and a graphical client. It features a variety of estimators such as least-squares and maximum likelihood; several time series methods such as ARIMA and GARCH; limited dependent variables such as logit, probit and tobit; and a powerful scripting language. It can output models as LaTeX files. It also may be linked to GNU R and GNU Octave for further data analysis.
Gsegrafix true
GSEGrafix is an application which produces high-quality graphical plots for science and engineering. Plots are specified via simple ASCII parameter files and data files and are presented in an anti-aliased GNOME canvas. The program supports rectangular two-dimensional plots, histograms, polar-axis plots and three-dimensional plots. Plots can be printed or saved to BMP, JPEG or PNG image formats. GSEGrafix can also be run both from a command prompt and from Octave.
Gsl true
The GNU Scientific Library is a library for numerical analysis in C and C++. It includes a wide range of mathematical routines, with over 1000 functions in total. Subject areas covered by the library include: differential equations, linear algebra, Fast Fourier Transforms and random numbers.
Guile-cv true, false

Image Processing and Analysis in Guile
a Computer Vision functional programming library
Guile-CV is based on Vigra (Vision with Generic Algorithms), enhanced with additional algorithms (Image Textures, Delineate, Reconstruction and many more), all accessible through a nice, clean and easy to use high level API.
Guile-CV is natively multi-threaded, and takes advantage of multiple cores, using high-level and fine grained application-level parallelism constructs available in Guile, based on its support to POSIX threads.
Programs for Information Topology Data Analysis Information Topology is a program written in Python (compatible with Python 3.4.x), with a graphic interface built using TKinter [1], plots drawn using Matplotlib [2], calculations made using NumPy [3], and scaffold representations drawn using NetworkX [4]. It computes all the results on information presented in the study [5], that is all the usual information functions: entropy, joint entropy between k random variables (Hk), mutual informations between k random variables (Ik), conditional entropies and mutual informations and provides their cohomological (and homotopy) visualisation in the form of information landscapes and information paths together with an approximation of the minimum information energy complex [5]. It is applicable on any set of empirical data that is data with several trials-repetitions-essays (parameter m), and also allows to compute the undersampling regime, the degree k above which the sample size m is to small to provide good estimations of the information functions [5]. The computational exploration is restricted to the simplicial sublattice of random variable (all the subsets of k=n random variables) and has hence a complexity in O(2^n). In this simplicial setting we can exhaustively estimate information functions on the simplicial information structure, that is joint-entropy Hk and mutual-informations Ik at all degrees k=<n and for every k-tuple, with a standard commercial personal computer (a laptop with processor Intel Core i7-4910MQ CPU @ 2.90GHz * 8) up to k=n=21 in reasonable time (about 3 hours). Using the expression of joint-entropy and the probability obtained using equation and marginalization [5], it is possible to compute the joint-entropy and marginal entropy of all the variables. The alternated expression of n-mutual information given by equation then allows a direct evaluation of all of these quantities. The definitions, formulas and theorems are sufficient to obtain the algorithm [5]. We will further develop a refined interface (help welcome) but for the moment it works like this, and requires minimum Python use knowledge. Please contact pierre.baudot [at] for questions, request, developments (etc.): [1] J.W. Shipman. Tkinter reference: a gui for python. . New Mexico Tech Computer Center, Socorro, New Mexico, 2010. [2] J.D. Hunter. Matplotlib: a 2d graphics environment. Comput. Sci. Eng., 9:22–30, 2007. [3] S. Van Der Walt, C. Colbert, and G. Varoquaux. The numpy array: a structure for efficient numerical computation. Comput. Sci. Eng., 13:22– 30, 2011. [4] A.A. Hagberg, D.A. Schult, and P.J. Swart. Exploring network structure, dynamics, and function using networkx. Proceedings of the 7th Python in Science Conference (SciPy2008). Gel Varoquaux, Travis Vaught, and Jarrod Millman (Eds), (Pasadena, CA USA), pages 11–15, 2008. [5] M. Tapia, P. Baudot, M. Dufour, C. Formisano-Tréziny, S. Temporal, M. Lasserre, J. Gabert, K. Kobayashi, JM. Goaillard . Information topology of gene expression profile in dopaminergic neurons doi:
IT++ false
IT++ is a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing, speech processing, and communications classes and functions. It is being developed by researchers in these areas and is widely used by researchers, both in the communications industry and universities. Since 2004, IT++ is also being developed as a part of the European Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications (NEWCOM). The kernel of the IT++ library are templated vector and matrix classes, and lots of functions for vectors and matrices. Such a kernel makes IT++ library similar to Matlab. IT++ makes an extensive use of existing free software libraries (but not only) for increased functionality, speed and accuracy. In particular BLAS, CBLAS, LAPACK and FFTW libraries might be used. Instead of NetLib's reference BLAS and LAPACK, some optimized platform-specific libraries can be used as well, i.e.:
  • ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) - includes optimised BLAS, CBLAS and a limited set of LAPACK routines
  • MKL (Intel Math Kernel Library) - includes all required BLAS, CBLAS, LAPACK and FFT routines (FFTW not required)
  • ACML (AMD Core Math Library) - includes BLAS, LAPACK and FFT routines (FFTW not required)
It is possible to compile and use IT++ without any of the above listed libraries, but the functionality will be reduced. The IT++ library originates from the former department of Information Theory at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Because the library is coded in C++, the name IT++ seemed like a good idea at the time. While departments come and go, IT++ have developed a life of its' own and is now released under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) for you to enjoy. IT++ should work on GNU/Linux, Sun Solaris, Microsoft Windows (with Cygwin, MinGW/MSYS, or Microsoft Visual C++ .NET) and Mac OS X operating systems.
Interval RPN Calculator false
This terminal app runs on PCs or laptops running Windows, OSX or GNU/Linux. It attempts to mimic the functionality of an HP ReversePolishNotation [RPN] calculator with the added enhancement of interval output. So along with your answer, you get a good idea of its trustworthiness.
Isabelle false
Isabelle is a generic proof assistant. It allows mathematical formulas to be expressed in a formal language and provides tools for proving those formulas in a logical calculus. The main application is the formalization of mathematical proofs and in particular formal verification, which includes proving the correctness of computer hardware or software and proving properties of computer languages and protocols.
Jacal true
JACAL is an interactive symbolic math program that can manipulate and simplify equations, scalars, vectors, and matrices of single and multiple valued algebraic expressions containing numbers, variables, radicals, and algebraic differential, and holonomic functions.
Jackrabbit Relay false
Jackrabbit Relay is a framework to manage trading signal alerts in JSON format from TradingView or similiar software to place trades on an exchange or broker.
KNIME false
KNIME [naim] is a user-friendly graphical workbench for the entire analysis process: data access, data transformation, initial investigation, powerful predictive analytics, visualisation and reporting. The open integration platform provides over 1000 modules (nodes), including those of the KNIME community and its extensive partner network.
KSEG false
KSEG is a GNU/Linux program for exploring Euclidean geometry. You create a construction, such as a triangle with a circumcenter, and as you drag verteces of the triangle, the circumcenter moves in real time. Other features include:
  • Fast core which supports large constructions
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Construction of points, segments, rays, lines, circles, and arcs
  • Make measurements
  • Transformations (rotation, translation, scaling, reflection)
  • Construction of adaptively sampled loci for better quality and speed
  • Reverse dragging
  • Infinite undo/redo
  • Ability to easily redefine points to "edit" drawings
  • Editable scripting/macro with support for recursion
  • Pretty formulas for calculations-with libkformula
  • Small files
  • Quick play--one step to play any construction from a directory
  • Calculation based transformations
  • Improved selection-to-given matching in constructions
Kiss FFT false
Kiss FFT is a small and simple FFT library. It has no complicated platform-specific optimizations, can do either fixed or floating point with just a recompile, and is efficient enough for all but the most demanding applications.
Kmplot false
kmplot is a mathematical function plotter for the KDE desktop. A powerful parser is included. You can plot different functions simultaneously and combine their function terms to build new functions. kmplot supports functions with parameters and functions in polar coordinates. Several grid modes are possible. Plots may be printed with high precision in correct scale.
Kpl false
Kpl is a program for two- and three-dimensional graphical presentation of data sets and functions. It performs multidimensional nonlinear parameter fits of functions to data sets using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm; general linear least square parameter fits are also possible. Other applications and scripts can control Kpl through a D-BUS interface. All presentation settings may be saved in plot files. Both plot and data files may be chosen by command line parameters, through the File menu, or by drag and drop. The program supports automatic scaling and normalization as well as automatic parameter fits. Presentation settings can be changed using the Edit menu. Additional data sets and functions can be displayed in the either the same or a different data window.
L2P false
'L2P' creates PNG images from LaTeX math expressions. It can work with either a fragment of LaTeX code (such as $\frac{x^2+1}{3-x}$) or with a full LaTeX document. It is designed to be fast, robust, and to offer the user a high degree of flexibility and control. It includes complete documentation.
LAPACK false
LAPACK is written in Fortran77 and provides routines for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, least-squares solutions of linear systems of equations, eigenvalue problems, and singular value problems. The associated matrix factorizations (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD, Schur, generalized Schur) are also provided, as are related computations such as reordering of the Schur factorizations and estimating condition numbers. Dense and banded matrices are handled, but not general sparse matrices. In all areas, similar functionality is provided for real and complex matrices, in both single and double precision.
Lcn2-calc false
calc is an arbitrary precision arithmetic system that uses a C-like language. It's useful as a calculator, an algorithm prototype, and as a mathematical research tool. More importantly, calc provides a machine-independent means of computation. Its features include:
  • Arbitrary precision integers and floating-point, fractions and complex values
  • Logarithm, numeric, trig, hyperbolic functions
  • C-like syntax
  • calc shell scripts, resource files, linkable program library
  • User defined finctions and function loading
  • Over 283 built-in functions plus hooks for built-in custom extensions
  • Arrays, lists, dynamic strings, matrices, associate arrays, objects
  • Numeric, relational, boolean and variable access operators
  • Extensive string and binary block memory builtin functions
  • Matrix inversion, determinant, and other matrix operations
  • Fast and cryptographic pseudo-random numbers, cryptographic hashes
  • Factoring, primality tests, pi(x), multiplicative inverse, modular exp
  • Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, Catalan numbers
  • Uses REDC, splint-point and other high speed multi-precision algorithms
  • Extensive regression test suite
  • Resource functions: large prime tests, factoring, quaternions, etc.
  • File I/O, multi-precision printf and scanf, stdio-like functions
  • GNU Readline, user & system startup scripts, Emacs-style line editing
  • Online help
Libmatheval true
GNU libmatheval is a library that makes it possible to calculate mathematical expressions for given variable values and to calculate expression's derivative with respect to a given variable. The library supports arbitrary variable names in expressions, decimal constants, basic unary and binary operators and elementary mathematical functions. The library is stable and available for general use.
LibreOffice false
LibreOffice is a comprehensive office suite. It contains a number of components: Writer, a word processor; Calc, a spreadsheet application; Impress, a presentation engine; Draw, a drawing and flowcharting application; Base, a database and database frontend; Math for editing mathematics. There are also a good and growing number of free software extensions and templates available. LibreOffice is a fork of, which is now called Apache OpenOffice. Because Apache OpenOffice hosts and recommends using proprietary extensions, we do not recommend using it.
Librsb false
librsb is a library for sparse matrix computations featuring the Recursive Sparse Blocks (RSB) matrix format. This format allows cache efficient and multi-threaded (that is, shared memory parallel) operations on large sparse matrices. The most common operations necessary to iterative solvers are available, e.g.: matrix-vector multiplication, triangular solution, rows/columns scaling, diagonal extraction / setting, blocks extraction, norm computation, formats conversion. The RSB format is especially well suited for symmetric and transposed multiplication variants. On these variants, librsb has been found to be faster than Intel MKL's implementation for CSR. Most numerical kernels code is auto generated, and the supported numerical types can be chosen by the user at build time. librsb implements the Sparse BLAS standard, as specified in the BLAS Forum documents.
MCS Libre (Monte-Carlo simulation) false
MCS-libre is a free utility for Monte-Carlo simulation. It is a library of header files that can easily be inserted into a C++ program. A C++ compiler is required. This author recommends using the GNU compiler g++.
MLPACK false
MLPACK is a C++ machine learning library with emphasis on scalability, speed, and ease-of-use. Its aim is to make machine learning possible for novice users by means of a simple, consistent API, while simultaneously exploiting C++ language features to provide maximum performance and flexibility for expert users. MLPACK contains the following algorithms: Collaborative Filtering, Density Estimation Trees, Euclidean Minimum Spanning Trees, Fast Exact Max-Kernel Search (FastMKS), Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA), K-Means Clustering, Least-Angle Regression (LARS/LASSO), Local Coordinate Coding, Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH), Logistic regression, Naive Bayes Classifier, Neighbourhood Components Analysis (NCA), Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Independent component analysis (ICA), Rank-Approximate Nearest Neighbor (RANN), Simple Least-Squares Linear Regression (and Ridge Regression), Sparse Coding, Tree-based Neighbor Search (all-k-nearest-neighbors, all-k-furthest-neighbors), Tree-based Range Search.
MPK false
MathParseKit is a C++ Library that allows an easy integration of a mathematical functions interpreter.
MUNTL false
'MUNTL' is a multiprecision unsigned number template library. It is intended for the organization of calculations with the big precision for unsigned numbers, ie cases where there are unsigned numbers whose length exceeds the ability of a current platform to handle them. These cases include storage of big numbers (ie factorials) and the operations associated with them, emulation of registers of large length, and indications of errors in position code.
Macaulay 2 false
Macaulay 2 is a software system devoted to supporting research in algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. is available now in source code for porting, and in compiled form for GNU/Linux, SunOS, Solaris, and a few other unix machines.
Mandelbulber false
Mandelbulber is an experimental application that helps to make rendering 3D Mandelbrot fractals much more accessible. A few of the supported 3D fractals: Mandelbulb, Mandelbox, BulbBox, JuliaBulb, Menger Sponge, Quaternion, Trigonometric, Hypercomplex, and Iterated Function Systems. All of these can be combined into infinite variations with the ability to hybridize different formulas together.

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